The only info on the image was the caption, “Female member of Mursi tribe in Southern Ethiopia.”

  1. kev says:

    mmmm, HOT!

  2. ChrisMac says:

    I don’t get it..

    Was this an entry in a Photoshop contest of some sort?

  3. Uncle Dave says:

    Not photoshopped as far as I can tell. My guess is the photographer handed the iPod to the woman.

  4. ChrisMac says:

    Then why is the horizon slanted? She might be leaning on something.. but i’m still skeptical..

    Although i am at work on a crappy monitor..
    I’ll reserve judgement until i get home..

  5. BubbaRay says:

    I’ll bet Rod Serling (rest his soul) could come up with a complete 30 minute short story / show about this picture. Would he blame it all on bad iTunes downloads?

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    If you look at the whole gallery you see the photographer with his iPod.

  7. admfubar says:

    aahhh so this is what steve jobs looks like on the weekends….

  8. ChrisMac says:

    no.. that’s a monday mornin..

    and that’s the iFM antenna is his lip

  9. sdf says:

    Why the long face?

  10. Mike says:

    Anyone else notice the cash she is holding under the iPod??

    Talk about a blatant mac-fluffery setup! Is there nothing these rabid apple fanboys won’t do in their game up one-upmanship over MS (which MS doesn’t even bother playing)?

  11. Danijel says:

    Yea, this is sad… This guy travels around the world and takes pictures of his iPod in all these locations…

  12. Mac Guy says:

    #11 – Who says this is an Apple thing? Can’t it just be a clash of 3 cultures (historical, violent and technological)?

  13. smartalix says:

    My disturbing mental image is that chick advancing under fire, AK blasting, with that damn disk in her mouth. I wonder if it gets in the way during combat? Can she replace it with one made of steel? It would make a great gorget.

  14. Dugger says:

    I can see where Gene Roddenberry got the idea behind the “Prime Directive” in Star Trek.

  15. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #13 – Mac Guy

    “Who says this is an Apple thing? Can’t it just be a clash of 3 cultures (historical, violent and technological)?”

    No, not when there’s an irrationally obsessive anti-Apple axe to grind, it can’t. 😉

  16. mark says:

    3. UD- Thats a woman! How can you tell? Oh the caption, got it.

  17. Angel H. Wong says:


    Where did you got that snail collar? 😉

  18. bill says:

    Chicks with guns!

  19. TJGeezer says:

    Jeez, a funny pic highlighting the primitive meeting the modern, with terrific symbols for both, and all we can do is squabble about Apple and Microsoft?

  20. Mark T. says:

    Those are the ugliest headphones I have ever seen.

  21. OmarThe Alien says:

    She’s got a big assed gun, and now she has an iPod and some cash. Anybody see the connection?


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