Associated Press – April 14, 2007:
An elderly woman was rescued after being found buried beneath a pile of debris, garbage and animal feces in a home, authorities said. An elderly man was found dead.
Helen Bushwick, 85, was discovered Thursday when volunteer firefighters responded to the two-story house after relatives said they couldn’t reach her. Debris mixed with human and animal waste was piled high in every room, some all the way to the ceiling.
“A six-foot pile of rubbish collapsed on her and trapped her in there,” Erik Kinney, a volunteer firefighter, said of Bushwick.
The man was found Friday when authorities resumed a search. His name was not released.
Makes me want to start cleaning my apartment…
Concerned relatives, Riiiight.
My thought as well… Like they really cared.
I’d get buried in feces with Shirley Manson any day.
In the growing times ahead.
Many are NOT dealing with the changes in the world.
When you knew who your neibhor was, and could get along with them.
Looking at the NEWS, and being able to desipher it and understand what was going on.
peolle are growing more(internally) issolated, and feeling presured to HIDE.
For those of you, not OVER 35…And remember the OLD days..
When you could walk Anyplace in town, and not feel harrassed, or that you could wave at the neibhors without feeling someone was getting a gun, or reporting you to the cops, aas a possible CHILD MOLESTER…
When neibhorhood stores were NOT called convience stores…
THINGS have changed, and NOT for the better..
5 – ECA – Jeez, man, you make my geezer-tude pale by comparison. I stand in awe.