Yes, it was a CH-46

The petty beribboned cowards who place plausible infallibility above honor don’t really give a damn about our own troops in the field. Surely, no one expects them to care about servicemen from the Coalition of the Willing?

One more example:

A coroner has called it “inexcusable” that US authorities failed to release evidence about the first UK casualties of the Iraq war.

Andrew Walker was speaking at the reopening of an inquest into the fatal helicopter crash in March 2003. The eight servicemen died along with four US marines in Kuwait.

American authorities would not give evidence or provide relevant videotape to the court despite all efforts by the MoD, the coroner said.

Mr Walker said that despite “strenuous attempts by his office and the Ministry of Defence”, the US had again said it would not provide any American witnesses to give evidence at his hearing.

The evidence included infrared tape taken by the air mission command aircraft which he believed held radio transmissions before and after the crash. In addition, footage filmed by an embedded Fox News crew from Fox News was also being withheld, he added.

We are ruled by government and military bureaucrats who dedicate their energy to covering each other’s butt. Regardless of Constitutions. Regardless of law. Regardless of predictable political results – I hope.

  1. Angel H. Wong says:

    Didn’t Henry Kissinger wrote a book loaded with excuses on why it’s okay for the US goverment to screw up other nations?

  2. Rob says:

    Nowadays, the “political results” are ANYTHING but predictable. The way Bush has packed the Justice Department with his own Regent-U disciples and other cronies, I don’t think anyone in this current government will ultimately be held accountable for anything. The GOP and the Neonazicons have won this time.

    And don’t forget, the electronic voting machines are still out there. 2008 is going to be very “interesting”.

  3. John Paradox says:

    In the first two paragraphs, the quote came to mind: “we are an empire and we create our own reality” (paraphrased).

    Unfortunately, the ‘reality based’ are pointing out that is NOT true.


  4. sdf says:

    they are allies, yes? pretty lame.

    god forbid Poland ever need anything

  5. TJGeezer says:

    5 – Yes. And God forbid the American people ever need anything. Such as help in the aftermath of a hurricane or… the list really is endless.

    The real lesson? Nobody in government really gives a damn. Why should they? It’d only get them in trouble with the political appointees in charge of whatever agency pays their checks.


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