One advantage of OLED displays is that as an
emissive technology they can be as thin as the
substrate they are deposited upon.

This is a very exciting announcemment. I’ve been covering OLED technology since CDT unveiled the first crude organic light-emitting organic polymer-based display in early ’99, and have waited with bated breath for the first consumer devices. I believe this tech will dominate the small to midsize performance display market in the near future.

Japanese electronics giant Sony Corp. plans to start selling small [11 inches – Ed.] televisions this year using a screen technology that is a contender for the next-generation screen of flat-screen TVs, a company spokeswoman said Thursday.

The screens make use of the self-luminscent properties of organic materials. They use less power than comparable liquid crystal display screens because they don’t use a backlight, and are also much thinner — the screen in Sony’s planned 11-inch OEL TV will be 3 millimeters (0.12 inches) thick.

The article contains an interesting aside:

Toshiba Corp. President Atsutoshi Nishida said Thursday his company would begin selling large TVs using OEL screens by 2009, offering both high- and low-resolution models based on the technology.

OLEDs have two enemies: moisture and time. It will be interesting to see how these devices fare in the real world. I have high hopes.

  1. Angel H. Wong says:

    I can’t wait for Sony to screw it up!

  2. sdf says:

    does the E in OLED stand for “exploding”?

  3. Jerk-Face says:

    1. “I can’t wait for Sony to screw it up!”

    A television technology that naturally disintegrates over time?! It’s basically a disposable TV. I think Sony already screwed this up.

  4. Smartalix says:


    That’s why I believe OLED will dominate small to medium performance display apps. PDAs and portable media devices have short enough operating lifetimes that the latest generation of OLEDs should be able to serve well. Imagine the devices you could build with large versions of the displays pictured above.

    I’ll be at the < "">SID show next month and I’ll post on the current state of the art.

  5. mark says:

    Shit Alix, every time I get ready to but that big flat screen plasma, you guys tell me theres something better “just around the corner”, cripes, now I have to wait.

  6. Joe Neighborguy says:

    I have a 13″ standard TV next to my computer. It’s what I watch, when I’m not watching video downloaded from torrents.

    The video from torrents is high quality, but not usually “supported” by advertising (except that it’s usually drawn from ‘commercial’ broadcasts). However, I actually avoid buying anything I see advertised, which sort of shoots holes in that business model. Of course, I’m probably the only person on Mother Terra that is so evil.

    Also, when ads are played between songs on the radio, I change the station. When ads are shown on TV during a show, I channel-surf to avoid the ads. I might even come back to the show, but I don’t care if I do or not BECAUSE I DO NOT CARE FOR ADS. I do NOT buy products based on advertising, and I don’t give a shit about their business model.


    So, who’s at fault? Am I a thief for changing channels during radio/TV shows, I ALWAYS DO. Am I evil for downloading non-ad-saturated material? If their ads do absolutely ZERO good for their me, and even have a negative effect on my buying their product, than isn’t downloading ad-free material preferable?

    — Or, is capitalism failing because WE REFUSE to swallow the blue pill?

    Pass the RED PILL, you people are all fucked in the head.

  7. mark says:

    6.”So, who’s at fault? Am I a thief for changing channels during radio/TV shows, I ALWAYS DO. Am I evil for downloading non-ad-saturated material? ”

    Yeah, I’m going for evil.

  8. JET says:

    3: You fail to see the magnificence of this whole invention. I think it is beautiful – art and science merging – and in the long run, this technology will prove itself.

  9. Joe Neighborguy says:

    #7 – Thanks Mark, you’ve helped me make up my mind. I’m putting a steak knife through my chest in about 2 minutes (gotta watch for the cowboy, ’cause this is a life-changing event)…

    … or not…

    (Umm, eds, don’t call anybody, I’m kidding — I’m also surfing because a Tylenol commercial just came on, yet the alcohol has made me pain-free)

  10. JoaoPT says:

    OLED will rule the earth. And LED lighting. And chip stacking.
    And all those cool new technologies. But not now, and when they come they’ll be so commonplace that will not seem like the future anymore.

    The Future sucks.
    I’m living for the present for now on… maybe a little on the past…

    I just bought (6 months…) a Bravia LCD and it’s gorgeous. I don’t like Plasma, and since I live in Europe (we don’t live in huge houses…) I don’t care for anything larger than 40 inch.
    My Mobo (athlon1200) was getting shaky so I swapped for a pentium D 3.0Ghz, and it’s 4 times faster, but one week after the fact it just seems normal. I guess I could spend twice as much and get a core2 duo, but my point is: why? I would just get jaded after a while. I’ll just upgrade, from now on when I feel that thing are getting slow or crappy…
    Sorry Alex, I know you like to ride the crest, but I’ll just paddle along.

    OTOH oled has a purdy picture…

  11. Smartalix says:

    I’m talking about a 2- to 3-year operational lifetime, not power operation per session. By the time the OLED begins to noticeably deteriorate the device is usually replaced.

  12. Peter Rodwell says:

    So where’s the big advantage? Brilliantly better display quality? Ultra-low price (to compensate for the short life)?

  13. smartalix says:


    Once you’ve seen one with your own eyes you’ll know. Vivid, bright, colorful, efficient, and extremely thin. You can see the video in a 5-in. OLED display from across a bright room.

  14. moss says:

    #6 – color or b&w for the TV? Amber for your monitor? 🙂

  15. troy67 says:

    Eh we will have scrolls rather than laptops…

    …you know, so thin you roll em up like fruit wraps! Scrolls in a pen, that is a cell phone that is an mp3 player, that is a dvd player, computer, web browser, that is a tooth brush and so much more, hair curlers, a pen and paper, chopsticks a toothpick –it chops, it slices, dices, and julienes

  16. Xpenguin17 says:

    Pull your fucking heads outta your asses and focus on the benefits. Video is becoming ubiquitous with OLED, possibly even a roll-up screen that you pass around like paper. LCDs and Plasma are pure cock-smoking bullshit. If one doesn’t amount to size and power cost, then you have an extremely shitty picture that forbids watchin’ flicks with friends or basically anything to do with “motion.”

    Short lifespan? 14,000 hours ain’t sufficient to host your beast porn for 1.6 years nonstop?

    Advertising? Wow! There’s this really trippy strand of dancing dinosaurs on my Pepsi can, you think tweezers kood peench this sheet?

    Wake the fuck up, pansies. We finally goin’ somewhere.


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