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Doolittle is in his 9th term in Congress. Have the voters in one of the most conservative districts in the country become so innured to corruption they simply didn’t notice the deals this clown engineered with his wife and Abramoff and whomever else?
F.B.I. agents last week searched the suburban Washington home of Representative John T. Doolittle, Republican of California, and his wife whose activities are being investigated in connection with her ties to the convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff, Mr. Doolittle’s lawyer acknowledged Wednesday.
Mr. Doolittle was elected to a ninth term last fall in a race that was unusually close for a heavily Republican district, largely because of questions over an unusual business arrangement with his wife’s company as well as his ties to Mr. Abramoff.
So, the other eight terms no one asked any questions?
Mrs. Doolittle, through her company, served as her husband’s chief fund-raising consultant and took a 15 percent commission on most of his donations. An October 2006 fund-raiser for Mr. Doolittle that featured President Bush’s visit to the district netted about $90,000 for Mrs. Doolittle.
Mr. Doolittle has links to Mr. Abramoff aside from his wife’s work. He received about $14,000 in campaign donations from him.
Abramoff’s clients kicked in another $46,000, btw. Then, there’s the tie-in with Duke Cunningham [doing time] and Brent Wilkes [just indicted].
Mr. Doolittle, a member of the House Appropriations Committee, directed about $37 million in federal spending to Mr. Wilkes’s companies in 2004 and 2005 in the form of earmarks, the financing of special projects that individual lawmakers insert into spending bills. Over the same period, Mr. Doolittle’s campaigns and political action committee received tens of thousands of dollars from Mr. Wilkes and his associates.
Yes, this thuggery exists all over the map. Some of the Democrat creeps under indictment here in New Mexico only stole less – because we haven’t as much money as California. I’m featuring this article as my political crud of the week because he’s been slurping in the Washington hog wallow right through the heart of this whole wave of “acceptable” corruption.
Totally off topic, I just wanted to gloat at Ghoatie. I am trading in my three year old Murano company car, and getting a Camry Hybrid company car Saturday.
“acceptable” corruption.
Don’t you just want to vomit!!!
“Provide your own caption!”
How about:
You’re doin a great job doolie!
Term Limits
The longer you stay in office, the easier it is to steal from your constituents.
I am of the opinion that no one should make a career of politics. It should be more like jury duty. Serve your time like a good citizen then get the hell out.
I’m sure this oversight will be straightened out at the next meeting of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy(R).
#1 Way to go, GregA. The Camry Hybrid is a great car.
In some respects, better than the Prius (better comfort) for the same price. No angry stares from the SUV drivers.
Totally On Topic – reminds me of the Liberal Scandal here in Canada. Within any government, you need oversight, when people stay in power longer than X number of years.
Doolittle – a predestined name?
#6, just wondering, when the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy gets together to sacrifice virgins and plan their next attack on democracy, where do they meet? I don’t think any Hilton’s conference room would be big enough. Maybe a huge secret cave inside that mysterious island the Skull&Bones society owns?
8. Actually Rob it takes place at The Bohemian Grove in the forest north of San Francisco. Where all the NWO planning takes place.
#7, remember our ‘esteemed’ former PM seeing nothing wrong with appointing his own ethics commissioner? So ridiculous its not even funny.
I’d have to agree with #5 – make politics like a chore instead of a plum that sets you up for life. Your name is drawn from a pool and all your assets immediately become property of the state until your term is done. If the country does well and is stable, you are returned a fair living…if not…well….you lose too. Lol…not an original idea by the way, it came from a work of fiction, David Eddings I believe. Ok so its not realistic, but its a satisfying thought in a way.
#8 – No, the S&B doesn’t share the same values we do: They’re hungry for power, we’re hungry for… wait nevermind.
Anyway, we have our meetings via video conference at Wendy’s. Think about it: There’s a Wendy’s in every major American city, but do you know anyone who actually goes and eats inside the Wendy’s?
Dave Thomas was a Republican, too, you know.
Actually folks it is people like him that caused all of us republicans to fire there rotten asses in the last election. We (meaning conservatives) are fed up with sending elected officials to Washington who claimed to be conservative ( conservative = lowering taxes, cutting spending , lessening the power of the federal govt , sending the power back to the people ) we didn’t elect these people to line their pockets , be bought and paid for by corporate interests,and spend our money recklessly while bloating our budgets.
As much as many of you like to think conservatism is not evil it is a political view and a proven one at that ( check out the eighties post Carter) what we had in Washington the last 8 years is not conservatives they were simply greedy politicians masquerading as conservatives and they got what they deserve FIRED
This is a good start.
Now if the FBI can get the rest of the Republicans, maybe we can get outr country back and once again be a great nation.
#12, Like Democrats are any better. If you think they are you are so politically naive that you should not be allowed to vote.
#12 – You’re pretty funny for a nut that can’t make a point. Maybe you should send a video of yourself to NBC, too.
Why are you so rude all of time
you must be a very unhappy person
#4. Total agreement. Max of 12 years in both House and Senate. Two sixes for the Senate and three fours for the House. Every two years, 1/3 of the Senate and 1/2 of the House should be up for reelection.
(it is ridiculous to have a 2-year term in the House, they have to constantly raise money for reelection)
what an unfortunate last name for a congressman. and then, to make matters worse he gets arrested for doing something!
Did the find cash in his freezer???
Looks like they may have missed one prosecutor. This guy who directed the FBI to do this should have been fired!!
Well he just lost all the goodwill he had for sponsoring the Doolittle Delay bill. Tom still has a reserve thouigh.
Anyway, we have our meetings via video conference at Wendy’s. Think about it: There’s a Wendy’s in every major American city, but do you know anyone who actually goes and eats inside the Wendy’s?
As Yogi said,”Nobody goes there cause it’s too crowded”.
Doolittle takes leave from Appropriations
OAKTON, Va., April 19 (UPI) — A California congressman linked to disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff resigned temporarily Thursday from the U.S. House Appropriations Committee.
Resigned temporarily? What’s that mean?
#16 – Why are you so rude all of time
you must be a very unhappy person
Comment by Pmitchell — 4/19/2007 @ 2:15 pm
How rude of me not to be a Republican…
You do realize that I was talking about the same Republicans that you were talking about in your post, right? But I think if you read the blog rather than just cherry-picking the threads ripe for your brand of conservatism, you’d know that I am not typically rude. And I certainly wasn’t being rude in this thread.
Mr. Doolittle is re-elected term after term because the Democrats and the Republicans in California came to an agreement several years ago on reapportionment. They made districts almost 100% safe for all incumbents.
This is the situation that Gov. Arnie was trying to change in 2005 with his reapportionment inititive that Unions, Teachers, Democrats, and Republicans fought him on and beat him. Not one of those groups wanted voters to actually have a choice for state or federal representation…..so this is what we get. Don’t for a minute think Doolittle is the only one of either party in California, it’s just that the Democrats are apparently smarter about hiding their crimes.
I’ve always been convinced lawyers and anyone wishing to run for public office should be instantly disqualified. If you have to ask ‘why?’, you haven’t been paying attention over the past couple of hundred years.
We should choose our representatives for a single, long term randomly from telephone books, saving billions, going on trillions of dollars and a lot of time and utter boredom for the electorate.
I’m just guessing but I think the overall level of honesty would rise significantly and as a bonus, the average IQ of our representatives couldn’t help but skyrocket.
All – most if not all know I am a big “Dump the duhbya” fan.
That said – its a known fact that the party in power has the most corrupt people. It must be like Newton’s law of gravity applied to power.
Ok this guy is a creep. Big deal – so is the Democratic jerk who stole 100,000 and stashed it in his freezer.
“Like Democrats are any better” – irrelevant. The only way to punish bad behavior in our system is to vote in the other party, or as many including I like to look at it; vote the bastards out. If we do it often enough, may be they’ll get the point and at least be effective and efficient corrupt bastards.
Skimming doesn’t bother me – do it while sitting on their collective asses does.
My comment in #14 should have referenced #13 not #12. Sorry
Sure can tell the honest conservatives (e.g. #12) from the right-wing trolls (e.g. #15) around here.
Amazing how many people think sneering at the idea of a “Vast Right Wing Conspiracy” or trotting out “as if the Democrats are any better” address the fact that Republicans in power led to a corrupto regime (Dubya’s own word for his maladministration) that eventually the honest conservatives voted out in disgust.
#27 is right – if they’re corrupt, who cares what party they are? Kick ’em out. And if they’re in office more than 10 or 12 years, the chances are the corporate crooks and lobbyists have gotten to them. The longer they’ve been in, the harder we should have the FBI look at them.
#29 – Meanwhile, the right-wing trolls continue to own morons like yourself.