Watch what happens when two guys, one dressed as an American tourist and another dressed as an Arab, use video cameras to film landmarks in Australia.

  1. SN says:

    Hilarious stuff! I actually laughed out loud.

  2. John Paradox says:

    C’mon, we all know that Americans drive trucks full of fertilizer and diesel oil up to destroy things (OK City) and never pre-plan.



  3. Ben says:

    For those interested, this is from an Aussy TV show called “The Chaser’s War on Everything”. More clips and a vodcast of the show can be found on their website.

  4. Skippy says:

    Hilarious… a pity however. Its entirely unlikely that a Terrorist would dress as such.

    They might’ve been giving him a hard time for his clothing, or they might’ve just been boneheads.

    Yeah, I’d go for the latter option too.

  5. Stephen Blois says:

    Nobody takes the piss like the Aussies. They have a knack for exposing all kinds of stupidity. Love ’em!

  6. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    The police and security guards should have shot first and asked questions later.

  7. Rich says:

    Anyone wearing Arab garb always gets a second look. I’ve been trained that way by the terrorists. To hell with political correctness- survival is what counts.

  8. soundwash says:

    great stuff, had me laughing. -i’m with #7 on this..

    nice to see people can still laugh about this stuff. -sadly, seems we here in the USA have lost out sense of humour.

    now, they’d probably get fired if that was aired/based over here. no doubt *someone would get fired


  9. soundwash says:

    great stuff, had me laughing. -i’m with #7 on this..

    nice to see people can still laugh about this stuff. -sadly, seems we here in the USA have lost out sense of humour.

    now, they’d probably get fired if that was aired/based over here..


  10. Hugh Bastard says:

    Its confirmation that the Australian government is not really serious about counter-terrorism and has been replaced with boneheaded racism devoid of any security value.


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