I know a lot of our readers are at work, right now. You’ll see all of this, tonight, when you get home. I’m just putting this up as a placeholder for the moment. We’ll update later.
The Virginia Tech police chief said at least 20 people were killed in twin shootings on the Blacksburg campus Monday morning.
“Some victims were shot in a classroom,” Chief Wendell Flinchum said, adding that the gunman was dead.
A hospital spokeswoman told The Associated Press that 17 Virginia Tech students were being treated for gunshot wounds and other injuries.
The shootings came three days after a bomb threat Friday forced the cancellation of classes in three buildings, WDBJ in Roanoke reported. Also, the 100,000-square-foot Torgersen Hall was evacuated April 2 after police received a written bomb threat, The Roanoke Times reported.
Update: News Services now report 32 dead. Gunman shot almost 50 people.
Ah, the good ol’ 2nd Amendment at work again, protecting the rights of wackos to go out and play with their automatic rifles, which everyone NEEDS to have to defend us from our government’s Abrams tanks, Apache helicopters, etc.
The 2nd Amendment needs a bit of amending itself, methinks.
#1, yeah, that’s the answer, just take away people’s freedom. Then these types of things will never happen again.
This couldn’t possibly have happened….
There are all kinds of big “NO GUNS” signs all over the campus.
School officials recently voted again to NOT allow LICENSED gun owners to bring their weapons on campus.
It’s a media lie….
After all those big signs keep armed Law Abiding Citizens out quite well.
Oh yes – they work really well for criminals too….
#2, At least 22 people just lost their freedom today. Not just one amendment either, but all of them.
1. Lets not jump on this oppurtunity for your political agenda. This wasnt an automatic rifle anyway.
#5, lets not jump on this opportunity for yours either
I haven’t seen anything about the gunman using automatic weapons, where are you guys getting this, or are you just making it up as you go along?
No changes are needed for the Bill of Rights; we all need to just view this as population control. They’re just easing the burden. No matter what laws are enacted, as the population grows, and is forced to live in closer proximity with one another, these incidents will become more frequent.
#4, One of the primary reasons for a government is to provide a collective means of defense, since it’s difficult enough for an individual to defend his life and property from 10 people much less 1000. But just because people create a government to provide certain functions which would be impracticable to accomplish as individuals (such as a police force and military), does not mean they have surrendered those rights for themselves in the process – and the right to self defense is as fundamental a right as property.
So, just because some whacko decided to kill some college kids, don’t think I’ll be standing in line tomorrow to turn in my .45.
#7 – What kind of .45 you got? I’ve got a Rock Island Armory 1911 with rosewood grips. Great for CCH, along with my Kel-Tec .380 ACP.
#8, Right now I have a Ruger P90
I want a 1911 Colt! I have to settle for a .357 Glock or Springfield.
You’re really going to have to do something about your dreadful murder rate over there, why, it’s bringing your country into disrepute. Over here in the UK we think that having a whole lot of guns just lying about is possibly a bit risky, so we don’t do that. Maybe you might give it some thought?
Liberals clearly have nothing better to do than use the deaths of others to justify their flawed political views. Unfortunetly Iraq has become passe, so school kids will do.
Blaming the 2nd Ammendement is funny, because it assumes that without it the nut job who did the killing wouldn’t have had a gun to begin with. Interesting logic, morons.
Mossberg 400 18.5″ barrel with pistol grip. I like to call it my “point and shoot” weapon.
I hear that you can kill a lot of people with those big things on wheels. What do they call them??? Oh, right, cars.
I’m pretty sure this guy was part of a well regulated militia.
Considering my conflicted upbringing, I actually don’t have too much of an opinion on the 2nd Amendment.
Guns are cool.
About 15 years ago, a nut case with a grudge decided he was going to kill everyone attending a campus ombudsman meeting at my local university. He killed two of the dozen attending the meeting. He didn’t kill more because an off-duty police officer was attending the same meeting.
You can’t stop lunatics from going on killing sprees, but armed citizens can keep the body count down.
Here in Europe this sort of thing is no longer surprising – it’s apparently almost routine in the USA: 23 such campus shootings inthe last 20 years with over 60 people killed. The sign of a really sick society…
15. Golly, aren’t the gun laws tighter in Europe? What country are we talking about?
I guess those two wars Europe had in the last century don’t count. The death toll in those two events is 10,000 times larger than any deaths on this side of the ocean. Murders and wars combined.
To all pro-gun nut cases here: explain why countries with lose gun controls have the highest levels of gun violence? Debate and bs as much as you wish, but this cause and effect correlation is pretty well pronounced. And, on the flip side, how come countries that do control gun have much more stable, safe and democratic societies? Did it ever click in your foggy minds?
I hate April. It isn’t even the 20th, yet.
#15 – Just because your part of the world lost its grip on power 50+ years ago is no reason to get pissy.
Double Kill!
Triple Kill!!!
Running Riot!
#17 – I was talking about the USA.
Many conservative talk show hosts suggest to callers that if they are against gun ownership to display a “NO GUNS HERE” sign on their house. Of course, for self-preservation purposes, the caller balks at this, but it seems that schools and colleges that openly restrict gun posession have done exactly this.
#22, yay for freedom fearing pacifists who eagerly trade it away for safety and comfort!
campus shootings inthe last 20 years with over 60 people killed. The sign of a really sick society…
How many people have been killed at soccer games over the same period of time? Would that be a sign of sick societies too?
When was the last time you went to a big soccer match? Do you walk around looking at the ground because you would get the shit beaten out of you if you happen to look at the wrong hooligan? (That’s why one of my former employers left the UK for the much-safer US.)