Scientists create artificial sperm cells; Papers hype all-female conception – On Deadline – — There goes the neighborhood. I’m also guessing that every science fiction writer out there is dealing with this idea.

Scientists say they have managed for the first time to create artificial sperm cells, a development that the popular press has seized upon as a sign that sterile men — and even women — may be able to fertilize eggs in the future.

The researchers turned adult stem cells from bone marrow into immature sperm cells. They’re excited about the discovery, but say that it could take three to five years to develop a process whereby the cells develop into the more mature sperm cells found in the testes.

“This finding is of interest but we really need to be very cautious about the interpretation,” a leading biologist tells BBC News.

The female sperm could only create female babies by the way.

  1. Can we say AMAZONs!!!!
    But of course only the “not so attractive” women would be doing this, so “NOT SO ATTRACTIVE AMAZON’S”

  2. Mac Guy says:

    Great. We’re now obsolete! Say it ain’t so…

  3. sdf says:

    I’m sure nothing could possibly go wrong – except for the elephantine trunks and webbed toes.

  4. bill says:

    A little PINK pill…

  5. OmarThe Alien says:

    Kind of like how the dinosaurs felt when the bright lights came down from the sky.

  6. Ascii King says:

    Of course it would only need to create female babies.

  7. Smith says:

    Yessss! No more child support!

  8. Bruce IV says:

    “Is this a ship of the Valkyries, or have you human women finally done away with your men?” – Q

  9. JimR says:

    Now all we men have to do is create ovums with YY chromosomes.

  10. BubbaRay says:

    Great. Just great. Now I can’t tell that screaming woman (who’s whipping her eight unruly kids and flippin’ me off) in the grocery store to ‘go scr*w yourself.’

    I guess now she actually can.

  11. JimR says:

    Exibit A: …and you sat the syringe raped you miss?

  12. John Paradox says:

    I’m sure nothing could possibly go wrong – except for the elephantine trunks and webbed toes.
    Comment by sdf

    You’ve met my wife?



  13. Bada-Bing Bada-Bing says:

    SURE! This along with “boner pills” is more important than curing real diseases like diabetes, asthma, neurological disorders and simple virus’s like AIDS! What I want to know is WHO decided to waste ANYONE’S money making fake jizz that actually works!

  14. Mark T. says:

    We used to worry about cloning. Soon a woman will be able to have her eggs fertilized with her own test tube sperm made from her own genetic material. That means that there would be only one genetic parent, not two.

    Talk about inbreeding!

    She can have a child made from only her genes that will not be a copy of herself. The child would be a product solely of the mother’s genes but would be unique and not a duplicate “clone”. Let the SciFi writers tackle the implications of that. Imagine a society without men and all the women have children without donor genes. Even the ugliest, nastiest, maladjusted, misanthropic losers will be able to reproduce.

  15. Gary Marks says:

    My spiritual medium tells me that Charles Darwin is trying to warn us to stop all this fertility foolishness. It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature!

    My name is Gary, and I’m here to service the Queen 😉

  16. Angel H. Wong says:

    God created man…

    …And man created woman…

    Booyah! 😉

  17. TJGeezer says:

    #2 – Great. We’re now obsolete! Say it ain’t so…

    Hell, I went obsolete years ago. It’s not so bad. They’ll still need to keep us around to kill the spiders and fix the sinks.

  18. Albert Swenson says:

    Wasn’t that an old Dennis Miller SNL news joke?
    Research labs invented the first artificial sperm.
    It’s called “I can’t believe it’s not semen”.

  19. Timbo says:

    The one thing the government can’t replace men for is a mixing of genes to counter genetic entropy.

    Just like cloning animals leaves animals with a naturally deteriorated set of genes, so cloning at the sperm & egg level will leave you with deteriorated genes. This is the ultimate incest and will have the same results as incest.

  20. F. says:


    it’s been possible for a few years to fertilise animal ova with the nucleus from another ovum. Don’t forget that the ovum is the single largest cell in the human body.

    And indeed X + X = XX, but they’re different from male X chromosomes. The mitosis cycle starts up but dies off after just a few divisions…

    So we’re not obsolete! (yet)


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