Yes, I know I’m being dramatic
Al-Qaeda ‘planning big British attack’ – Well, this isn’t good news to me, since I live in England, but then again, after the London bombings two years ago, anything goes.
AL-QAEDA leaders in Iraq are planning the first “large-scale” terrorist attacks on Britain and other western targets with the help of supporters in Iran, according to a leaked intelligence report.
Spy chiefs warn that one operative had said he was planning an attack on “a par with Hiroshima and Nagasaki” in an attempt to “shake the Roman throne”, a reference to the West.
The report, produced earlier this month and seen by The Sunday Times, appears to provide evidence that Al-Qaeda is active in Iran and has ambitions far beyond the improvised attacks it has been waging against British and American soldiers in Iraq.
There is no evidence of a formal relationship between Al-Qaeda, a Sunni group, and the Shi’ite regime of President Mah-moud Ahmadinejad, but experts suggest that Iran’s leaders may be turning a blind eye to the terrorist organisation’s activities.
Go shopping!
The bad guys may be planning an attack but Lurch and Cheney know the only way to keep the price of oil high is to “grow” the war into Iran.
Massive Attack? I’ve got all their albums. 🙂
No, you guys don’t get it.
This time it’s REALLY a wolf!!! Seriously!
Interesting how terrorists go after nations that show weakness…
Someday you kids will realize that, desite being a moron, the “put the fight in their backyard” line was the most brilliant political move in the history of mankind.
#5, Yeah sure…
We’re fighting them over there so we… what was that noise?
As soon as saw the “with help from Iran” it set off the BS alarm.
After the lies, spin and hype that started the Iraq war, I sure hope citizens and the media is more savvy about disinformation by war mongers.
Is American Idol still getting more votes than the Presidential elections? If yes, the answer is no.
No. “Terrorists” go after nations that piss in their backyard. Always has been, always will be.
#10, thank God they threw out Sanjaya, I can’t believe that guy lasted that long. They crying girl was hilarious though.
I there a web-cam that looks out on Teheran? I want to watch it being incinerated. Would make a great screen saver though.
Funny but I didn’t see England mentioned in the article, though it did clearly name Britain. Yet another yank who has no clue of the difference.
In other news, Hawaii seems to be under immenet attack…by CLOUDS! Oh the Humanity!
Web cam… yes, there is … (remember to turn down the brightness on your screen)
“Someday you kids will realize that, desite being a moron, the “put the fight in their backyard” line was the most brilliant political move in the history of mankind.
Comment by James Hill”
James, now I am really confused. I thought it was Sunnis from Saudi Arabia who attacked us on 9-11. Now you are telling me it was Iraqis.
Who attacked us on 9-11, Saudis or Iraqis? If it was Sunnis from Saudi Arabia, then why are we occupying Iraq?
JCD’s b.s. meter has it about right. Iran “turning a blind eye” is so damned reminiscent of the runup to invading Iraq…
#11 – Wrong. We piss in their backyard the most, yet they’re too busy trying to get us out of their backyard to hit us at home.
Victory, again.
#18 – Once again, you fail to understand how a checkers player like Bush can be successful in this environment.
Bush isn’t smart enough to see the differences you’re pointing out, he just understands the logic behind “we can fight them there or fight them here”… with “there” being a broad term.
The sooner you understand this logic, the sooner you’ll understand that it really doesn’t matter which country we’re fucking up in the process.
with luck, the’ll attack all british kitchens, pubs, bars, and all public & private venues that serve that nasty slop that passes for food over there.
the first “large-scale” terrorist attacks on Britain
Why does the word “V2” pop into my head when I read this?
#15 Simon…will you guys figure out what you’re called and get rid of the wrong one? It’s not just Americans that are confused.
The report, produced earlier this month and seen by The Sunday Times, appears to provide evidence that Al-Qaeda is active in Iran and has ambitions far beyond the improvised attacks it has been waging against British and American soldiers in Iraq.
Well, if they aren’t there, we can always put them there after the fact, just like in Iraq.
In Iraq we went from a couple of Al-Qaeda members isolated in the north, to several thousand spread throughout the country, most of which had never even heard of Al-Qaeda before the US ‘educated’ them.
We might have a tougher job at it though, because the Iranians are Shia, and Al-Qaeda is basically a Sunni organization. But I’m sure that if the US tries hard enough, and under our current leadership, we will easily be able to create a truly united block in those parts of the world… then we don’t have to wonder who is fighting the US… they all are, so it greatly simplifies things.
Writing this, I see just how ingenious the US plan is becoming.
#24, you pretty much hit the nail on the head. When *everyone* is our enemy, selecting bomb targets becomes MUCH easier, and the annoying problem of “collateral damage” goes away.
#21 James Hill, oh, I forgot. Bush can see only black and white, he is colorblind to shades of gray.
Let me see if I have it now. If we are fighting the Iraqis in Iraq, then the Saudis in Al Qaeda will not attack anywhere else. They know we’re busy in Iraq.
Of course, why didn’t I think of that. It’s so simple.
the “fight them in their yard” theory has been objectively disproven by the attacks in Madrid (3/11/04) and London (7/7/05) since the war in Iraq began.
of all the justifications for this war, that is the most retarded. and it has some stiff competition.
Well, if we would quit going into peoples backyards and picking fights then maybe we could just build up the defenses at home, wean ouselves off the oil tit (teat?) and chill. And I don’t know about all this England/Britain stuff, we always used to call them “Limeys”, even when I served aboard ship with them. But that was an enlisted thing, the officers would get cranky about it.
Like almost everybody else has stated, this “leak” is more of a “plant”. After 911, it would have made more sense to connect Al-Qaeda to Iran than to Iraq, but they wanted to attack Iraq, and so it went. Now they want to attack Iran, so look at what they are “leaking”. “Depends” is not an advertisement for an adult diaper.
#22 Last time I was in Britain it was possible to eat well (though often ethnically). Though when you’re reading the menu, you’ll starve unless you are willing to equate one quid, one pound sterling, with a Canadian dollar. They have about the same buying power in a restaurant.
#29. I ate extraordinarily well in London a couple years back. Pub food, curry, some really tasty Italian (turns out to be the Brit version of Olive Garden). those old gags about eating in the UK are just that, old.
#27 the “fight them in their yard” theory has been objectively disproven by the attacks in Madrid (3/11/04) and London (7/7/05) since the war in Iraq began.
That “fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here” talking-point. has to be the most PROFOUNDLY PRE-911 mindset out there.
It’s so pre-911, it’s about 1942.
It’s a stupid talking point: how is a war in Iraq going to stop a terrorist cells in Toronto, LA or Miami?
No way, at all.
But it sure does motivate them!