– play Nintendo 8-bit games online (no download required) Here’s a time waster. All the best old 8-bit Niontendo games recoded in Java and playable on your PC. To be honest these do not play well on all PC’s. But it is interesting.

found by Bryan Enderle

  1. sdf says:

    pretty old scene – except today you can have the honour of paying $5-$10-$15 to play these games on a $250 console

  2. Josh Jellel says:

    Somebody is going to pay how much for my old Nintendo!?!

    I’m not so nostalgic—I prefer to emulate for convenience sake, and use the real controllers to boot!

  3. kenji says:

    there is a better online NES emulator.

  4. ECA says:

    you would THINk they would be giving this stuff ALMOST free….

    Its almost REVENGE of the 8bits…

  5. Syd Nohcud says:

    And why not ?
    These games were great.
    At least they gave a chance with their predictabilty.
    They were fun !

  6. Mr. Magoo says:

    In our house, with 3 kids (7, 9, & 10) we only have one game console; it’s an 8 bit Nintendo. They don’t realize that there’s better ones out there, and they’re happy with it.

  7. tallwookie says:

    #7 – lol dont insult your children’s intelligence, they know theres better stuff out there (unless you dont have cable, get only PBS, live too far away from civilization for them to have any friends, no internet at the house, and home-school every single kid). The kids know better, they’re just not complaining about it right now.

    To think otherwise is complete idiocy


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