This is actually hilarious.

  1. guywhodoesntlikewv says:

    Classic example of why I have uninstalled Flash player — for good!

  2. Smartalix says:

    THat’s either the biggest pussy in the dog world or the smartest, and is probably both. (Then again he may not like chlorine.)

  3. andy says:

    i think that dog had a date later in the day and didn’t he want to go smelling like wet dog.

  4. Slappy says:

    #1 I am just a little curios on how you viewed that video without having a flash player installed?

  5. guywhodoesntlikewv says:

    I watched it and then later on uninstalled the s/w.

  6. noname says:

    This dog should run for President.

    We need a President that can think and daily fetch a news paper.

    Can’t image who/what would be the Vice President?

  7. MadV says:

    BFD… criminy, my mom’s secretary told me about this, after I’d already seen it… what a waste of bandwidth! Want to see something cool?

    Check out: The Message>

    Sorry for the double post, the explanation above on “href” is incorrect.

  8. Brian says:


    So not only did you feel it was a waste of bandwidth, you felt compelled to waste even more bandwidth and complain about it? Amazing.

    Great video by the way.

  9. #7 — Are you high dude? The “Message” is piece of cornball crap. Cripes! Get thee to a site where they blog about kittens. You should not be here with the grown-ups.

  10. Fred Flint says:

    So, we’re superior to “animals” because we use tools?

  11. TJGeezer says:

    8 – Dunno, John, I thought ending it with the “Vendetta” mask character added enough flavor to redeem the rest of it. Nothing wrong with an occasional dose of tree-hugger hope. Though it did make me want to go back and watch that “Top Gear” clip again to clear my mind.

  12. TJGeezer says:

    11 should have been to 9, JCD, not 8, Brain. Sorry.

  13. joshua says:

    I liked it….been showing it to my guys(sometimes refered to as *dogs*) hoping they will learn something. They won’t retrieve ANYTHING and hate water.

  14. hhopper says:

    #7 BORING!!! I would much rather watch a dog paddle a raft across a swimming pool.

  15. Misterian says:

    I will bet that the dog was specifically trained to do this trick and then videod.

  16. Lea Go says:


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