Landau will play Wolfowitz in the movie.
NewsDaily: TopNews — Wolfowitz asked to resign from World Bank FYI
An agency that oversees the World Bank is asking for the resignation of the bank’s president, former deputy U.S. Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz.
found by Bubba MArtin
I don’t see what all the hubub is about..
If you want to clean this mess up.. close the stock market
after all.. it will only last as long as the oil does..
pay me now.. or
This is just the latest Bush white house cockroach infesting another institution. Bush is the presidency that will just keep on giving.
G’bye Wolfman.
Doesn’t matter where you shine the light in the administration, that’s where you’ll see the cockroaches scurry. What can you expect of an administration whose Attorney General micromanages the DoJ and then tells Congress he doesn’t know that much about what the attorneys do?
Because, after all, ending poverty is high on Bush’s agenda.
Sounds like The Wolf is doing exactly what the pack (or should I say, PAC) wants.