ScienceDaily: Strawberry Daiquiris: The Extra-healthy Cocktail? — I’ll drink to this story!
Strawberries are good for you, but serving them in daiquiri form may make them even healthier, scientists show.
While exploring ways to help keep strawberries fresh during storage, researchers from Thailand and the US discovered that treating the berries with alcohol led to an increase in antioxidant capacity and free radical scavenging activity within the fruit. While such a boost helped the berries resist decay, the same compounds would also be expected to make the strawberries healthier to eat.
found by Bubba “hic” Martin
Nostrovia. Finally some good news this week.
Girly drinks save your life? WOO HOO!
What’s next? Mojitos?
Even better! a pint of Guinness will save your life! So say all my Irish friends!
Guinness saves lives…Brilliant!!!
Shit, now I’ll have to become a closet lush. Girlie drinks, with umbrellas! Thanks Bubba, for nuthin.
I’ll have a hickory daquiri, Doc.
7, mark, that’s ok, Guinness is a food group, so don’t switch yet ! *hic*
However, judging from past posts I’ll guess some folks on this blog are honked because they can’t smoke on the job anymore. Daiquiris at work for everyone!! From Knoxville, TN Apr. 17,
Reminds me of blood. I vant your bluuuud!!!
9, Smoke puff the magic dragon, I meant.
So THAT’S why women live longer than men!
Seriously… this “antioxidant” thing is treated as fact among the granola crowd but the science is still out, isn’t it?