Can you see Jesus in the picture below?

Found at NYNERD.

  1. Mark T. says:

    Dog is God spelled backwards, after all.

  2. Noam Sane says:

    Remarkable resemblence to Dick Cheney.

  3. julieb says:


  4. Todd W says:

    Yes….so… what? What is the picture of? Is this the back end of a dog?? How RUDE! Tell me this was created by a non-christian??

  5. Roc Rizzo says:

    Maybe that dog should be nominated for sainthood.

  6. pjakobs says:

    #6: how’s the behind of a dog rude?


  7. KVolk says:

    Why was this considered a place to examine for such a picture?

  8. undissembled says:

    Photo looks about right to me.

  9. Gary Marks says:

    I can see the family resemblance, but I think it might be Jesus’ brother James. We’ll have to summon the Virgin Mary to get a positive I.D.

  10. JFStan says:

    This is the BEST!

    And, #6, this image is as valid as every other “holy image” that has appeared on toast or the knotholes in a door or anywhere else. It’s all just a “hidden pictures” game, not a miracle. Get over it.

  11. lever says:

    Please move the John McCain picture up, level with, well, you know…

  12. Pmitchell says:

    you know if you had said it was Mohamed you be a marked man by now

    But then making fun of Mohamed is not politically correct but making fun of Jesus and Christians is

    But me not being the easily offended type find that funny, but kinda in bad taste as that is my Saviour photoshopped in a dogs butt

  13. J says:

    First off who took this picture and did they see it before or after they took it? Either way why were they looking at their dogs ass?

  14. Gary Marks says:

    J….. The dog’s owner was originally planning to distribute this as doggie porn, but seeing the image of Jesus on his dog’s ass has inspired him to turn from his wicked ways and devote his life to Jesus instead. He may even write a book about his miraculous conversion, with more photos of his dog’s butt.

  15. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    I’ll stick with my good, old-fashioned Virgin-Mary-on-grilled-cheese, thanks anyway…

  16. Paul B says:

    Looks more like George Bush to me. Support our troops by re-uniting them with their families. Bring our troops home and protect our own. When attacked, circle the wagons, don’t send all the scouts with the guns out into the plains.

  17. David says:

    Anybody else gotten the banner ad for the movie “The God Who Wasn’t There” when they came to this page?

  18. Erik Blazynski says:

    He is risen!!

  19. John Paradox says:

    Does this mean the dog takes a ‘holy shit’?


  20. Dallas says:

    wow. That is a remarkable resemblance of Jesus although I sense a hint of Photoshop.

  21. manaox2 says:

    I guess Jesus really WAS black.

  22. TJGeezer says:

    …and some people think Jesus didn’t exist…

  23. Alpha13 says:

    That’s not him! It looks nothing like his yearbook photo.

  24. Hmmm… why the surprise and outrage? Jesus DID say he will return, didn’t he?

  25. I’m disappointed. I don’t see how this even qualifies as a post. Bad taste; yes, it’s wrong on many levels.

  26. alfredinho says:

    So cool! Religious pareidolia is one of the most boring/stupid things out there.

  27. Angel H. Wong says:

    It’s a perfect representation of what Christianity has become.

  28. PcMonster says:

    27, If you have been a reader of DU for even a short time you would know that those in charge usually go out of their way to denigrate anything Christian. It’s just what they do, whether blog worthy or not.

  29. NappyHeadedHo says:

    It’s James Hill!

  30. evan says:


    ” I don’t see how this even qualifies as a post”

    Get fucked. Seriously. Get a life. You said it, this IS a blog after all. It’s not like this is wasting prime time news resources… And even if it was, I am sure that the administrators still have a better idea of what entertains them than you do. If you happen to be entertained while reading the content that they enjoy – all the better for them, but if you are too tightass to enjoy anything that points fun at your idols, get fucked. Go back to bed America.


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