Associated Press – April 14, 2007:

Rutgers women’s basketball coach C. Vivian Stringer said Friday the team had accepted radio host Don Imus’ apology. She said he deserves a chance to move on but hopes the furor his racist and sexist insult caused will be a catalyst for change.

“We, the Rutgers University Scarlet Knight basketball team, accept — accept — Mr. Imus’ apology, and we are in the process of forgiving,” Stringer read from a team statement a day after the women met personally with Imus and his wife.

“We still find his statements to be unacceptable, and this is an experience that we will never forget,” she said.

“Can’t we all just get along?”

  1. doug says:

    OK, guys, let me get this started –

    The Rutgers players are a bunch of racists, like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson! They should have refused his apology and issued a statement indicating that there was nothing wrong with what Imus said. Because rap music singers refer to women as “ho’s,” the Rutgers players should have loudly announced that everyone should follow their example and refer to all black women, including themselves, as “ho’s.”

  2. XXXXX-headed Janky says:

    All in all, it seems to me like the Rutgers team won. They got to look all righteous, and they got him fired (okay, they weren’t trying to get him fired, but if they’d said “Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me,” people might have just glossed over that horrible, racist, comment about their hair styles).

    Sigh. To go along with people becoming wimps, they’ve also lost their sense of perspective.

  3. Billabong says:

    Don Imus is going to make a billion dollars out of this mess.Blacks have been so marginalized in this country they will grab anything and call it a win.We have institutionalized racism in our country by using SAT scores and class rank as the only indicators of success.You invite people of other races to a University not to help them but to educate the white kids already there.What went on this week was OJ all over again.

  4. John says:

    #3 – Except Imus didn’t kill anybody

  5. mark says:

    If someone called my wife, mother, girlfriend, sister a whore, I’d fire them personally, after I kicked the shit out of them. They didnt get big mouth fired, he done got hisself fired.

  6. Tom says:

    I nominate this story to be the biggest waste of time in American media history.

  7. gquaglia says:

    #6 No, the Anna Nicole Smith fiasco was worse.

  8. SN says:

    7. “No, the Anna Nicole Smith fiasco was worse.

    What do you mean “was“?! We’re still fricken hearing about Marilyn Monroe’s death! Your children’s children will be sick of hearing about Anna Nicole’s death.

  9. Sharptons an enigma.
    Who voted him into office to represent so called black people.
    Why is this country so divided on color. People are people we are all American.
    Oh big deal sharpton get off your soap box and get it. Let the man earn an honest living.

  10. RTaylor says:

    This is a financial decision. You can’t put him on the air without sponsors. I doubt blacks contributed much to his demographics, but why should a sponsor go out on a limb for his silly old egotistical ass. You’re rolling in bucks Imus, go write a book.

  11. The Average person goes thru life and takes the path of least resistance.

    They worry about paying bill, staying healhy and enjoying thier free time. If they are lucky they get a vaction every year.

    No, No, No, Not Sharpton. Hes not the average. He lives his life on the edge looking for trouble. Suddenly its Sharpton to the rescue, like a bad lawyer chasing an ambulance,

    Sharptons on his soap box complaining how the white man hurt him and his people. And how The white man should be punished for life with disregard to freedom of speech.

    Oh geese give me a break.

    Over the year I listened to what he had to say and most of the time the information was not correct as in the case of Tawana Brawley.
    Most of the time the words that came out of his mouth where about his hate for other people. Especially Jews.
    If anyone is predjudice its him. I
    Over the years I learned how he cheated so many of his own people.
    Andbecause he is a rev. he skirts around the tax laws as well.

    He reminds me of growing up the kid in class that got a charge out of instigating an argument amongst to people while he sat back and chuckled think about what he did.

    If the country is to be divided by Black, White, yellow, brown, red and green. Which I hope will never be the case, then each race should vote for who they want to represent then.
    As far as I understand Rutgers or the So Called Black people never asked sharpton to represent them.
    Rutgers is a top university, they don’t need Sharpton stickin his head in thier business. All they wanted was an apology not a blood donation.
    Imus goofed, plain and simple, he pulled the old shock jock trick and it back fired.
    So what
    was accomplished, Sharpton took away a mans livelyhood because the man made an offense comment that could have been bleeped by the company that fired him.
    He took away the money that imus was donating to help children of all colors.
    What happened to freedom of speech.
    If you don’t like what the person says on the radio show then don’t listen.

    So way to go sharpton you widened a gap between races rather than bring people together.

  12. TJGeezer says:

    Actually, if that pic is of a Rutgers player, she doesn’t look like a ho to me. Just a kid having a fine time playing basketball, and I ain’t saying a thing about her hair, or about how ridiculous my then girlfriend looked a few decades back when she had her fine, blonde Dutch hair tomented and frizzed out into a “natural.” But I gotta say, between the two, if you had to pick which one looked like a nappy-headed ho, it was definitely my girlfriend.

  13. JimR says:

    “His career took flight in the 1970s and with a cocaine- and vodka-fueled outrageous humor. After sobering up, he settled into a mix of highbrow talk about politics and culture, with locker room humor sprinkled in.”

    I think a bad idea of what entertainment is, has run its course. The public defamation of an innocent group, should be dealt with seriously. Freedom of speech doesn’t apply to slander.

    You might say if you don’t like it don’t listen, but there are too many gullible half-wits out there who will believe anything if it’s repeated a few times. Having shows like that is not compatible to achieving a peaceful society. Freedom has never meant freedom to harm as you please.

  14. doug says:

    #11. “Oh geese give me a break.”

    are there geese deviling you, Richard? I recommend some sort of repellent. 😉

    “Imus goofed, plain and simple,”

    BS. he called gifted college athletes whores. that’s not a goof. He should have been fired that same day. Just because Al Sharpton is an a-hole does not make what Imus did excusable.

    And again, this is NOT about freedom of speech. the FCC did not get Imus in trouble, his own employer (who owns the podium) took action, as is their right. If he was doing a self-published podcast, he could just keep on trucking. So no one has silenced Don Imus.

  15. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I like that the Rutgers women took the high road. Good for them…they seem like a decent bunch.

  16. darthrader says:

    Hmmm, I think Imus should apologize at the same time that Al Sharpton apologizes for his comments about the Duke Lacrosse players….

    While Imus’s comment was not warranted, it is nothing compared to what the liberal media releases. Just look at MTV or BET. The dehumanizing aspects of the lyrics and content of the shows that they force down our throats are NOTHING compared to what Imus said. I thought that women were supposed to be equals in todays society, but instead, they are made out to be little more than objects.

    Al Sharpton is above and by far more racist than anybody else today. I have never heard of him stick up for any minority other than African Americans. People like him are ultimately what keeps racism alive today.

    Kudos to the Rutger’s basketball team for taking the time to show that there might still be hope for equality.

  17. James Hill's Mom says:

    Don Ho died today. I wonder if he was from nappy headed ho descent?

  18. hockeymike says:

    I didn’t take Imus’ comments to be racist. In fact, I’ve heard those terms used for blacks and whites. I figure the real racists are those who viewed his comments in a racial fashion.

  19. Lou says:

    #17… you made my day.

  20. hibiscusroto says:

    Imus is boring.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    Hmmm, I think Imus should apologize at the same time that Al Sharpton apologizes for his comments about the Duke Lacrosse players….

    And are you going to apologize for smearing OJ Simpson? Or do you believe that another standard applies in that case?

    Let’s put some things into perspective.

    Imus smeared some women Basketball players because HE didn’t approve of their looks.

    Sharpton reacted to published reports on a gang rape of a black woman by three “privileged” white kids.

    Simpson was found not guilty by a jury of his peers.

    While Imus’s comment was not warranted, it is nothing compared to what the liberal media releases. Just look at MTV or BET.

    Hhmmm, didn’t one of Rupert Murdoch’s companies agree to publish OJ Simpson’s book? Of course they later backed down after the uproar, but that was after the check was cashed. Besides, MTV is an entertainment channel. BET might be better compared to Fox. As well, I guess we should also consider the hate that conservative men like Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Weiner (aka Savage), Sean Hannity, and the like put out.

  22. Thinking out Loud says:

    #19 –
    Actually OJ LOST the civil case. The standards required in that case not being as stringent as the criminal case. Of course he arranged his finances so the white plaintiffs would never see a cent of his money – Reasonable people convicted him. CONVICTED. No smear there.

    Imus was parodying Rap artists. Unfortunately he had a mental fart and choose to rap in the context of the womens basketball team from the night before. Stupid choice, but the rap artists are still selling records and nobody from the Jackson / Sharpton coalition has said boo about it. What this says is if you are a black man and degrade a black women and make money off it – It’s OoooKaayyy with Sharpton / Jackson. Of course what do you expect from a drug dealer / adulterer. .

    Sure, Sharpton reacted to published reports on a gang rape of a black woman by three “privileged” white kids. But he still never ever apologizes for ROUTINELY accusing innocents in error – EVER. He does the damage and shuffles off to his next victim. He comes off as being proud of doing the damage irregardless of if the allegation is true or not. HE JUST LIKES TO HURT PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT BLACK..

    Isn’t that by definition racism.

    Or is it OK if I adopt his philosphy as my own. Because as you no doubt American Indians have been treated much more unfarily than blacks were ever treated, and continue to be so. Or don’t you care?

    I suspect most blacks are embarassed by the monstrosity that the simple minded media has created.

    The only black leader that came out of the “ho” comment with any sense of decency and fair play was Barack Obama. I only hope that he continues to make Jackson / Sharpton irrelevant, because they are. .

  23. darthrader says:

    I have never made any comments about the OJ Simpson case. OJ was acquitted in the criminal case but convicted in the civil case. This is not a matter of racism, but of the justice system.

    The point that I was trying to make is that Christian ministers (Sharpton and Jackson) , who are supposed to show acceptance and compassion to all persons by default, but do so apparently only in a very selective manner.

    The ideals of separation of church and state are such that the government is not supposed to establish a state-run religion. This was established to prevent a repeat of what happened in England. This does, however, work in two separate ways. The government is not supposed to tell religions how they are supposed to worship (within reason, if a religion is organized that blatantly violates the law, then the government can step in), and that religions are not supposed to force their views into the government (proselytization).

    I could care less what color somebody is, I care about how they act. If they demean another without applying the same standard across the board, then they are racist, or sexist, etc. Neither of the aforementioned ministers made any damning statements in the recent Kobe Bryant case. The crime in question was rape, a horrible crime against a woman, not a vague comment about appearance. This is not wholly different from the Duke Lacrosse players incident. But remarks were made about one and not the other. This, in essence, is what the entire matter is about.

    Imus did the right thing in apologizing for his comments. While the comments were unacceptable when taken in the context that has subsequently been blown out of proportion, he at least bothered to apologize. He is well known for making comments without thinking them through beforehand. The Rutgers basketball team accepted his apology. The case is closed. As to his punishment, I don’t necessarily feel that being fired as Al has called for is the proper course of action, but events have been set in motion, and I guess the best thing we can do now is watch them play out.

  24. TJGeezer says:

    21 – Mr Fusion – What you said. Hypocrisy always deserved to have its covers pulled.

  25. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #22 – Thinking out Loud

    “Reasonable people convicted him. CONVICTED. No smear there.”

    You’re actually being too kind to the murdering bastard. I think there might still be a few thousand ideologically-blinded, gullible morons out there who truly, sincerely believe that, against millions-to-one odds, OJ didn’t slash Ron & Nicole, that all that evidence was just lies and coincidences.

    When it comes to those deluded clowns, it’s interesting to note this: they insist, because the jury, in a court of law, found him not guilty, that that proves that he didn’t do it! A judgement de jure somehow miraculously transforms de facto reality – and after the fact!! “He couldn’ta done it, cause the jury said he didn’t!”

    Their absolute, 100% confidence in the determination of a jury is utterly amazing coming from the very same people who spend the rest of their time complaining that juries falsely convict innocent people every single day!!

    If all those juries who put innocent people in prison are wrong, because of being corrupted or deceived – and they most indubitably are – then any jury can be corrupted or deceived – including OJ’s.

    And if you deny that, then you’re not just a fool, you’re a lying hypocrite.

    – – – – – – – – – –

    For those who think that’s Imus’ dimwitted wisecrack was as bad as the things Sharpton and Jackson, et al, say –

    Imus was making an off-the-cuff, thoughtless crack. Those girls had done nothing to him, said nothing about him; he wasn’t angry with them, he had no motive to consciously decide to deliberately insult them. That’s a far cry from calling all of America’s Jews “Hymies” or “diamond merchants” and provoking deadly violence against them. Remember? Those two were serious, there was no dumbass wisecracking involved, they deliberately slandered all Jews.

    And of course, the “Reverend” Al – that sack of shit, after pumping up the Tawana Brawley hoax, publicly, deliberately and repeatedly, called DA Steven Pagones a rapist and a racist – among innumerable other despicable lies.

    And that fatass turd has never once apologized.

    One set of rules for you and yours, another set for everyone else, right?

    Kid yourselves all you want – what Imus said pales into utter insignificance nest to the filthy lies and bigoted smears that those two hatemonging opportunist slime have been spewing wholesale for years without so much as a fucking peep from you “tolerant” “liberal” racist hypocrites.

  26. Doug, it was a goof because the FCC fines big $$$ for stuff like this.
    Again someone should be responcible for not hitting the bleep button.

    Imus was just trying to be a smarta$$ and it back fired..Sharpton jumped ot any on it as a tool to promote himself. Its not about imus its about Sharpton self promotion.

    Nappy hair is a description of the type of hair. its not any different than using the word curley, or straight.
    We all used the word whores many times in our lifes.

  27. Actually the term Black people is not a correct description of race.
    Most people we refer to as black are not black at all.

    Their skin color is different shades of brown. The skin type changed as a way of adapting to the environment over time due to evolution.

    After all we all came from Adam and Eve.

    Many of the so called Black people who like to be called African American do not come from Africa but other regions of the world such as the islands.
    Many of the so called black people have mixed blood with other races.
    in addition their roots trace back to many generations of American.

    I have personally found that people of color more predudice of the different shades. Lighter skin brown people are more prejudice of blacker people.
    But this isn’t any different amongst white people either.
    Whites have a cast system of their own based mostly on religion.
    Blonde hair Blue eyed Protestants being on the top and Jews on the bottom.

    People like Al Sharpton and David Duke are about hate and self promotion.

    Thier is good and bad in every race.
    I really don’t care what color a person is as long as they are a good person.

  28. doug says:

    #25. And I would not go on the radio to call your mother or your sister or your wife a whore. If I did, you would be very justified in being outraged, and seek to have me removed from the airwaves, free speech or no free speech. Lets keep in mind that this was not some abstract racial insult, this was directed at a very specific group of women.

    As far as nappy-headed goes. What if he had called them “thick-lipped ho’s”? Are we getting closer to something that you would consider a racist remark? After all, thick is only a type of lip.

    I don’t think “ho” is on the FCC’s list of naughty words. It is an indication of the bizzare cultural standards we have that talking about sex or excretion will get you in government trouble, but referring to college athletes as whores just gets you in trouble with the likes of Al Sharpton.

  29. Podesta says:

    Thanks for fighting the good fight, Doug. When the racists are on a roll there’s a tendency to look away because it is like some twilight zone where rationality is dismissed.

    I think the reason for the bigots’ attempt to change the topic to Al Sharpton, Anna Nicole Smith or the weather is that they know there is no real defense for what Don Imus said. Those young women did nothing to deserve the disgraceful treatment he dished out. So, Lauren the Bigot and his ilk must evade the facts to defend Imus and his viewpoint. They mistakenly think they can do so by changing the topic.

    On the previous thread about the Imus situation, I decided to accept the ‘freedom of speech’ Lauren and his fellow Aryan Nations members friends say they are defending, So, I took the liberty of saying that Lauren’s mother, sister, wife or girlfriend are stringy haired hos — with lice. Strangely, neither Lauren or his friends have applauded that remark. Could that be because that they know it is not a decent thing to say?

  30. We are far better off as a society to allowing people top speak freely.


    No matter how outragous thier comments are they have a right to self expression.

    “Communist and Facist restrict free speech.”

    Messages of hate are not good, but its worse if we don’t know they hate.

    Take away free speech and you take away the root of democracy.


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