Not a good career move either

The other side of Alec Baldwins tirade | Chicago Tribune — Before you read the Chicago Tribune listen to the Alec Baldwin ballistic tirade linked here.

The back story about the call is apparent when you listen to the tape. The back story as to why the rant was posted on the Interneet is partially explained by the Chicago Tribune analysis. While not as profane this is right up there with the “You’re so f*ck*ng hot” coked-up psycho message from Pat O’Brien from a few years ago.

No matter how this is analyzed the girl is 11, ok? I’m reminded of an old Jeremy Kramer joke where he tells how he was berated by his uncle for being no good and not having a job. “But I’m only 11!”

Its not hard to see where all this came from. It sure feels like a ploy meant for public and court consumption. How did his private voice-mail tirade end up in public ears? It was placed there for a reason, and it certainly wasnt to enhance his relationship with his daughter.

Baldwin and ex-wife Kim Basinger have been waging divorce battles with each other for years. The child obviously has suffered the consequences, and that reflects on both parents. And these parents certainly dont need to argue about money; they both have plenty. So this is just personal.

found by Harrison Hopper

  1. KVolk says:

    I like the idea of parenting as a public forum. We can get people to put it on Digg and vote for the best thing to tell our kids. Neither one of these so called adults should have ever had kids.

  2. Happy420 says:



    HOLLYWOOD is NOT reality. Okay, for comparison: Mice don’t sing, Elephants don’t flap their ears to fly, Poisoned Princesses don’t come back to life from a kiss (they just die from the poison).

    PUHLEEEEEEZE stop the fantasy marketing posts. Please, please!!! Do you require bribes? HOW ABOUT HAVING A VOTE HERE?!!!?!!?!


  3. J says:

    #31 BgScryAnml

    First I didn’t have an outburst on John

    Alec Baldwin has lots of problems as does everyone. Verbally abusing his daughter is not one of them. He made a mistake provoked by years of nonsense brought on by his ex wife. He apologized to his daughter shortly after. Do you think you disserve and apology?

    It is wonderful to watch your brain, as small and nonfunctional as it is, work over the past couple of weeks. What do you actually know of Alec Baldwin first hand? What do you know of his situation in life first hand? What do you know of his priorities first hand ? What do you know of his ego first hand?

    You run off at the mouth using a private phone message and tabloid rumors as an excuse to pass judgment on someone you don’t even know!

    I won’t even go into Steven Baldwin. But it is clear to me you have no idea what you are talking about. You don’t know any of them and everything you think you know is wrong!!!!

  4. #33 — Cripes dude, hit the bong a little’re losing it.

  5. BgScryAnml says:

    What do you actually know of Alec Baldwin first hand?

    We all know quite a bit about Alec Baldwin because he wants it that way. He’s a public figure. His militant rants are now a staple of Americana. This latest incident is consistent with his destructive pattern.

    provoked by years of nonsense brought on by his ex wife

    Look who is quoting propaganda. She is much smarter that Alec, merely giving him enough rope to hang himself.

    Re: Your opinion of my post, it’s of little wonder you defend Alec Baldwin. Talk about militant.

  6. MikeN says:

    How is he a MAJOR influence politically? If he were, then Henry Hyde would have been stoned to death when Alec called for it(along with Henry’s wife and children.)

    Granted, Team America saw fit to make him the top liberal in Hollywood, as well as the best actor in the world.

  7. Todd says:

    Two words: comedic genius. I love Alec Baldwin. And another thing, it’s just words. I’ve heard a lot worse from my parents like the whole “you’re a mistake” thing. I’m sure it’ll be fine.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    How terrible !!! A father lost his temper and yelled at his daughter. Geeze, give me a break. Baldwin did nothing wrong on that recording. The daughter was wrong and the father let her know about it. I didn’t hear anything to suggest Baldwin would impose violence upon his daughter or threaten that she would suffer some long term damage.

    Could he have been more polite? Sure, and as is very often the case, he quickly regretted his tone.

    But a little perspective here folks. The parents have been in a custody battle for five years now. Too often in custody battles, the child ends up brainwashed by the custodial parent. Whether that is what happened here or not, to influence the daughter NOT answering the phone, is as important as the phone call itself and the release of the tape. The phone call was from a frustrated father during a long battle and the second was from a calculating person trying to earn public opinion.

    Whoever released this tape against the Court Order should be severely sanctioned. If the daughter is old enough to understand how to email a copy then she is also old enough to know there is a gag order. If the web site that posted the tape knew she was only eleven then they shouldn’t have posted it. All adults should have been aware of the gag order.

    #4, So Karl Rove was behind it all along? Geeze, the things you learn at DU. I just knew that no good for nuttin, neo-con, …

  9. J says:

    #36 BgScryAnml

    So you admit you know nothing about him first hand?

    What you see is but a very small segment of his views and his life. Yet you think you know him just like you think you know allot of things based on your small amount of knowledge.

    Just to clue you in. I happen to know FIRST HAND about his relationship with his ex wife. Unlike you that only reads about it. Am I bias? Perhaps. She is very intelligent and so is he but everything going on between them has nothing to do with intelligence it is pure emotion on both sides. If you don’t think a women with a genius IQ can be a vengeful bitch you obviously don’t associate with the same people I do. They are just people. They have emotions and feelings too.

    BTW High IQ does not mean smarter. It is more of a potential thing.

    Militant? Hah! I wish I had half the energy that some of those people have. I am logical and reasonable but very passionate especially when people who don’t know WTF they are talking about come around and talk shit like they are Mr. Whoopee.

    The truth is you don’t know shit and have an opinion based on some view of the world you think is perfect. It is typical of people like you to ignore reason, logic, and fact to go with some idealized belief that has either been created for you or made up in your own delusion of what you think the world should be. Guess what? reality has a different take on life.

  10. BgScryAnml says:

    Feel better? J

    You need to get back on meds.

  11. J says:

    Suffer from self projection much?

  12. joshua says:

    The only time I ever thought Baldwin did something worth watching was a routine on SNL about **Schewty balls**, that was funny.

    As usual Fusion your on the wrong side of something. While releasing this tape may be against a gag order (and I really don’t believe an 11 y/o kid knows what that is), it’s really not the issue. I heard most of the tape and if this guy ever said that to someone I cared about I would kick his ignorant ass. Someone above hit it right on the head….this tape shows a man pissed off because HE was so horribly inconvenienced by his 11 y/o daughter missing his phone call. Ecsue me….but do any of you know an adolescent that can remember for 10 minutes something of importance, let alone a phone call from a parent? There has to be a bit of context here…..I don’t care if he’s Mr. Liberal or his ex-wife is Ms. Nutjob…..or that this is a wealthy couples daughter in 2007… don’t talk to ANY 11 y/o in this manner. This just shows that Dad isn’t as mature as he expects his 11 y/o daughter to be. And in some places his ass would be up on child abuse charges.
    As to his later call apologizing…..sorry…ain’t buying it….thats the same thing an abuser does AFTER he has beat the crap out of his/her victim.

    Knowing this kids parents only from bits and pieces in the news over the last few years….she might be better off in foster care.

  13. J says:

    #43 Joshua

    “I heard most of the tape and if this guy ever said that to someone I cared about I would kick his ignorant ass”

    It is always better to resort to violence instead of accepting an apology. Good set of morals you must have. Slightly hypocritical to run around judging other peoples behavior when yours itself is questionable.

    It is clear to me from the rest of your post that you don’t really know any 11 year olds. You might be surprised how more advanced some of them are from when you were that age. Ego……it is a real bitch isn’t it?

    Abuser? Please!….. you are equating constant physical and mental abuse with a single recording of a father yelling at his daughter and verbally stepping over the line. What evidence do you have that he has ever done this before?

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #44, J,

    Thank you. You said almost exactly what I would have. Only better and more eloquently. Just remember though, if the daughter grows to become a crack addict then of course, those like joshua will blame it all on the parents being lax.

  15. meetsy says:

    Why are these two “parents” still in a custody battle after FIVE YEARS? What sort of egos are we talking about? HUGE!!! Why doesn’t the court order family therapy, and make them learn HOW to talk to each other? I’m sure they can afford therapy….
    11 year olds can be a little difficult, especially if they want to be, and even more so if they’re spoiled rotten and can play ma’ma against da’da. Seems to me….since they seem to have an insatiable need to have people pay attention to them, and we have a need to watch other people’s pain (and quarterback, and gossip) its a match made in heaven. He’ll let’s just put a camera in their homes and record all their phone conversations. Let Dr. Phil do commentary and let Trump try and “straighten them out’. Heck, throw in a round or two of “the Nanny” and “Wife Swap”, too.
    Sounds like ” Must see TV!” My we’re a pathetic country, aren’t we?
    I think the 11 year old is yanking dad’s chain, Mom is too (it’s sport) and the guy knows and is frustrated as hell about it. Meanwhile, he’s too stubborn to just give in and step back and let it roll off his hide. He plays into Mom and daughters games.Mom may well be a psycho….but wait, daughter will turn on her and write a tell-all. If Mom is psycho to Dad, then she’ll be psycho with daughter, and that will turn into one hell of a rebellion at age 14 or 15. Daughter will become an actress (maybe a high profile lesbian, for a while, just to upset the ‘rents) and play the media like a pro. I think we haven’t seen the last of the Baldwin/Basinger family laundry.
    But, I agree…its about as “newsworthy” as the pimple on my ass.

  16. joshua says:

    #44..J…..firstly….my morals aren’t in question here. And sometimes, a good swift kick in the ass is a win win situation.
    As to knowing 11 y/o’s….I know a lot of, up close and personal….I am around them on an almost daily basis….while they are smart, they are also ego-centric….and they tend to do what ever suits them at the time.
    It hasn’t been that long since I was 11….and I remember quite well how I acted and responded in different situations.
    And abuse is abuse….it dosen’t matter if it happens once an hour or once a month or once a year, it is still abuse. You accuse me of not knowing what goes on in the family relationships of this bunch……then you proceed to do the exact same thing, by making the single redcording claim… don’t know how often he has done this in the past to his daughter or his ex-wife any more than I do.

    But, unlike you, I did a little research on Mr. Baldwin and guess what….he has a long history of these kinds of outbursts against many other people over the years… dosen’t take much to believe his public demeanor is any better than his private self.

    I don’t presume to know you, so I won’t make any statements about you or your personality. But I will say, that I will make sure never to allow any 11 y/o children that I care about anywhere near you since you seem to feel the kind of thing Baldwin subjected his child to is ok in your book.

    Baldwin is supposed to be the adult in this situation. It dosen’t matter if his kid is a rotten, spoiled brat or the sweetest kid walking the planet…..speaking the way he did to her is ABUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!
    If you don’t want to accept my claim….I suggest you check with some child psychologists and see what their take is on it.

    #45…Fusion….your right, he was more eloquent than you. But, it still dosen’t make you any more right than you were in your original post.
    Bad parenting is a major cause of kids going wrong….one of many, but a big one…….but if in your mind what Baldwin did in this tape is nothing more than a parent providing guidence to a wayward child, then your not as smart a man as I thought. I could not imagine you, from the year or so of posts in this blog, and a father, ever using that kind of language and invective against your child. But, maybe I was wrong.

  17. J says:


    “J…..firstly….my morals aren’t in question here. And sometimes, a good swift kick in the ass is a win win situation.”

    Oh the irony!!! You speak of how what he did is abuse and yet you agree with the tactic. Your sir are a hypocrite! and yes!! Your morals are in question!!!!

    While I agree with your last assessment of a common 11 year old. It does not defend your statement in post #43 “and I really don’t believe an 11 y/o kid knows what that is” and “Ecsue me….but do any of you know an adolescent that can remember for 10 minutes something of importance, let alone a phone call from a parent? ”

    Can you explain how what you say in post #47 backs up the claim you maid in post #43 about 11 year olds?

    “And abuse is abuse….it dosen’t matter if it happens once an hour or once a month or once a year, it is still abuse”

    Absolutely!!! I agree but you were comparing him to perpetual abuser. You have no first hand evidence of that.

    “But, unlike you, I did a little research on Mr. Baldwin”

    LOL Once again you call tabloid reports research. You know nothing first hand and you have no evidence from a reliable source that he has a history of abuse.

    “Knowing this kids parents only from bits and pieces in the news over the last few years….she might be better off in foster care. ”
    I will emphasize your post ….


    That is your research? Do you even realize how dumb you sound?

    “you seem to feel the kind of thing Baldwin subjected his child to is ok in your book.”

    I NEVER said what he did was ok. That is another one of your delusions.

    “speaking the way he did to her is ABUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    Who are you arguing with? That isn’t even a point of dispute. I agree and never said otherwise. What I have a problem with is people like you who admittedly know nothing more than the “bits and pieces” you got from the tabloid “news” and using it to slander someone’s name based on some preconceived notion of right and wrong. You have clearly shown evidence that your moral character is just as questionable as anything reported about Alec Baldwin

    If I were you I would question whether or not you yourself should be around impressionable young minds considering you think it is ok to teach them that violence is an acceptable response when someone insults you.

  18. Mirah says:

    I don’t know when I have been so upset about the lack of professionalism, common sense, respect, and limits the media will go to for ratings.

    The harm of Alec Baldwin’s phone tirade to his daughter is only outdone by his opposition in this nasty, protracted custody battle who released it, and the media who have aired it over and over – every single word of it! It never should have been said. Having been said, making it public was equally wrong and shows the tit-for-tat madness this child is enduring. That it was aired, shows the media’s total disrespect for decency.

    None of any of these people, not Baldwin nor Basinger this innocent 11-year-year old’s mother or father…nor the press…has any concern for the child who is being humiliated over and over and over again! The parents involved have their reasons, albeit bad ones, for being so upset. The media is without any redeemable excuse whatsoever to exploit people shamelessly.

    Fox’s Inside Edition brought on their “expert” – a psychologist to explain the permanent lifelong damage the phone call will do to this child. How can you air those words while knowingly contributing to, and exacerbating publicly the personal harm already experienced by this child? Replaying it is like repeatedly raping and flagging this vulnerable child in the public square. What happened to not releasing victims’ names??? What happened to any decorum whatsoever? Sweeps week sweeps it all away!

    Children should never be subjected to such hate – on the part of either, much less both – of their parents. Both parents, and the media should be found guilty of child abuse!

  19. KevMan says:

    Good grief – much ado about nothing. A father’s phone link with his daughter is the most important thing in the world when he loses custody. KimB should know that even if she wants to stick a fork into ex-hubby’s eye that should NOT come in the way of the father – daughter relationship. That sick bitch has likely told the 11 y/o “oh, f**k him, he’s just my ex-husband. Blow off the phone call and come have some merlot with mamma”. Instead she releases the tape, exclusive of any backstory, or the followup apology (in defiance of a gag order, to boot!) Alec messed up, sure. But this is a very personal problem, not one for public consumption, either. The leaker should be punished, the publishers should be condemned, and we should all be ashamed of ourselves for treating a family’s pain as “news” or “editorial fodder”. And that’s all I have to say on that matter.


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