Hey guys, study this movie while you are at it.
found by Harrison Hopper
By John C Dvorak Monday April 16, 2007
Hey guys, study this movie while you are at it.
found by Harrison Hopper
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the thing i dont understand about population control conspiracies is that, on average, governments and corporations make more revenue/taxes for every person born into the population? isnt this so?
Wow, I guess my high school science teacher was wrong….
I hope that everyone here realizes that all contrails created by aircraft are nothing more than 100% pure water vapor.
If you want to get into spraying, click around the turn and bank instrument in the lower left corner:
Woa… As if the religious nutters weren’t enough…
What a moron.
I hope he realizes that the exhaust from millions of car and truck tailpipes is much more dangerous to his health. Try fixing that first.
I have no idea about contrails. I had always heard they were pure water too. But, the carbon output from planes is tremendous. Even with the advantages you’d expect from plane-pooling, i.e. most of us fly in crowded planes, not our own private jets, you burn about the same carbon per person as if each person in the plane drove their own car.
So, when you fly, buy carbon offsets, just as you should for your car. I like http://terrapass.com myself, but there are at least several good choices.
These are called “chemtrails” by the wackaloon community.
There’s a school of thought on “Plan 9 From Outer Space” in that Ed Wood deliberately made schlocky movies to get his social commentary past McCarthyite censors.
Satellite pics from right after 9/11, when air traffic was grounded for a few days, showed an amazing increase in air clarity over L.A. When I saw the pic, there was speculation that reducing that artificial albedo could actually accelerate global warming. That seems extreme to me. But 30 seconds with Google found this Science News article http://tinyurl.com/2sq83l which says about contrails:
“Contrails are made of ice crystals that form within seconds around the small particles present in aircraft exhaust, says David J. Travis, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Although jet fuel produces water vapor as it burns, more than 90 percent of the ice in long-lived contrails comes from water vapor already present in the air, says Travis.”
Of course that stills leaves 10% of the contrails about which to worry, fret and produce overdramatic videos.
#5 you burn about the same carbon per person as if each person in the plane drove their own car.
According to the following website, the current average is about 50 miles per paying passenger, better than all but a few cars.
This nutso probably worried about dihydrogenated oxide too.
Amazingly enough, there are many videos on U-Tube about this. There are definitely enough whack-jobs to go around.
(You Tube)
Here’s a little-known psychological fact, linking pathological egocentrism and rationality; it applies uniformly to crackpots, religious fundies and your common or garden-variety psychos:
The more bizarre a belief, the stronger that belief; or to put it another way, the farther from reality you get, the more willing you are to believe that the rest of the world is wrong and you alone are correct.
Useful to remember when seeking to understand the appeal of loony religions, unworkable inventions and impossible conspiracies.
“Find out what they don’t want you to know!” It’s easy to pass over the fact that it’s a safe bet they don’t want you to know it because it’s nonsense. 🙂
Carbon offsets are complete bullshit. It is the modern version of Catholic indulgences. If you are against polution, then don’t polute. Thinking that you are somehow forgiven or are counter-acting your bad polution by buying carbon offsets is ridiculous.
#8 — Cripes Alix. There were a ton of well-made social commentaries done in the 50’s — a ton. And they were not schlock. This guy was a nutjob and a out-and-out schlockmeister. The movie with Johnny Depp seems accurate. Oh wait. You’re joking! Ha. I get it now.
The music makes the video very exciting 😛
The “one sprays – one doesn’t” part completely convinced me.
I always suspected my chronic fatigue is somehow the fault of the government.
16. I loved the Johnny Depp movie “Ed Wood”. For the best schlock, Mystery Science Theatre 3000 had the best commentary.
#11, Les
I have a large bag of dehydrated dihydrogenated oxide in my garage. Would you know if this is dangerous? Any suggestions on what I could do with it?
Gotta agree with Thomas (#15) on this one.
How exactly does buying “carbon offsets” (nice bureaucratic horseshit name by the way) reduce pollution?
It doesn’t, plain and simple, it’s a sop for all the people/governments who won’t STOP polluting.
We have this same BS up north, only they want to start giving millions if not billions to other countries to “offset” their own pollution. So the end result is the same pollution and tax dollars being given to another country.
And we all know they’ll spend it on non-polluting expansion (rolls eyes)
I wholeheartedly agree. I personally say Ed Wood is Tim Burton’s masterpiece, perfect in every way and one of the best films of the 90s.
And MST3k certainly didn’t hit the mark every time, but when it (frequently) did, old Joel there could make me bust a gut.
John C, Ed Wood was admittedly strange and definitely the King of Schlock, but by all reports, he really was the nice, sincere guy Johnny D portrayed him as. Notice that Burton’s film never belittles him.
“Do you reject Satan and all His works?”
Bunny (Bill Murray) [pauses to think] “…………………Sure.”
Seriously, John. That doesn’t redeem his films, but could put them in a different perspective. Possibly he wanted to make the commentary not realizing that he was filming crap. Don’t forget he also made the groundbreaking film Glen or Glenda.
The plot of Plan 9 involved aliens who wanted to stop humans from atom bomb research because people are too immature to be trusted with such power. The movie did stink on ice, but the message was anti-authority.
Good lord.
The nutjobs and their chemtrails conspiracies are waaay out there. Ridiculous.
24. For an even better example of this 2 classics “The Day the Earth Stood Still” and “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” , both classics, “Snatchers” more about encroaching Communism.
There are people that believe Global Warming (TM) but don’t believer this nonsense. Hypocrites I say!
#15, #22,
Though you may be right that it is not yet monitored strongly enough to be sure of the effects of buying offsets, everything I’m hearing is that they are doing at least some of what is intended in reducing carbon output.
#22, in particular, the way it works is that when you buy your carbon credits, somewhere, a factory or power plant has that many fewer credits available to them and must therefore clean up their output by the amount of your output.
As these things become more and more official, the difference will be more and more documentable. But, it appears to be working reasonably enough at present to make the purchase.
A bit like indulgences? Yes. If you need to drive and do buy the indulgences, it is still better than if you didn’t buy them. If you can avoid driving, do so. Same for flying. It’s better not to. But if you are going either way, you can help by buying the credits.
21, Mr. Fusion
Dihydrogen monoxide — dangerous stuff, get rid of it
as quick as you can!!
Those were much better films, though.
30. Absolutely, better than most current films.