Fascinating moral dilemma. As the blurb to this article put it, should we stop the poor from selling their organs? If a person needs to sell an organ to feed their starving family, do we as wealthy Westerners have the right to say they’re wrong if we’re willing to pay for it to keep us alive? It’s a freedom of choice thing, right?

Shopped Liver: The worldwide market in human organs

If you lose your job, you can sell your home. If you lose your home, you can sell your possessions. If you lose your possessions, you can prostitute yourself. And if you lose everything else, you can sell one more thing: your organs.

Twice in the last two weeks, transplant experts from around the world have convened in Europe to discuss the emerging global market in human flesh. Two maps presented at the meetings tell the story. One shows countries from which patients have traveled for organs in the last three years: Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Malaysia, South Korea. The other shows countries from which organs have been sold: China, Pakistan, Colombia, the Philippines.

Instead of waiting, many patients have set out to recruit their own donors. They started with billboards, then moved to Web sites such as MatchingDonors.com, JoeNeedsaLiver.com, and HelpMyGrandpa.com. Around the world, people have learned that their organs are assets.

The surest way to stop him from selling his kidney is to make it worthless, by flooding the market with free organs.

  1. hhopper says:

    Hey, I just got my new China Rican left testicle in the mail.

  2. tikiloungelizard says:

    If you try to subvert a natural market (drugs, for example) you just create a black market. The directors of a lot of the “non profits” that shuffle organs and blood around make some serious incomes. If I want to sell my organs or blood, I should be able to. Speaking of blood, if i donate blood, shouldn’t a get free blood at the hospital if I ever need it? Yes, but I can’t. That’s why I don’t donate blood anymore.

  3. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I disagree. Once you create a money market for organs there’s no end to the potential atrocities.

    And #2, you’re blood donation strategy is asinine.

  4. Peter Rodwell says:

    I run a non-profit foundation, the International Organ Foundation, the main activity of which is creating an on-line catalogue of pipe organs (www.intorg.org if you’re interested). I frequently get e-mails asking if I can help procure hearts, livers, kidneys, etc…

  5. tallwookie says:

    #2 – I agree completely, my blood needs to stay in my body where it belongs.

  6. BHK says:

    #2 – that use to be the case at Kaiser Permanente. When my son needed blood, it was $150/unit or some such amount. I could offset $50/unit (my copayment) by donating blood myself within a year. I”m not sure that they’ve cancelled that blood credit system – it makes alot of sense.

    It all comes down to – who owns you?

  7. GaryM says:

    I just want a spare middle finger so when I give someone the finger, I really give it to them.

  8. Blogenator says:


    Please IMMEDIATELY CREMATE ME on my own death.

    My family, my mom, my brothers and sisters, my nephews and nieces, and everybody else can go choke a chicken.

    I’m not religious, yet I find nature seems to create a nice, healthy, homogeneous global reality.


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