If all we could say about the neocons was that their failed ideology was being swept up into the dustbin of history, oblivion would be punishment enough. But as the body count in Iraq continues to rise along with the national debt and other problems they’ve caused continue to fester because their con-mander in chief is still in charge, they deserve the punishments they’re getting.

Sidelined by reality

THE American legal system has rediscovered the virtue of one of the most ancient forms of punishment—public humiliation. Prostitutes’ “Johns” can now have their names aired on television. Mail thieves can find themselves wearing a sandwichboard giving full details of their crime. And people who deface Nativity scenes can end up parading through town accompanied by a donkey.

And neoconservatives? These too, it seems, are now being subjected to a grand exercise in public humiliation. Paul Wolfowitz is hanging on to his job at the World Bank by his fingernails (see article). Lewis “Scooter” Libby, a Wolfowitz protégé, is facing prison; Douglas Feith, who worked with Mr Wolfowitz at the Pentagon, is an “untouchable” who is floating around the margins of academia.

As for their patrons, Donald Rumsfeld, Mr Wolfowitz’s patron, was sacked from the Pentagon amid accusations that he had lost the Republicans their majority. Dick Cheney is so unpopular that he has provoked protests even at Brigham Young University, a Mormon redoubt which is as conservative as they come. Conrad Black, one of the movement’s most generous sugar daddies, is on trial for fraud. It seems that those whom the gods wish to punish they first make neocons.

One of their own, one Mr. Rove, had a little run-in with Sheryl Crow, of all people. When the ship’s going down I guess you have to expect those clinging to the sides to be a little testy at times.

  1. Noam Sane says:

    I’m not sorry to see this, but to assume the neocons are down, out, and gone forever is wrong. Stay alert.

    As for the Cheryl Crow deal, she’s an idiot. Karl Rove doesn’t set environmental policy, he’s in charge of political hatchet jobs. There are ways for the public to influence policy, and harassing Karl Rove at a dinner isn’t the way to do it; anyone with an ounce of sense would realize this.

    Her music sucks too. She should write jingles for a living; everything she does ends up in a commercial anyway. Total hack.

  2. Frank IBC says:

    Cheryl Crowe is totally clueless. She thinks that you can end “global warming” by using less toilet paper.

  3. Thomas says:

    Perhaps I’m missing something. Can someone concisely, without the use of individuals as analogies, explain the “neoconservative” agenda?

  4. Rob says:

    #3, best way to get an idea of how Neocons view the world is to visit one of their websites:


    Bring your barf bag.

  5. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #1 – Noam Sane,

    I’m with you on the stay alert sentiment. Fanatics don’t just give up.

  6. John Ehrlichman says:

    Someone said the neocons are so far to the left that the only seem like they’re on the right.

  7. James Hill says:

    Funny how the left won an election and still can’t get shit done, so they have to continue to pump bullshit like this.

    The same trick that worked in ’06 won’t work in ’08, libs.

  8. Angel H. Wong says:

    “When the ship’s going down I guess you have to expect those clinging to the sides to be a little testy at times.”

    You forgot that when the ship is sinking the rats leave first.

  9. Greg Allen says:

    #8 >>Funny how the left won an election and still can’t get shit done, so they have to continue to pump bullshit like this.

    I think historians will consider this last election the beginning of the end of America’s failed experiment with conservatism.

    The next election will mark the beginning of another 40 years of enlightened liberalism and a return to traditional American values.

  10. mxpwr03 says:

    #10 – Hahaha, yea ok.

  11. J says:

    #8 James Hill

    James. Why do you continue to make completely stupid and erroneous statements every time you post on this blog?

  12. Brian says:


    It’s funny that the right had both houses and the presidency and STILL couldn’t get shit done. Meanwhile, because of that monopoly of power, we have over 3,000 of our finest dead in Iraq, we have an out of control national debt, and the economy is tanking.

    Good work, boy!

  13. mxpwr03 says:

    #13 – “economy is tanking,” which is supported by the following facts…

  14. Miguel Correia says:

    #10, The world would really appreciate that!

  15. BubbaRay says:

    From the linked article:
    President of the United States and his top advisers have partially built a career on global warming not being real.

    Homer Simpson has a career built on less illogic than this.

  16. Frank IBC says:

    Cheryl Crow is another global warming hypocrite.

    Cheryl Crow’s Carbon Footprint

    Crow’s touring entourage (and equipment) travels in three tractor trailers, four buses, and six cars. Now that’s a carbon footprint!

  17. TJGeezer says:

    2 & 17 – Frank IBC – I get that you don’t like Cheryl Crow. But listen, are you seriously trying to suggest that using less toilet paper won’t cure global warming?

  18. James Hill says:

    Look how easy it is to get the hacks off topic.

    You’ve all failed at making your point, just as liberals have failed to do so for 30 years now.

    In the end, failure is the only thing the left is consistent at. The loss in ’06 is just fuel in insure victory in ’08… unfortunetly you’re all too ignorant to understand that.

    Also, don’t get hung up on the Crow story. She’s just all pissy that one-nut dumped her before she went through her cancer scare.

  19. J says:

    #19 James Hill

    Does anything come out of your keyboard other than stupid statements?

    You will be happy to know the man you can one nut tends to lean a little to the right and is also someone who has not only reached the top of craft but excelled further than anyone else in it. Ever! How are you in your job? I bet your not the best at what you do . My guess would be your mediocre at best but that is just a guess based on the dumb things you post here.

  20. Ralph says:

    #20, J,

    Hill has a habit of yanking everyone’s chain. She only does it to get the attention he missed as a child. Don’t worry, when James’s husband gets home, he’ll straighten her out. He’ll probably take away her twinkies again.

  21. Sounds The Alarm says:

    #21 – Thats It! James is a tranny! From now on known as a Ann Coulter!

  22. doug says:

    #19. Wow … after nearly six years of GOP dominated government, Mr. Hill claims that LIBERALS are the failures? Now there’s gall for you. The only success that the neocon clan can claim is the Medicare drug benefit, and that came at the price of betraying their small-government principles.

  23. Milo says:

    Yes James Hill, the left loses all the time, that’s why… they… won… by a landslide… hmmmm.


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