A face? Really? Where?

Live Science – April 12, 2007:

You might expect men and women to look at sexual photographs differently. But a new study unexpectedly found that men are more likely than women to first look at faces rather than other parts of a nude body.

Also, the women in the study spent more time than the men looking at images of couples having sex.

Men looked at the female face much more than women, and both looked at the genitals comparably,” said lead author Heather Rupp of the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction at Indiana University.

  1. Mike T says:

    Is it ratings week at the blog?

  2. Fred Flint says:

    I think I may be an atypical male.

  3. ECA says:

    I get Thirsty…

  4. Misanthropic Scott says:

    I have to say that I’m not at all surprised by this. George Carlin said it quite well in the 70s. I’ll do my best to quote from memory.

    Guy 1: I want to get some pussy.
    Guy 2: Here.
    Guy 1: Eeewwww not that!! I want something with arms and legs and a body and a head.

    I’ll add, and yes a face and a brain too. Personally, I still find the brain to be the sexiest organ in the human body.

    If men were not looking for faces, they could probably get away with using sheep instead of paying human actresses … and not just on the really bizarre porn sites.

  5. Lou says:

    From an evolutionary standpoint, this pans out. Men are looking for the most fertile women, which probably correlates best with the age of the woman. The easiest way to tell the age of a woman (especially in our pre-civilization days) was to look at her face. QED.

  6. Jerk-Face says:

    5. “From an evolutionary standpoint, this pans out. Men are looking for the most fertile women, which probably correlates best with the age of the woman.”

    Pretty cool, you were able to explain this study and why men dig high school chicks all in one simple argument!

  7. Chris says:

    I thought they looked at the interview first.

  8. Its really about The complete package like a fine tuned ferrari.
    The face is very important. The brown bag over the face dosn’t work for me…
    I added some more babe pics from ny auto show in my blog… My-best-shot.blogspot.com

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    So true, if I wanted to see a headless torso I’d go play any game in the Ultima series.

  10. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #7 – you’re confusing nudity with pornography. Playboy and Penthouse are not porn.

  11. tomdennis says:

    Guess what the 1st thing I saw in the above photo. It was white.

  12. Chris says:

    Of course, most men don’t care about a showboat body if it comes with a shipwrecked face

  13. Well #11 We know your not talking about the shoes and socks.

  14. For the men that do care. The ones that brown bag the face.
    The trick is to bail out before the show boat body turns out to be like the ship wreck face.

  15. TJGeezer says:

    5 – Lou – You’re right. There are more clues to general health, mental alertness, age, likelihood of fertility, and other survival-positive characteristics in the face than in the rest of the body. Not to mention that’s where men find clues to receptivity of the female. Of course that’s where men look first in real life.

    But since when has porn been real life?

  16. Girl says:

    Yeah, it’s really pathetic how much time men spend looking at porn. There is a real world out ther gentlemen with real women. Try experiencing it instead of pathetically drooling over a woman that doesn’t give two shits if you die in a car crash tomorrow.

    As for the high school girl comment..ewwwwwwww. No girl respects a man that has the mental maturity of a high school boy.

  17. zxevil164 says:

    VYgTiZ Cool, bro!


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