by Peter Nicholson

A Malaysian museum has closed an exhibition on supernatural beings after Islamic religious authorities issued a fatwa, or decree, against it, state media have reported.

The National Fatwa Council had ruled on Thursday that exhibitions on ghosts, ghouls and supernatural beings were forbidden, as they could undermine the faith of Muslims.

Abdul Shukor Husin, the council’s chair, was quoted as saying that “supernatural beings are beyond the comprehension of the human mind.”

“We don’t want to expose Muslims to supernatural and superstitious beliefs,” the Berita Harian newspaper quoted him as saying.

Shouldn’t that read “additional supernatural and superstitious beliefs”?

  1. Brian says:

    ““We don’t want to expose Muslims to supernatural and superstitious beliefs,” the Berita Harian newspaper quoted him as saying.”

    Now that is funny

  2. BubbaRay says:

    “There is no Freedom of Religion without Freedom from Religion.”

    Wish I could supernaturally remember who said that. Great cartoon, thanks, Eideard.

  3. Improbus says:

    Such is the logic of religion.

  4. JimR says:

    “supernatural beings are beyond the comprehension of the human mind.”Therefor:

    Muslims can’t comprehend God.


    Muslims aren’t human.

  5. TJGeezer says:

    Ghosts, or more to the point, people’s thoughts about ghosts can’t be controlled by the Imam. It’s about power, just as was the inquisition. And torture by direction of authoritarian politicians, for that matter. It’s all about holding power over the populace.

  6. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    “…exhibitions on ghosts, ghouls and supernatural beings were forbidden, as they could undermine the faith of Muslims.”

    Golly, that sure is one bulletproof, unshakable religion, Mrs. Cleaver.

    Think about it – these imbecilic sheep lack faith in their own faith…

  7. Jägermeister says:

    *LOL* Religious folks amuse me.

    What they should do is to put a fatwa on not discriminating against minorities… that would be a first in Malaysia.

  8. BubbaRay says:

    Golly, that sure is one bulletproof, unshakable religion, Mrs. Cleaver.
    Think about it – these imbecilic sheep lack faith in their own faith…
    Comment by Lauren the Ghoti — 4/14/2007 @ 4:19 pm

    And this is why we have ‘Homeland Insecurity’, isn’t it?

    Be sure to scroll down just a bit and look at the ‘table of knowledge’ !

  9. TJGeezer says:

    8 – What a great link – thanks!

  10. Timbo says:

    This is a great find. The Muslims have always said they could cast out demons like a Christian so Christians didn’t trump them in some spiritual area. I knew this was not so, but how to prove it? This proves it. Thanks.

  11. Greg Allen says:

    >> Shouldn’t that read “additional supernatural and superstitious beliefs”?

    Muslims believe in the “Jinn” which (if I understand correctly) are a parallel race of Muslims but in practice serve as spooks in local folklore.

    I know most of you guys are judgmental of everything Muslim but I find their stories of the Jinn fascinating.

    In every culture I’ve experienced, they have some sort of manifestation of “spooks” — even in highly atheistic cultures like the Russians who compensate by having a very widespread (and sincere) belief in aliens.

  12. arissa says:

    i think ghosts and spirits are real and will always be with us.
    only the fatwa says so but the one who belief it, they cannot change it.
    you can belief what you belief and keep searching for the truth.

  13. God says:

    Muslim are ghost, they don’t want other ghost, as themselves to know the truth about themselves. Fatwa are just bunch bullshit they used to show off their useless power, which is… only in the pitty little muslim world.


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