Windows XP to be phased out by year’s end despite customer demand – Computer makers have been told they’ll no longer be able to get Windows XP OEM by the end of this year, despite consumer resistance to Vista and its compatibility problems.

Yeap, M$ is looking out for you!

By early 2008, Microsoft’s contracts with computer makers will require companies to only sell Vista-loaded machines. “The OEM version of XP Professional goes next January,” said Frank Luburic, senior ThinkPad product manager for Lenovo. “At that point, they’ll have no choice.”

I wonder if this decision by M$ will affect the release of SP3 for Win XP, which should be released in 2008 according to this roadmap.

  1. tallwookie says:

    So… Is M$ thinking about the priacy aspect here? I mean, if there is still a large demand for XP, and M$ wont sell it, will people turn to those of us who have XP, and have us burn them a copy (and reformat/reinstall)?

    Vista would be cool if it didnt suck… personally, I prefer an OS that is stable and effective (yes, XP has its issues here, but those issues have been mostly addressed). I dont want a “pretty” OS.

  2. SN says:

    I’ve been dissing Vista a lot in these comments, but I have to admit it’s not bad.

    I installed it on my wife’s computer. It’s an old Shuttle with a 2600+ Athlon XP, it’s got a gig and a half of memory, a GeForce 6800 XT AGP video card, and nothing else of note.

    It has run perfectly stable and quite peppy, even with the Aero interface. I ran it without Aero and I didn’t really notice much of a difference, so I turned it back on. it sure be pretty.

    I still think the best OS to ever come out of Redmond was W2K. And the best OS overall was BeOS 5. But, those days are gone.

  3. BubbaRay says:

    Anyone else see a business opportunity here, considering the opposition to Vista and the large corporate / home base of XPSP2?

  4. mxpwr03 says:

    BubbaRay, I was about to say the same thing. An entrepreneur should go out and hoard a whole bunch of legitimate XP copies; wait until supply is artificially lowered. Than sell the products on the gray market for a substantial profit. Muahahaha.

  5. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Downgrades, baby.

    We’re still running Win 2k on most of our machines here. In fact, we don’t have a single machine that will run the new interface. There’s no way we will switch users to Vista within the next two years.

  6. It’s old software so it makes sence for microsoft to phase it out.

  7. Andy says:

    Thats why my next computer is going to be a Mac!

  8. Matthew says:

    My boss really likes vista, that is the biggest warning sign ever.

    The way he knows if something is missing from his desktop is that theres a blanks space, yes every single possible space is occupied on the desktop; plus an entire row of icons on the taskbar, plus address bar. But hey, there’s room to see two programs in the taskbar. He uses a desktop resetter to keep the desktop icons in their proper order.

    I like vista, but was not impressed like I was with 2k or xp. When I used those for the first time, there was no going back.

    As far as win2k is concerned, it’s nice but slow as all hell. XP used more resources but responds sooo much better than 2k.

  9. Poindexter says:

    What about all the Hollywood DRM in Vista? Anyone think that’s gonna be a problem?

  10. tallwookie says:

    lol – you think 2k is slow, try using 2k in a netware environment
    hella crazy slow

    but yeah, 2k isnt bad at all

  11. ECA says:

    What I find terrifing, is ALL the machines Iv worked on that have XP installed, and have the Hardware BASICs…
    128 meg ram
    4-8 meg video
    10-12 gig HD
    And they are ALL from HP, dell, compaq…
    Loaded with CRapware..
    these are older machines, and the Corp had to sell them SOMEHOW, and they probably had 98 then 2000 on them Before XP.
    Now they are doing THIS…
    I can see what Vista will be put on, and crippling. All those Old machines STILL sitting in the wharehouse, that they Cant sell.

  12. ECA says:

    MS is not backing 2000/and soon XP…
    Is there any reason MS is running TRUE Advantage, and watching the Copyprotections??
    Will this mean we can Copy 2000/xp on ANY machine…


  13. Petrov says:

    I’m concerned about Vista’s performance issues. My understanding is all video/audio boards need to be seriously upgraded to deal with the encrypted data across both internal and external interfaces. The less said about “tilt” bits the better.

    It’s hard enough for us hardware engineers to improve performance without the software weenies finding more creative ways to screw things up.

  14. gquaglia says:

    I have already jettisoned Windows on my old PC in favor of Ubuntu. I also just bought a new mac mini, which will now be my primary home machine. At work I have a dual boot laptop with Suse Linux and XP. I see no need for Windows outside the work environment and only then for some proprietary aps.

  15. Joe says:

    They should also say ‘No more Vista’.

  16. Shane says:

    Oh – and before anyone comments – I personally run a MacBookPro, Mac Mini, Vista Laptop, XP Laptop and XP Desktop, with Linux running my NAS… so I’m not a Windows lover – I’m just not a hater either.


  17. Angel H. Wong says:


    You can always donate the machines, donations are good for the company’s image and is tax refundable.

  18. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    “…ignoring customer demand”


    Sorry, but I must say, that’s a highly naïve statement if ever I heard one…

    Far from “ignoring” XP, they are thoroughly focused on it – on the fact that it continues to sell, cannibalizing Vista sales. The only way they have address that situation (besides lowering the price, which they have no intention of doing) is to take XP off the shelf.

    IOW, another Microsoft innovation in sleazy, underhanded business practices.

  19. Max Bell says:

    Is it just me, or did 98se last a bit longer than this?

  20. ECA says:

    As the MORE intelligent of us, port over to Linux, and Maybe draw Nu B’s with us…MS may get abit Hurt.

    Im waiting for some Large store chain, to Market Linux…
    Package it, and sell it at a distribution cost of $10 off the shelf. And sitting beside it, is a BOOK at $24.95 on HOW to use Linux…
    WOW, what a marketing stratigy…

  21. Angel H. Wong says:


    Apple is sleazier than M$, its products are so obviously better than what M$ has been churning out and yet it only dominates 5% of the market.

    And don’t come with an “Apple products cost that much because quality has its price!” ’cause everything is made in China and that means mass production.

  22. SN says:

    15. “And don’t come with an “Apple products cost that much because quality has its price!” ’cause everything is made in China and that means mass production.”

    Yeah, but the factories and workers Apple uses are much prettier. That doesn’t come cheap.

  23. Angel H. Wong says:



    I guess designer rubber gloves make it even harder to assemble an iMac 😉

  24. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    I hope you’re not actually trying to fly that tired ‘popularity = quality’ idiocy again, Angel. Who gives a shit? Apple has 100% of the market in OS X-compatible computers. Stick that in your rubber glove.

    Wanna talk markup? I bet you think that those DVDs with Vista Ultimate on ’em cost MS $300 to press, right?

    Crikey™, but the quality of your trolls has been dropping faster then Zune sales. 🙂

  25. Misanthropic Scott says:

    Apple isn’t much more; they just offer fewer low end choices, which kills their business. When I bought a high end laptop 2.5 years ago, I looked at Mac with a $2800 pricetag and nearly gagged. Then I configured the Dell I wanted, with similar options. It was $2700. It also weighed 50% more (7.5 lbs vs. 5 lbs) and had about half the documented battery life (probably around 2/3 of the actual battery life).

    Now with Macs costing less and being intel based and having dual boot capability, if they can continue to support dual boot XP, maybe they will get more business.

    I agree that they are just as sleezy and lock you into their products just as much as PicoFlaccid. But, OS X really is a better windows than windows and a better linux than linux.

    Now if only they’d make ’em greener.

  26. Misanthropic Scott says:

    Oh, and if anyone hasn’t seen the Pogue report on Vista, this video is really hilarious and well worth a watch.

  27. joshua says:

    #26….lmao….loved the video.

    I’ve been toying with buying a new laptop/notebook for awhile now. I notice they all have Vista preloaded. I don’t want Vista….period. But, I’m one of those people who dosen’t have a lot of confidence in my putor skills, so am a bit leery of using Linex or one of the other forms. So, I’ve been thinking of an Apple….I’m not into the big cosmic bruhahaha about Mac verses everyone else. I just want the best and most trouble free computor as possible…..what ever that is.

    So, honestly….are they worth the money?

  28. sdf says:

    Macs have their problems, but ultimately it’s all about what you need the thing to do. For some users macs are fully loaded and usable right out of the box

  29. BubbaRay says:

    27, Joshua, once again, just walk down the aisles of the nearest large computer store. Software — ten isles of PC, one isle of mac, then make your choice. Depends on what you want — thousands of choices or a few hundred or so.

    Search the ‘Net for PC apps/games vs. Mac apps/games. Exploding batteries or not, you could then decide.

    Just depends on what you want to do with your new machine, and just my 2 cents (2 new gold dollars) worth…..

  30. Peter says:

    All you PC drones need to wake up. The Mac OSX is the most advanced OS out there period!! 95% lemming out there are too stupid to realize that. Once the iPhone comes out and more people realize how glorious the OSX is Apple will be back with a vengeance. I can’t wait till my company switches over the Mac and for the business world at large to do so as well!


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