American radio icon Don Imus disgraced, fired after threat to reveal 9/11 secrets – Pravda.Ru — This is a whopper. The story goes on to talk about how Charlie Sheen will be the next target. Pravda has become the Onion methinks, no?

In a clear sign of its intent to reign in dissident American media personalities, and their growing influence in American culture, US War Leaders this past week launched an unprecedented attack upon one of their most politically ‘connected’, and legendary, radio hosts named Don Imus after his threats to release information relating to the September 11, 2001 attacks upon that country.

found by Rick Salsman

  1. Rob says:

    I am becoming more and more convinced that the U.S. government DID at least know about and allow the 9/11 attacks to happen. Given how difficult it is for anyone to believe it, it is obvious that this administration could do just about any evil thing it wants and totally get away with it. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and “American Idol” keeps the sheeple entertained and blissfully unaware.

  2. mark says:

    If this is true, John, then I believe people in this government are running scared from the “truthers”. If there was nothing to hide, then this wouldnt be happening.

  3. hhopper says:

    Yeah, Don Imus knew all about those “nappy headed hos” who commandeered the planes.

  4. hhopper says:

    Yeah, Don Imus knew all about those “nappy headed hos” who commandeered the planes.

    (And this is the message all really dyslexic people will see then they attempt the capcha:

    Sorry, bad luck on this one, cow-boy, try again. You have 4 attempts left.)

  5. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    How does taking him off the air silence him, anyhow? I’m thinking he’s on XM this summer…

  6. Brian says:

    He won’t go on either Sirius or XM – they both need federal approval for their upcoming merger.

    Didn’t anyone else think it was odd how quickly and how ferocious the story of his ‘nappy headed hos’ comment got?

  7. danno says:

    The end of the world is near. Scandals regarding Rutgers women’s basketball & Duke lacrosse are dominating the news.

    Wouldn’t Imus threatening to reveal 9/11 secrets make them not fire him? I don’t get the logic here.

  8. mark says:

    It doesnt matter now. With 22 Dead at Virginia Tech, He will now drop off the radar.

  9. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    6, that may be true, but have you ever heard the unexpurgated comedy channels on XM? Makes Imus sound like a saint.

  10. Angel H. Wong says:


    Me thinks that too, chances are that ALL (CIA, FBI, NSA, etc.) knew about it but didn’t bother with it because each agency prefers to let ppl die than to cooperate with each other and share the credit.


    Yep, and the Michael Richards incident was ferociously downplayed.

  11. Billabong says:

    Check out the Pravda website the commies have really put together a professional website.As my Daddy used to say “if it looks like dead fish and smells like dead fish its dead fish”.

  12. James Hill says:

    You people don’t get past the main headlines much, do you?

    The Imus story was played up to cover up the Couric plagerism story.

  13. Billabong says:

    Katie is dead fish…. six months before she is history.Imus got it because he kept calling Bush and Cheney war criminals.The man was warned and kept repeating the truth.

  14. James Hill says:

    #13 – You do know the X-Files ended production right in line with 9/11, after they had an episode where they talked about planes hitting the WTC, don’t you.

    I say, blame CSM.

  15. mark says:

    14. James- I think that was The Lone Gunmen, spin off of X-Files. But yes, they did do a program of planes hitting the WTC. Kind of spooky, huh? Or was it………………

  16. James Hill says:

    #15 – The fact you know it was on TLG is disturbing in and of itself. 😉

  17. mark says:

    16. Yeah, I only saw it once, and it wasnt very good. But apparently it could predict the future!

  18. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #11 – Billabong

    “As my Daddy used to say “if it looks like dead fish and smells like dead fish its dead fish”.”

    Wow. That’s almost what my daddy used to tell me : “Son, there ain’t but two things that smell like fish, and one of ’em’s fish.”

  19. SN says:

    6. “Didn’t anyone else think it was odd how quickly and how ferocious the story of his ‘nappy headed hos’ comment got?”

    Yeah, I did. Especially when you consider how insignificant Imus is. I mean, I’ve heard of him before this fiasco. But I’ve never actually heard him before. Who cares if some two-bit radio shock-jock says something offensive? Why is that news?

  20. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Search me. Go ask Jesse, or the Rev Al; they seem to think it’s important…

  21. Tanqueray says:

    This was such BS, I believe that a conspiracy is in short order. I mean there are so many more people they can attack for racially insensitive remarks, but they didnt why? I mean if you look at the good this guy has done for a lot of people. You gotta say to yourself someone, Cause there was no debate, I mean actual debate, not than racially motivated tensions. This is really sets a bad precedent. Who’s next?

  22. joshua says:

    Have any of you actually READ Pravda in the last 5 years?
    It makes The Sun in the UK and the National Enquier look like high brow literature.

    After the fall of the USSR, it went tabloid to survive, hell you can even get naked womans pics in it.

    I just had to check to see who posted this story… seemed like an Uncle Dave piece….but it was John….almost as bad….lol 🙂

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, Bill

    As my Daddy used to say “if it looks like dead fish and smells like dead fish its dead fish”.

    So I’m guessing you saw that picture of Brittany Spears with no undies.


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