China sky often looks like this one — white

BBC SPORT | Other Sport… | Beijing smog worries IOC bosses — I always tell people that seeing a blue sky in Beijing (or in most of China) is unusual. They tend to be just white haze. Gee the Olympic boneheads just found this out

International Olympic Committee (IOC) officials are worried about poor air quality at the 2008 Games in Beijing. An IOC inspection team said the Chinese capital was making “considerable progress” after a visit on Thursday. But it asked for more details on plans to improve air quality because of the smog that often hangs over the city.

“This is of the utmost importance to the athletes, who are the most important part of the Games,” said IOC official Hein Verbruggen.

  1. Billabong says:

    Chinese cities are sh#! of the worst kind.Everything looks as neat as a pin but the air is poison

  2. K B says:

    There is no satisfying the IOC. And who would want to anyway?

  3. Milo says:

    They’ll just install a bunch of big fans or build a dome. The Chicoms specialize in slap dash, superficial solutions.

  4. joshua says:

    Hey….white is better than brown and beige like Phoenix. You know it’s bad when we Zonies wish for a sand storm to clear the air.

    I saw a blue sky when I was in Bejing….it was painted on the ceiling of the Hall of Central Harmony in the Forbidden City. 🙂

  5. Pierre says:

    … and what about the hats? The Beret was all the rage in France’s Olympics a few years ago.

    Will bamboo Chinese hats be all the rage this time around? Perhaps the Mao hat?

  6. Big Dubyah! says:

    Another reason why TORONTO CANADA should have won the games!!

  7. venom monger says:

    “This is of the utmost importance to the athletes, who are the most important part of the Games,” said IOC official Hein Verbruggen.

    This guy is delusional. The atheletes haven’t been the most important part of the game$ in decades.

  8. moss says:

    I’m not certain which sort of crock this is – but, since the Olympics have survived Tokyo, Los Angeles and Mexico City, I’m not too concerned.

  9. B. Dog says:

    They have a drill for when pollution gets too bad, and no, its not a Chinese Fire Drill. Cars are restricted in Beijing and can’t drive around. They are planning on doing that, but still…

  10. mark says:

    This is BS. As many people on this blog know man cannot impact our environment like this. Move along.

  11. tallwookie says:

    lol #10

  12. Richard says:

    I’ve lived in the neighboring city of Tianjin for 5 years now, and though I do admit that when I take the frequent trip to Beijing I can see where you get the idea of a white haze, It’s actually quite clean and sunny blue skies especially during spring/summertime.

    And… To the author of the first comment, f*ck you;


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