Some years ago Melissa Waggoner, the PR diva, went into a room with a bottle and a cork in it saying she could remove the cork in less than a minute. She walked in and then walked out with the cork removed from the bottle. There was some implication that she had somehow sucked the cork out. She would never say how she did it and I know other people who have done this trick and have remained silent as to how the trick works. I kind of forgot about it until John Ligums sent me this video. Ha. Now everyone knows. Because of videos and YouTube all cheap magic tricks will soon be revealed. So much for Melissa’s cork sucking ability. BUSTED.

  1. NSILMike says:

    I’ve seen it done with a cloth napkin also- similar technique. Twist the napkin into a cylinder, put it into the bottle, then struggle for a while to get the cork to slide slightly into the open end of the twisted napkin. (That part is hard- I’ve never succeeded…) Then pull the cork out with the napkin. the pressure of the bottle neck squeezes the napkin, and the friction of the napkin against the cork is enough to pull them out.

  2. Miguel says:

    Seems like it’s the first video to suffer the infamous ‘Dvorak Uncensored effect’ 🙂

  3. Bryan Price says:

    Video no longer available.

  4. Noname says:

    For the love of tricksters everywhere, next time please ask us to avert our believing eyes first. What a kill joy!

    Knowledge of this trick collapsed my Schroedinger Wave Equation through the act of knowing. I am astonished the collapse/implosion didn’t shatter the bottle in the way my suspension of believe/ego was shattered!

    How can I recover from discovered delusions. Where were you before we disbanded our Iraq team looking for WMDs??

  5. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    I guess that means you’ve already heard the one about the cork soaker, the coke sacker and the sock tucker…? Oh well.

  6. BubbaRay says:

    If it would only work when the bottle is full of really good wine and guests are watching you screw up the initial cork removal.

    #7, Lauren, haven’t I warned you about making me snort at 0200? 🙂

  7. hhopper says:


    Sure that’s easy for you to say in print, but try it out loud 10 times real fast.


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