Couch Entitlement – To those married male readers, thread lightly with this story ;)

Everyone from economists and sociologists to Oprah knows that women work more than men. Their longer combined hours, at the home and at the office, stop men from taking afternoon naps on the couch and cause fights that end with men spending nights on the couch. And yet according to new study, those longer hours are a myth, because it’s just not true that women carry a heavier load.

Three economists, Michael Burda of Humboldt University in Berlin, Daniel Hamermesh of the University of Texas, and Philippe Weil of the Free University of Brussels have analyzed data from surveys in 25 countries that ask people how they spend their time.

Whatever you may have heard on The View, when these economists accounted for market work and homework, men and women spent about the same amount of time each day working.

Many women with demanding careers say that it is women working full-time in the market, not women overall, who work more than comparable men. This study cannot settle that question because it does not report work time separately for people with and without market jobs. But if women with careers work more than men, while women overall work the same amount as men, then women without market jobs must work less than men. Men can use that argument to hit the couch in the afternoon. Or to end up there at night.

  1. tallwookie says:


  2. Jim Smith says:

    Ah… The Gender Wars. So much fun. Now we see that sexism isn’t limited to men only. The belief that members of one sex “work more” than members of the other is just that — a belief. “The View” is a great example of the misandry that pervades among a large number of the female members of our society. It is female chauvanism at its worst.

  3. rantsh says:

    So… Live from your parents until you can live from your wife, God knows some women bust their backs working way more than theirmen, that for sure doesn’t mean they all do…

    Maybe that applies to american women, but I can assure you it doesn’t apply for Venezuelans. hehehe.

    Greetings from the other side of the border…

  4. undissembled says:

    Nelsons voice… “HA HA!”

  5. mark says:

    Its true, my wife works harder than me. But I work “smarter”.

  6. chuck says:

    Women spend 6 hours a day watching The View, Oprah, Days of our Lives, Rachel Rae, etc.

    Obviously they don’t work as long or as hard as men – who work at real jobs making real money.

    House work doesn’t count as real work. Everyone knows that.

  7. Misanthropic Scott says:

    I think this study failed to consider that the real difference may be between couples in traditional sexist relationships and those in peer relationships.

    For those of us in peer relationships, we men do just as much housework as women. And, the women typically do just as much office work as the men.

    So, in my case at least, we adjust amount of housework to compensate for the amount of work work each of us is doing at any given time. If one of us is in crunch mode and putting in a lot of overtime, the other picks up the slack around the house, regardless of which of us it is.

  8. mark says:

    5. Hey buddy, keep that to yourself will ya. Your makin the rest of us look bad.

    signed: Lycanthropic mark

  9. mark says:

    I meant 6. Soooorrryyyy.

  10. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #8 – Mark,

    If you meant me, all I can say is that 99% of men really make the rest of us look bad. So, you do your job, I’ll do mine, and maybe women will not think of us all as a being replaceable with a couple of D cells and the technology to make sperm from bone marrow.

  11. Jeff says:

    The honest truth is that we are going to be replaced by a couple of AA batteries and a new technology that makes mature sperm cells from bone marrow. Men simply can not compete.

    The toy does a better job that any man, period. It does not matter how big, thick, or good the male is. We all have limits that toys do not.

    Further, women communicate better between themselves. They likely would do a better job of raising a family without male Interference. We simply just get in the way. The honest truth is that we as men (at least today’s world) are not good for much… It seems as if evolution has passed us by (at least that it is the way it is linked within popular culture).

  12. Angel H. Wong says:

    Gay sex is better. Plus there’s no accidental pregnancies 🙂 (poo babies don’t count)

  13. tkane says:

    Women certainly work harder in comparable jobs than men do. What a woman does in 6 steps, including collecting performance data and getting general consensus, I get done in one step; begging forgiveness being better than asking permission and all that.

    Whoa, who said women communicate better between themselves? uhyeah, after the claws get put away; maybe.

  14. qsabe says:

    You don’t need all those toys. You don’t need two cars. So you don’t need a wife working, unless your not man enough to handle a mans responsibilities, do you.

  15. veronica says:

    that is true


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