Officials released a prisoner from a state facility after receiving a phony fax that ordered the man be freed, and didn’t catch the mistake for nearly two weeks.
Timothy Rouse, 19, is charged with beating an elderly western Kentucky man and was at the Kentucky Correctional & Psychiatric Center in La Grange for a mental evaluation. He was released from that facility on April 6 after officials received the fake court order.
It contained grammatical errors, was not typed on letterhead and was faxed from a local grocery store. The fax falsely claimed that the Kentucky Supreme Court “demanded” Rouse be released.
Prison officials did not notice that the fax came from a grocery store because policies did not require checking the source of a faxed order. The facility director added that misspellings on orders are common.
Lexington police arrested Rouse at his mother’s home Thursday evening.
Our entire government believes that everything can be solved if you fill out the right form. In triplicate.
Idiots at both ends.
What could possibly make a teen beat up an old man? Most will freely give you money if you promise weekly visits just to relieve them of their boredom.
#1, yup, I agree.
“misspellings on orders are common” – I wonder if the rest of the misspelled ones come from grocery stores too? How many Timothy Rouse’s are running around free?
Official FAX
From: the Pres
The PentagramThe big five-sided military bldg.Yew are hearbye orderd to remove all trups frum Irack and Afgranisman.
And bring back sum of thos WMD things.
Signed, Big Duble-U
Sent from: White House
Convenience Store, Crawford, TXI love it.
It REALLY shows that most people are geared NOT to think.
From corporate ON DOWN…
they want each of us to ONLY think 1 way, even thos on the top and in Office, THINK 1 way…
We are running out of Multidimensionable people. Those that can do, or know MORE then they need.
Just cause Im a plumber dont MEAN I cant fix a computer, type people.
actually, its the forms filled out in triplicate and signed and counter- signed that are supposed to prevent this sort of thing. I know from experience that prisons in my state only accept certified orders from the courts to turn someone loose or even shorten their sentence.
#1. From the article, it is quite possible that the guy was mentally disturbed.