Not a good career move either

The other side of Alec Baldwins tirade | Chicago Tribune — Before you read the Chicago Tribune listen to the Alec Baldwin ballistic tirade linked here.

The back story about the call is apparent when you listen to the tape. The back story as to why the rant was posted on the Interneet is partially explained by the Chicago Tribune analysis. While not as profane this is right up there with the “You’re so f*ck*ng hot” coked-up psycho message from Pat O’Brien from a few years ago.

No matter how this is analyzed the girl is 11, ok? I’m reminded of an old Jeremy Kramer joke where he tells how he was berated by his uncle for being no good and not having a job. “But I’m only 11!”

Its not hard to see where all this came from. It sure feels like a ploy meant for public and court consumption. How did his private voice-mail tirade end up in public ears? It was placed there for a reason, and it certainly wasnt to enhance his relationship with his daughter.

Baldwin and ex-wife Kim Basinger have been waging divorce battles with each other for years. The child obviously has suffered the consequences, and that reflects on both parents. And these parents certainly dont need to argue about money; they both have plenty. So this is just personal.

found by Harrison Hopper

  1. Dr.Funbags says:

    My parents have said worse to me – and I turned out fine – except for that hiding behind a Dr. Funbags online persona thing I got going on. Maybe some of these little criminals we got running around these days need some more parenting and less “lets make Jimmy happy” bullcrap that goes for parenting these days.

    When my mother said “You want me to tell your father?” you better believe I did not want her telling my father.

  2. julieb says:

    I’m not even going to listen to it. It just doesn’t seem right

  3. catbeller says:

    Try this with me:

    Don’t read about it, don’t talk about it. It’s no one’s business but his.

    Today it’s his life invaded. Tomorrow it’ll be yours. Take back our privacy by not watching the “exposes” of other people’s lives invaded. Drain the swamp of advertising dollars.

    I don’t suppose this would be payback by rightists for Imus, hm? “See how sick those liberals are! Such hypocrisy!”

    If I were he, I’d quietly hire someone to find the bugger that leaked it to discuss privacy issues with him or her at great length.

  4. #1 — I’m sorry, but I would never leave a message like that for a little kid. And, yes, some parents beat the crap out of their kids and they turn out fine too. So?

    And don’t forget this: Baldwin is a major major Hollywood liberal with all the politically correct trappings. How does this fit into that?

    As for the whole “don’t listen — don’t listen.” Why? He’s a public figure and a major influence politically. MAJOR. If it was Dick Cheney could we listen? If there is a line to be drawn I can assure you that Baldwin is not near it.

    Now if you could prove that Karl Rove had something to do with this, I’m all ears.

    Oh, and if you haven’t noticed, this is in the news and thus newsworthy here.

  5. Noam Sane says:

    Learn about dicks? What?

  6. Gary Marks says:

    My first thought was, what an awful message to leave for an 11-year old child! After a little more thought, I would simply add, what an awful message to release to the public, inviting the media circus to focus on your child’s relationship with her father. In my opinion, both parents are showing severe lapses in judgment.

  7. Elvis Ripley says:

    Friday the 20th!?! That is today! I hope they are having a great time.

  8. It could have been the maid who posted this thing for all we know. Or the little girl is tech-savvy perhaps. I have a 12-year-old and she would be able to do it although she would probably enlist help to make the message into an mp3 file unless the message was one of those meailed mp3’s in the first place.

  9. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Alec B has a temper, this is no secret. However Kim B is a loony. And this phone call between a father and daughter is pretty raw stuff for some of us who lived sheltered lives as kids, pretty ho-hum for others.

    But it wasn’t Alec who leaked this, it was flake Kim, once again playing games in the public eye, this time using the kid as a pawn to get back at Alec. That woman has some serious MH issues, to put it kindly.

    Coming from me it’s unusual, being a guy who can be found most of the time supporting women who get the dirty end of the stick from scumbag macho-men, but I truly sympathize with Alec. I guess taking up with Kim seemed a good idea to him at the time, but brother, has he paid. And keeps on paying, if this latest game is any indication – and I’m sure it is…

  10. julieb says:

    I’m not suggesting that no one else should listen. Information needs to be free IMO. I just don’t want to hear it myself. I admit I will likely read the transcript eventually; I’m certainly not above it.

  11. sdf says:

    The simplest explanation is that this was leaked to humiliate the caller, it happens all the time. And say what you will, “11 years old” ain’t what it used to be, even outside show business.

  12. Awake says:

    I don’t understand how anyone can even start to excuse this phone call/ I tis just plain terrible. It contains threat after threat after threat. It is degrading and repulsive.
    I’m glad it has been released… for it shows us something about the values and credibility of a man that is in the public eye, with the ability and the inclination to influence us.
    How is it possible for a parent to speak this way to his daughter? Nothing can justify this behavior… nothing…
    It is all about how he has been inconvenienced, how he has had to ‘sacrifice” to make an unanswered phone call, how she is a useless pig for not being there for him at his convenience.
    Kim B may be loony, but she is bright enough to see that this man is a major danger, and needs to be kept away from the girl, by any means necessary. After this phone call, as far as I’m concerned he has no “father’s rights” at all.

  13. EvilUmpir says:

    Is this even Alec Baldwin? It sounds nothing like him to me.

  14. undissembled says:

    If you think this is bad you should listen to my neighbor upstairs. She is literally 10X worse to her kids every day.

  15. bill says:

    Mild stuff… but, we don’t need to hear this.
    I’m glad I’m not in his shoes, What does Kim have to gain by this?
    Some day they won’t laugh about this.
    This would be emotionally scarring to his daughter if not now but later.
    happy Friday!

  16. mark says:

    Wow , I agree with Lauren, and pedro. This is pretty ho hum stuff. Maybe we just have thicker skin and an uncoddled upbringing. Like Angel says, I blame it on Catholic School. Like boot camp for kiddies.

  17. Noam Sane says:

    Second prize…is a set of steak knives.

    Third prize is, you’re GROUNDED.

  18. JulieB — Hey..I can assure you that it is not THAT BAD that you cannot listen to it unless you are a huge Baldwin fan and do not want to be disappointed. The thing that makes it stand out is the obvious fact that he seems to be treating an 11-year-old like a 30 year-old jilted lover. THAT is was is interesting. This is not a guy who is good with kids.

  19. J says:

    #4 John C Dvorak

    What the hell does this have to do with being a Hollywood liberal? NOTHING!!!! He never claimed to be a good dad and yes I do think he was out of line.

    His message was harsh but you don’t seem to mention nor care that he called shortly after and apologized to his daughter. He knew he was wrong and made and apology for it to the only person that matters. His daughter.

    As far as Dick Cheney or Karl Rove. There is a small difference. These are men of power who help make important decisions for the rest of America. Alec Baldwin no matter how famous or wealthy does not have such great responsibility. He is an actor. If he was involved in policy decisions then yes I would want to know this side of his behavior and I would be critical. But all Alec Baldwin has to do is go on screen and entertain me.

    Now that said…..If Dick Cheney or Karl Rove had gone through the same type of divorce I might have a small amount of simplify for them and say “Well they are assholes but even an asshole is justified sometimes.”

    You must not know many 11 year olds these days. I have 20 + nieces and nephews of that age and let me tell you they sometimes can be just as much of a pain in the ass as any adult. And yes they do know better. Anyone who believe an 11 year old girl doesn’t know how her behavior affects others is either stupid or naive to an extent that is not measurable.

  20. J says:

    #19 John C Dvorak

    I do agree with you on that. He is directing his anger for his ex wife towards his daughter. He may very well be a good and loving father. You are judging him on one small segment of time where he made a mistake. Were you a perfect dad? Did you ever make mistakes with your kids?

  21. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #18 – Noam Sane

    “Second prize…is a set of steak knives.

    Third prize is, you’re GROUNDED.”

    Ex cellent! 🙂

  22. TJGeezer says:

    I dunno – I’m with julieb, I guess. I listened for awhile, then turned it off partly in disgust and partly in boredom. Who has time to listen to a frustrated and intemperate parent berate his kid?

    For some reason the part I did hear reminded me of Elmore Leonard’s parody of a movie star in “Get Shorty.” Too self-important and self-absorbed to comprehend minutiae like the cost of an expensive lunch, the hassle created by ordering off the menu, or the consequences to others of breaking commitments. How that relates to a less than distinguished actor profanely berating his kid’s answering machine, I’m not exactly sure.

  23. #21 — never!! Well except for that incident in Juarez. Hmm, never mind!

  24. Whaapp! says:


    The only problem I see is with the person who released the recording.

    This isn’t news in any way that I can see.

  25. oldfield says:

    My 20-year-old daughter and I agreed that Alec will be buying a lot of ice cream for his baby girl for a long time. That always worked for us after we blew up at each other.

  26. Happy420 says:

    Hey everybody, happy 420!

    Speaking of 420, for this kind of rage and poor judgment to be used, I’m guessing/betting there was a little alcohol involved. If he had been stoned up a bit, the message would’ve been, “Yeah, whatever…” 🙂

    Smoke up, it’s Freedom Day!

  27. julieb says:

    I heard part of it on Olbermann tonight. It seems the worst part is calling his kid a pig. That kind of personal attack is out of line. Other than that it seems like he’s just having problems with getting some respect. The poor kid in the middle will suffer the most. I’m guessing Kim Bassinger leaked it.

  28. BubbaRay says:

    Doesn’t anyone remember “Greenhilly” from Saturday Night Live? This Baldwin guy will do just about anything.

  29. mark says:

    29. The Boy Scout pedophile skit he did with Adam Sandler was pretty damn funny too.

  30. BgScryAnml says:

    Alec Baldwin has been given an opportunity, what he does with that opportunity is a window to his soul. This is a chance for Baldwin to admit he has a problem and seek help to rectify his situation in life. He could emerge a hero and an example to all, most importantly his daughter. The sad thing is it would only take a small adjustment in priorities which leads to the next topic, J’s outburst at John.

    Being a Hollywood liberal in and of itself is not Baldwin’s issue. His issue is a militant ego. Militant is quite different than passionate. The litmus test is the presence of one element, caring. To tell the difference one need only compare Alec to Stephen.


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