While I promised to minimize this Britney thing, contributor Harrison Hopper found this obscure vid made by a fanzine. It’s supposedly Britney mocking herself in some way or other and trying to be funny. But is it even really her? Was it done on April 1? I really was not going to post this but everyone on the staff seems to be sick and maybe this will cheer them up. Gak.

  1. jumpformylove says:

    she’s toast. peanut butter & banana sandwiches are on the horizon…

  2. master_of_fm says:

    heard this on the adam carolla show this morning and initially everyone was like was she serious? but as it went on you could tell she was being sarcastic. video on the other hand it was apparent from the very beginning.

  3. Danijel says:

    I dunno… It’s not that bad… She’s obviously making fun of the whole situation and she is completely entitled to do that.
    But I’d also like to know if it’s really her?

  4. Brit says:

    Like, ya know, ya’ll, like tha’ taint me, fer sure, like, ya know, ya’ll. Fer realz.

  5. mark says:

    I dunno John, I think you shoud’ve gone with your original inclination.

  6. J says:

    Yes it is her. But why do you feel the need to pick on her so much?

  7. Matthew says:

    meh, not quite as good as this britney video

  8. sdf says:

    I think Dvorak is in love with Britney.

  9. Mike T says:

    You all really think this is her? I am not so sure.

  10. Miguel Correia says:

    Poor thing… that day only one of her two brain cells were working… Was it the one of the left or the one of the right hemisphere?

  11. BubbaRay says:

    I just wish she could come clean up the vomit on my monitor. #10, Miguel, I hesitate to guess which brain cell, but I know I just lost a bunch watchin’ this junk.

    #5, mark you beat me to it.

  12. mxpwr03 says:

    I think posting that video is a violation of the “Blogger Code of Conduct.”

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    GAK !!! I managed to get to the 1:07 mark. I shouldn’t do this so soon after dinner.

  14. joshua says:

    Yes….it’s really her……according to my unimpecable source(my buddy’s girlfriend) all the so called entertainment programs are running it, along with stories about how she hasn’t spent 1 single day at home with her kids since leaving rehab.

    They put animals out of their misery when they suffer irreprable injuries…..wonder why they won’t do the same for this sick woman.

  15. Greg Allen says:

    I dunno — she doesn’t seem that crazy. It actually seems like she has some perspective on the craziness, anyway. It wasn’t hilarious but kind of funny.

    I’m not a fan and I don’t own any of her music but she strikes me as a remarkably talented person.

    If I were her agent, I’d encourage her to step back and redefine herself something like Christina Aguilera is doing. I never liked her as a teen idol but she’s doing some interesting jazz stuff now.

  16. FRAGaLOT says:

    wow her hair grew back long PDQ.

  17. Mark T. says:

    You can see here short brown hair under her hat when she turns sideways. Definitely her and she is definitely just kidding around.


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