Scientists have at last uncovered the closest living relative of the mighty Tyrannosaurus rex, the most feared and famous of all the dinosaurs. For the first time, researchers have managed to sequence proteins from the long-extinct creature, leading them to the discovery that many of the molecules show a remarkable similarity to those of the humble chicken.

“The analysis shows that T-rex collagen makeup is almost identical to that of a modern chicken – this corroborates a huge body of evidence from the fossil record that demonstrates birds are descended from meat-eating dinosaurs,” said Angela Milner, the associate keeper of palaeontology at the Natural History Museum in London.

Let’s face it. If the creationist dingbats were right and we were around the same time as dinosaurs – we would have done what we did to many other species. Eaten them into extinction!

Preferably with garlic and a little rosemary.

  1. Improbus says:

    Kentucky Fried Dinosaur. I will have mine with some mashed potatoes please.

  2. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #1 – Improbus,

    People have been eating KFD for a long time now.

    Actually, it’s been really obvious to anyone that has been to the dino wing in AMNH (The American Museum of Natural History) in recent years. They’ve added birds to the Saurischian Dinosaur wing. I hope this has been done at the natural history museums in other cities as well.

    Odd bit of trivia, due to a misunderstanding based on bone structure of the two major categories of dinosaurs (Saurischian and Ornithischian), birds are now in saurischians. They are maniraptors. The sauropods and ceratopsians and other large hebivores are in ornithischian dinosaurs due to a structure in their hips that was mistakenly considered bird-like.

    But, back to birds, they are therapods, as is T-Rex, and maniraptors, a subgroup under therapods. So, all birds are equally closely related to T-Rex. All bids are dinosaurs. So, living dinosaur species still outnumber living mammal species two to one.

  3. RTaylor says:

    Of all the things I’ve eaten that was suppose to taste like chicken, none of it has tasted like chicken.

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    I thought chickens were more related to velociraptors since every time the chickens in the patio spot a small crab or a lizard it’s like watching Jurassic park.

  5. bill says:

    No wonder they are gone!

  6. tallwookie says:

    I bet that asteroid that wiped out the dinos was actually a group of hungry space-faring tourists


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