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Doolittle is in his 9th term in Congress. Have the voters in one of the most conservative districts in the country become so innured to corruption they simply didn’t notice the deals this clown engineered with his wife and Abramoff and whomever else?
F.B.I. agents last week searched the suburban Washington home of Representative John T. Doolittle, Republican of California, and his wife whose activities are being investigated in connection with her ties to the convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff, Mr. Doolittle’s lawyer acknowledged Wednesday.
Mr. Doolittle was elected to a ninth term last fall in a race that was unusually close for a heavily Republican district, largely because of questions over an unusual business arrangement with his wife’s company as well as his ties to Mr. Abramoff.
So, the other eight terms no one asked any questions?
Mrs. Doolittle, through her company, served as her husband’s chief fund-raising consultant and took a 15 percent commission on most of his donations. An October 2006 fund-raiser for Mr. Doolittle that featured President Bush’s visit to the district netted about $90,000 for Mrs. Doolittle.
Mr. Doolittle has links to Mr. Abramoff aside from his wife’s work. He received about $14,000 in campaign donations from him.
Abramoff’s clients kicked in another $46,000, btw. Then, there’s the tie-in with Duke Cunningham [doing time] and Brent Wilkes [just indicted].
Mr. Doolittle, a member of the House Appropriations Committee, directed about $37 million in federal spending to Mr. Wilkes’s companies in 2004 and 2005 in the form of earmarks, the financing of special projects that individual lawmakers insert into spending bills. Over the same period, Mr. Doolittle’s campaigns and political action committee received tens of thousands of dollars from Mr. Wilkes and his associates.
Yes, this thuggery exists all over the map. Some of the Democrat creeps under indictment here in New Mexico only stole less – because we haven’t as much money as California. I’m featuring this article as my political crud of the week because he’s been slurping in the Washington hog wallow right through the heart of this whole wave of “acceptable” corruption.
#12….I was just reading an article about Bob Barr….former Congressman from Georgia. I tend to watch politics and always thought of Barr as being a religious right type Republican……but the article showed me that I was wrong…..he was a good old fashioned conservative that made some mistakes in votes he cast(his words)….he has been doing what he can to try to get Conservatives to take back their party and has finally given up.. He joined the ACLU awhile back and has joined the medical marijuana ruckus(he’s for it) because he see’s it as a states rights issue versus a to powerful federal goverment. Now he has joined the Libertarian Party(true non-religious rights conservatives are about 50% libertarian) and may run for President on their line…..maybe you should check him out….I am.
#12…..here’s the link to the Bob Barr story….sorry…it’s Fox News…but a good read anyway…..lol