Dave’s Blog » False Positives — OK, I’ve just installed the newest release candidate of Spam Karma 2.3. If you are getting rejected comments please read this webpage cited above. Also send me a note.

So your comment was denied on a blog, and the perennial Spam Karma error message showed up, informing you it couldn’t be posted (provided the blog admin was a responsible admin and was keeping up with versions, you should have gotten the “updated” message, which isn’t so nasty any more: if you received some rather offensive piece basically accusing you of spamming, please accept all apologies and keep going).

Quite obviously, since you are reading this, you are not a spammer. You know it, I know it. You feel unjustly singled out, quite possibly frustrated, perhaps a bit angry and, if your mom didn’t hug you enough as a kid, you might even be inclined to overly aggressive and rude behaviour toward anything that ressembles a culprit for this problem. Please read on…

  1. Danijel says:


  2. Ben Waymark says:

    Am I a spammer?

  3. OmarThe Alien says:

    Down the road a little bit I may do a blog, as the guestbook on my site has long been tossed as naught but a spam colleector.

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    Mmm… spam… *drool*

  5. lakelady says:

    thanks for the update. I hope this straightens things out.

  6. jccalhoun says:

    every comment i try to post is marked as spam. I’m trying it without my hotmail address and without my website address to see if it will go through

  7. Cheese says:

    Test 2. Last test result (as all postings since SK was installed):

    Sorry, but your comment has been flagged by the spam filter running on this blog: this might be an error, in which case all apologies. Your comment will be presented to the blog admin who will be able to restore it immediately.
    You may want to contact the blog admin via e-mail to notify him.

  8. hhopper says:


  9. hhopper says:

    test. This is still not working. John e-mailed me three times that he thought he had fixed it, but I still can’t post. At least some of my posts show up after a while.

  10. ECA says:

    For anyone having problems…

    Please post…your browser and VERSION, and any security programs useing..

  11. ECA says:

    AND, if you cant post here…Go to the link I posted in #1…

  12. Jeanne says:

    My last two comments were blocked over the past few days, even though I could comment before that. Can’t remember the error, though.

  13. ZeOverMind says:

    Spam Spam Spam Spam…

    We’re go for throttle up…

  14. Billabong says:

    I get no mail.

  15. BubbaRay says:

    Well, Dave, I got one and it’s probably in the hopper right now. Thanks for the post.

  16. Jeanne says:

    Am I still blocked??

  17. Oaf Tobark says:

    My comment was posted and then removed with no apparent justification. Very strange as there was nothing offensive in my comment post. They didn’t even try to e-mail me at my e-mail which I provided. Makes me feel like comments at John C. Dvorak are politically censored.

  18. Fred Flint says:

    According to the Spam Karma web site, Spam Karma doesn’t like proxies. In fact, I think he said it “hated” proxies because spammers use them.

    There is a difference between a transparent proxy and an anonymous proxy, which is what I assume spammers would use but perhaps the Spam Karma security doesn’t differentiate.

    To increase my web speed, I hve been using various transparent proxies provided by my ISP.

    I don’t know about anyone else but I think that could be at least part of my problem. I will now cease using the proxies and hope for the best.

  19. hhopper says:

    I don’t use a proxy and I can’t get anything through.

  20. hhopper says:

    Whoops! Looks like a new Kinda Capcha is back. I didn’t get a rejection.

    [Because Uncle Dave happened to spot your posts in the spam list and recovered them.]

  21. Gregory says:

    SK is probably the most buggy of the spam solutions out there, I never liked it on my site. Askimet and Bad Behavior were enough, and I never got a single complaint.

    Good luck tho…

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    OK, the last few days I’ve had no problems. That damned “Capcha” was a pain in the butt.

  23. hhopper says:

    Thanks Uncle Dave. I can sure live with the rapture capture. It beats the alternative.

    Say, it would be great if there was a preview on here…hint…hint. I’m sometimes playing Russian roulette with the code.

  24. Misanthropic Scott says:

    Tried to post the following on the abstinence blog. I got caught by your spam detector.

    Abstinence is a form of sexual deviance for any sexually reproducing species.

    Teaching it as a form of birth control, while harmless, is also useless. If we want to keep people from getting AIDS and dying, we need to provide good real sex education. I had it many many moons ago and never ever had sex without birth control. Now, with AIDS being far more prevalent than it was in my time, and also just more publicized than then, we need to teach people about sex and about condoms and make them readily available.

    If our prudish society can’t deal with them being actively handed out in the classrooms, then at the very least they must be made available at the school nurses office. Anything less is dooming many to death.

    On a semi-related point, spending money to send people to teach abstinence in Africa, instead of distributing condoms, is like dropping an AIDS bomb on Africa as part of a holy war. You must adopt American Christian values or we will just let you die of AIDS. Admittedly, this is not the only issue to be dealt with in Africa regarding sex. But, distribution of condoms must be part of the solution. Teaching abstinence never will be.

    For any who doubt my first statement, all you need to decide is whether sex is a normal part of life for a human. If so, not having sex, long term, as in the priesthood, is a deviant behavior.

  25. Misanthropic Scott says:

    How do I send you a note?

  26. Misanthropic Scott says:

    All my comments, including this one get blocked. How do I contact you?

  27. hockeymike says:


  28. ECA says:

    I reported over 10 spam posts…
    They MOSTLY went in the old files, from 2005-2004…
    THAT is what they are trying to stop.

    How would you like Email that is sorted by DATE and you keep getting Email thats dated 2 years ago???

  29. Ken in Berkeley says:

    Testing, Monday 3:26 PM PST, to see if this comment posts on Dvorack Uncensored.


Bad Behavior has blocked 8506 access attempts in the last 7 days.