Can you see Jesus in the picture below?

Found at NYNERD.

  1. Miguel Correia says:

    Do you think the doG will resurect? Or only it ass?

  2. joshua says:

    I don’t know…..I was thinking it looked a bit like John Kerry.

    38….Obviously YOU’VE never had your dog jump up on your bed and “fart in your general direction” 🙂

  3. joshua says:

    sorry…that should have been …#8….in my comment above.

  4. cheese says:


    So… dumb question… just exactly what does Jesus look like anyway? Anybody actually have a photo of him (sorry, Him) anywhere?

  5. #30, I haven’t noticed anything recently, but then I have been here only a month or so.

    Evan (#32),
    Evidently you don’t know what “” means; or perhaps I don’t. I love the way you wrote an entire rather angry paragraph in response to my 2 lines and then call me a tight-ass. Perhaps I went a tad too far “pointing fun at your idol(this blog)”? Rock on, dude!

  6. AdmFubar says:

    Ahh jesus on the backside of a nuetered pet!!
    why i’d recognise that a-hole anywhere…

  7. God 2 says:

    It’s Gasparinni who will burn in hell…not Dvorak or the other bloggers. The dog gets toasted too.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    Gives a whole new meaning to “Jesus Juice”

  9. Loggersteve says:

    This is my first time on the site, I’m surprised how many people think they are looking at a dog’s butt!!!

  10. Loggersteve says:

    This is my first time on the site, I’m surprised how many people think they are looking at a dog’s butt!!! (Sorry, on second look it is a butt!!!) MY BAD

  11. vamx says:

    At least there’s no chug nuts.

  12. joe says:

    thats retarted he probally did it on photoshop

  13. bugdog says:

    Hey, God created all the animals, right? So he technically created dog butts.

    How could anyone be offended by God’s creation of the image of his Son on a dog’s butt?

  14. Senor Foxxxy says:

    Here Here BugDog.

  15. tas says:

    Yikes!! that is weird Jesus would appeared on the dog’s butt. It must be really desperate to find a better place for people to see,or this dog is chosen to be holy. I don’t believed anything like this, is another stupid entertainment . For people who take advantage of Jesus name for money and attention i feel sorry for them. The miracle of God is in you in your daily lives when you recognise it. The thing is people doesn’t see it and appreciate it. what they really appreciate is the material thing.

  16. elena says:

    the people who made this is totally mentally SICK!


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