Rate of drug-resistant gonorrhea explodes – Los Angeles Times — This is no thanks to the fact that our under-educated population doesn’t know how to take anti-biotics properly so they breed these bugs. I blame the schools. Of course the lack of good sex education can be blamed on other factors.

The percentage of highly resistant cases has skyrocketed from 1% to 13% in five years, higher in some cities. Changes in treatment are recommended.

Highly drug-resistant gonorrhea has been spreading rapidly across the U.S. and accounts for 13% of all cases of the sexually transmitted disease, federal researchers said Thursday.

In a survey of 26 areas around the country, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found particularly high rates of drug-resistance in Long Beach, Orange County, San Diego, San Francisco, Philadelphia and Honolulu. Drug-resistant infections accounted for at least 25% of all cases in those areas.

“That’s a really dramatic trajectory in terms of emerging resistance,” said Dr. John M. Douglas Jr., director of the CDC’s Division of Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevention.

  1. Angel H. Wong says:

    You can always tell her to suck around the pimple 🙂

  2. Sounds the Alarm says:

    Can you say “evolution”?

  3. Nappy-O says:

    Why blame the schools? When the doc gives you the pills, he will always say “take the whole set.” If you don’t do it, you can’t blame the schools. Blame the people who don’t do it.

    Oh, and you can blame them for asking the docs for antibiotics for viral infections, too. Silly guys. Oh, and blame the guys who feed most of our antibiotics to cattle too.

    What, me cranky?

  4. hhopper says:

    Not only antibiotics… those anti-bacterial soaps everyone is using are going to create some nasty resistant bacteria also.

  5. ECA says:

    What I found amazing, is that the Small town I live in…
    Those living here have a 30% rate of STD’s.. Mostly the younger folks…

  6. OmarThe Alien says:

    Gene pool cleansing?

  7. Timbo says:

    What about those who know but don’t give a sh*t? We are finding that in the gay community where they are plaqued with AIDS. Maybe you need to beat the ones who fail to take their pills. Never can trust those slaves.

    But why should they care? They have been taught nihilism in school, that everything is pointless, useless and worthless including themselves. That’s the foundation of Humanism.

  8. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #6 – OTA

    I’d say so. And I’d say that’s the reason to make no special effort to eradicate STDs.

    But then again, I’m also against feeding those populations which have demonstrated that they aren’t capable of sustaining themselves.

    Our well-intentioned but ultimately counterproductive interference with natural selection is starting to bite us in the ass. Time to knock it off, for the greatest good of the greatest number.

  9. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #7 – Timbo

    “They have been taught nihilism in school, that everything is pointless, useless and worthless including themselves. That’s the foundation of Humanism.”

    Oh, horseshit. Humanism is about humanity fixing its own problems rationally, instead of brainwashing impressionable minds into thinking that some ludicrous primitive fairytale daddy is gonna make everything better if we just spend our time telling him how wonderful he is.

    Grow up, for Chrissakes.

  10. Who teaches nihilism? Is there nihilism 101? Cripes what BS. If I ever see nihilism is tends to be from churches that predict the end is near. Now THAT is nihilism my friend.

  11. George of the city says:

    Ah I remember the good old days “1968”when STDs could be cured with a shot. On the otherhand aids and its offshoots has kept me zipped up and off the streets for the last twenty years

  12. BubbaRay says:

    Re: Nihilism, #7 Timbo

    Nihilism is a view composed of skepticism coupled with reduction. ‘Political’ Nihilism is active, not passive, and dictionary-defined as the realization “that conditions in the social organization are so bad as to make destruction desirable for its own sake independent of any constructive program or possibility.”

    Well, #10 John C Dvorak, you are correct. What _is_ this junk? Sounds like spam directly to the brain or terrorism to me, but what the heck, over?


  13. hhopper says:

    What about the latest strain of resistant tuberculosis bacteria… think that’s on purpose or just a bunch of Russians not taking all their antibiotics?

  14. Timbo says:

    #10, Dvorak
    Nihilism is a natural conclusion of atheism. If there is no one who offers a future, then life is futile and worthless. If there is no one who cares, then why be honest, unselfish or caring. What’s left is to distract yourself from the empty void, seek pleasure and to avoid pain. Just like any planarian.

    This is where the teachers offer Humanism as a distraction and something to live for, mostly. Eventually, when the pleasure runs low, do a Hunter Thompson or an Ernest Hemingway and get it over with.

    And people actually think this is better than the Christian faith. Get a life.

  15. Uncle Dave says:

    #14: Wow! In just a few short succinct sentences you were able to show exactly how little you understand about atheism, nihilism and religion, three complex, expansive and intellectually demanding topics. Most people require volumes. I’m impressed!

    For your information, those of us who don’t require there to be a reason to exist (or be honest, unselfish or caring), who are able to see life as an end unto itself, and don’t require the crutch of a higher being to give us purpose, are living quite happily watching the religious-addicted spin their wheels in hopes of something better after death. We tend to be content trying to make things better here on earth for those here now and who will follow. And guess what? Seems I already have a life!

  16. BubbaRay says:

    15, Uncle Dave,
    We tend to be content trying to make things better here on earth for those here now and who will follow. Seems I already have a life!

    Well said. Sums it up for me. No religion, no religious wars, no “My god is better than your god.” Just my 2 cents (2 new gold dollars) worth.


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