found by Harrison Hopper

  1. TJGeezer says:

    I don’t know what it is about that video, but it’s fascinating and funny. And I keep having thoughts about what a good puppet master could do with that. And wondering how that operator managed not to crack a smile.

  2. Kev50027 says:

    It’s fake. It was on Engadget a while ago.

  3. Mac Guy says:


    It processes the data in real-time. (Plugs shoe in) It downloads the data to the shoe through the USB port. We manage four variables…

    Rythmn… Tempo variable… Intensity variation… And lastly, the swing variable (shoe swings around).

  4. Wanker says:

    #2 Ya think?

  5. Jack Freedom says:

    These guys should make something more in depth like, fully articulated puppets of animals or USB robots or something (A’la Jim Henson). CG takes too long/too much effort to pull off compared to this chroma key puppetry. I don’t know, real beats CG if real is what you want. (sans the odd blurring to the right of the shoe but, I chalk that up to subsampling quality of the camera and lack of fine-tuned compositing)

  6. JimR says:

    It just might become a runaway success.

  7. Jägermeister says:

    Funny! 🙂

    Thanks for the translation Mac Guy.

  8. hhopper says:

    Yeah, but how does it do those sidewards moves??? What is in that shoe??

  9. joshua says:

    #2…..I call BS….you can’t fake something like this.

  10. Petrov says:

    #10 Look closely… you can see artifacts of the person holding the sneaker in the video. It’s not obvious when you first look at it.

  11. cool tidbits says:

    “It’s fake. It was on Engadget a while ago.”
    Thank you Dr. Obvious

  12. Bob says:

    New Shoe Bomb?

  13. joshua says:

    Damn….where’s the sarcasm button when you need it……lol 🙂


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