New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo criticized telecommunications company Verizon Communications on Tuesday for “chronically poor” telephone repair service in the state.
Cuomo’s comments come as the No. 2 phone company is trying to convince regulators and consumers that it can offer better service than cable companies. Verizon is expanding its fiber-optic network to offer high-speed Internet and video services, along with phone services, to compete with cable.
Cuomo said he had called on the New York State Public Service Commission (PSC), which regulates Verizon, to set stricter standards and require rebates for inadequate service.
What terrific reasons are there for allowing these guys to expand services – when they’re doing a crappy job at what they already provide?
It shouldn’t be a matter of what the government allows. Everyone who applies hsould be let into the market, not held hostage or having to pay bribes.
Last time I saw a phone like that, my uncle had rigged the generator, crank and a couple of long wires to stun the fish in his tank so he could get rid of the undesirable species. Maybe Verizon is doing this in New York…
Maybe our AG should look into why NYSEG has tripled our bills in the past few months versus the tiny amount of rebate we might get from Verizon…what a noob!
How many YEARS ago was the TV/telephone Promised?? 30??
And the Telco’s havent done anythng sence??
They made ADSL, for net use, do they could have you PAY more for the SAME phone line… Which REALLY isnt that hard of an improvement..
I live in an area where they JUST got ADSL, or the 40 year old TECh we had before…
Frankly I have had nothing but frustration, irritation, and dissapointment from Verizon phone services, to such an extent I would need to be coaxed into trusting them for anything.
The phone companies as we know them are dead. Cell phones have replaced them. Unfortunately they now think that their old and un maintained wires will carry high speed media?? Get real!!
In most cases unless they plan to go fiber optics to your front door.
Their system cannot possible handle all that traffic.
Even cable system are having a hard time keeping up with bandwidth
on their systems. Im not even sure why cable companies feel the need to offer phone services?? Since most people are finding that they can only afford cell.
I live in New York.
Because the cable company is *worse* than Verizon…..
My fiance recently had three service visits from the cable company trying to figure out why her cable Internet service didn’t work. Every time she called the cable company, she had to start from scratch, because the “service” department couldn’t tell anything about previous phone calls or service visits. yeah, right. Takes a lot of work to make Verizon look good, but there are cable companies who can do it……..
I also live in NYC, and have had the opposite experience with Verizon DSL and TImeWarner cable modem service. The former sucked, the latter was decent.