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One of the cool shows on the BBC is the Top Gear show. Here they show off this inexpensive and wild sports car that does about 0-60 in two seconds! I want one. But I am sure they will be illegal in the USA.

found by Bill Reising

  1. Kareem says:

    As a matter of fact, they are available in the US. A US company by the name of Brammo builds them for the US market.
    You can even spend a day in one on this side of the ocean if you’re not up to forking over the money to buy one. will be touring Canada and the US with a fleet of these.
    You’ll probably be wearing a helmet thought, so your face won’t do the things Jeremy Clarkson’s face was doing in that video.

  2. Xwing71 says:

    Top Gear rules! However, the Atom is coming to America. And, yes, it is as fast as a Ferrari Enzo! And, Top Gear MAY be coming to America. Keep your fingers crossed!

  3. BubbaRay says:

    That looks like as much fun as flying aerobatics, like doing a snap roll on takeoff. The coolest video I’ve seen on this site in quite while. Exoskeleton indeed. Oh my goodness, I’ve got bees in me epiglottis !! Thanks ! And, #1, thanks for the link.

  4. JackNco says:

    The atom does rule. 300BHP engine but look in to the Westfield Megabusa Turbos 600BHP for £10,000 less

    Also you Americans have been missing out for a long time on top gear. and the way the BBC have been treating it i hope it does move and stays as good as it used to be

  5. bill says:

    The USA would welcome TopGear with open arms!

    Maybe we could get Jay Leno to appear…
    or the ‘Governator’ ….

    That’s it Top Gear should move to Southern California!

  6. Gwendle says:

    If these are deemed legal in the United States, what would the pricetag be on one? I would so love to tear around town in one of these.

  7. JohnMo says:

    Get the big brakes package or you won’t be here in the Spring. Heh. Daddy’s found his big-boy go-cart.

  8. Ken in Berkeley says:

    The Atom only does 0-60 in 2.9 seconds according to the video, which is a big difference than 2 seconds flat (45% longer). Car and Driver actually tested the Atom 2, which is largely constructed in Ashland, Oregon, and has a base price of $42K. Maybe you can get one afterall, John. 🙂

  9. bill says:

    I’d wear a full face helmet also… with ear plugs just like I use on my BMW r1150rta… the first time you get a rock or a bee in your face (or a swarm of yellow jackets down your shirt… ha!) will convince you … at least get some real (unbreakable) eye protection…

    but it will be worth it!

  10. catbeller says:

    We Americans don’t have to miss out on Top Gear. A quick search of isohunt shows entire seasons…

  11. Joe says:

    Season 9 top gear visit you guys. . . It’s quite funny!

  12. edwinrogers says:

    Jay Leno owns one and loves it. He drove it to the Bugatti Veyron unveiling in Beverley Hills, and stole the show.

  13. Sam R. says:

    The version of the car in the video uses I believe a Honda engine but the version of the car that is available here in the United States uses a GM engine. Jay Leno actually was instrumental in them being able to get that engine for the US version. Looks like it would be a hell of a ride. Definitely a car for those summer days in California.


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