Windows XP to be phased out by year’s end despite customer demand – apcmag.com: Computer makers have been told they’ll no longer be able to get Windows XP OEM by the end of this year, despite consumer resistance to Vista and its compatibility problems.
Yeap, M$ is looking out for you!
By early 2008, Microsoft’s contracts with computer makers will require companies to only sell Vista-loaded machines. “The OEM version of XP Professional goes next January,” said Frank Luburic, senior ThinkPad product manager for Lenovo. “At that point, they’ll have no choice.”
I wonder if this decision by M$ will affect the release of SP3 for Win XP, which should be released in 2008 according to this roadmap.
I just farted a hefty fart, and it came out all Microsofty. Thanks be to gh0d (b|ll) that it was completely stale and odorless.
I have to ask you REAL Hardware techs…
Im an OLD amiga fan…
And Iv worked on a few interesting machines, and have ABIT of tech knowledge…
But isnt the Core 2(duo)…
Just 10 years of Catchup?? And its NOT ALL that can be done..
[Totally off topic]
33, Lauren, yeah, I know, but biz is biz, games are games. And junk is just junk, you can find it in either aisle. Maybe now one could download anything one wants off the net and not care about the platform.
I just don’t know, since I don’t own a mac and don’t search for mac titles. Not my bad, just not my platform — I don’t own a mac, too expensive for no extra benefit to me.
Wish I could play most of my old games on either platform, PC or MAC. With the new Intel Mac, perhaps Parallels or dual boot or some other mechanism would help.
[Totally on topic]
Wonder how long Apple will support OS X ??
IPOD hacked again…
IMO, yes the mac is better. But, possibly not for everyone. They are certainly not perfect. I have had to press and hold my power button three or four times to turn off my hung mac, in 2.5 years. I have had to do that probably 2 or 3 times a month with my windows laptop at work, which admittedly has a more poluted operating system with my company’s security measures.
One thing you may want to consider, unfortunately, is the number of your friends and family that have macs vs. PCs that can help when you need it. If you’re not computer savvy, this may actually sway you to the same old crap everyone else is running.
If you go for something new now though, Vista is getting a reputation for dramatically slowing down the run of the mill laptop. You may be forced into much more computer than you need to get decent performance. I’ve heard conflicting reports on the amount of RAM you’ll need. Some say 2GB is enough, which is already quite a bit. Some say 4GB is required, which if true is going to take a fairly big pile of money.
Also, for laptops, you really should strongly consider weight and battery life, which will both lobby heavily for the Mac. Oh, and check the size of the power cord you’re going to need to carry around with you. Dell’s power cords are huge and heavy.
Don’t make it a religious decision though. My wife and I are both computer savvy enough to use either without hassel. I have a mac. She knows how to use it and still bought a windows box. I’m a geek and love my unix shell on my mac.
Forgot to mention, if you go windows, check out the bang for the buck on averatec. They’re support is great. My wife’s on her second.
Oh, with apple, whatever is wrong, you call apple. With windows, you call your manufacturer, if it’s not hardware, they tell you to call PicoFlaccid. Good luck with that.
#37 | sed “s,They’re,Their,”
In post 37, please replace They’re with Their. It annoys me in other people’s posts. It drives me nuts in my own.
Sorry for the temporary PEBKAC.
(def PEBKAC: acronym for Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair)
The following comes to mind when I read this: Steve Balmer jumping up and down on stage, sweating profusely, shouting:
“Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux, Linux!”
Because I have to support it, I’ve been using Vista for about 6 months. Most of the hysteria is based on ignorance. Its a decent operating system. Yes you have to give it more hardware, but does it occur to any of you fanboys that in the past Windows has always kicks Macs butt when it came to performance vs. hardware requirements. What is a standard requirement for Vista today was standard on the Macs many years ago. Memory is so much cheaper now, most if not all systems are shipped with Dual Core procesors. Vista takes advantage of this very nicely, it is fast and reliable. I am not a cheerleader for MS. But give me a break, its not going to be the end of the world.
Who cares in 2009 aren’t we getting the real Vista or another version of Windows? Or did they delay that also?
40. I have never been a fan of AMD, so that wont happen for me. I am running Vista with 1GB ram, and the 256MB Video upgrade. It is incredibly fast, especially with web pages and multimedia. I am actually a little taken aback by its speed. Again, I was sort of forced into this because of my job, but I have to admit, I am not using any of my seven other computers from W2K, (which have always LOVED) to Windows XP, for the moment anyway.
41. Also, maybe this IS the death of the low end PC. I hope so, its one of the things that gave PC’s a bad reputation in the first place. Good Riddance! I am sick of cheap ass m*******uckers anyway.
“Apple has 100% of the market in OS X-compatible computers.”
THAT’S BECAUSE THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS A MAC CLONE. They tried that in the 90s and it sucked so bad big time.
THAT’S BECAUSE THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS A MAC CLONE. They tried that in the 90s and it sucked so bad big time.
Maybe for Apple, but not for consumers. I had a Power Computing clone and loved it.
I bet it was good, and Apple realized that they were heading the same road IBM went when they realized that ppl preferred the cheaper Mac clones rather than pay much more for the same product.
That’s why Apple killed the mac Clones and in retaliation Motorola made life impossible for Apple when it comes to suppling it with PowerPC processors; and of course, NO ONE WANTS IBM TO BE THEIR SOLE PROVIDER and that’s why Apple moved to the intel processors.
Jesus God all fuck, Angel, where do you get these whacked-out fantasies of yours? I mean, are you a member of the Delusion of the Month Club or what?
“…in retaliation Motorola made life impossible for Apple when it comes to suppling it with PowerPC processors; and of course, NO ONE WANTS IBM TO BE THEIR SOLE PROVIDER and that’s why Apple moved to the intel processors.”
You’re insane. The reason for switching to Intel was because of the rapidly growing laptop market. The G5 ran way too hot and consumed way too much power to be usable in laptops, and there was no cure for those limitations – or the fact that IBM couldn’t get the G5 past 3GHz. Those factors made the PowerPC iBook and PowerBook dead ends, so to remain competitive in the laptop market, Apple had no choice but to use a different processor…
…and only fools fail to realize that by using Intel, Apple would be repurposing the Mac to become a multi-OS platform, dramatically increasing the size of their potential market – which has obviously worked very well indeed.
I think you need to go back to your schedule of daily ECT.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. My needs aren’t huge…but I want to be able to do pretty much whatever stikes me as fun at any given time without worrying that I need more power or space.
I don’t download music much, but I do download and play movies and video’s. And I’m not a gamer, so that aspect isn’t a consideration.
I mostly use my putor as a storage place for all my research and enviromental studies graphs and stuff. And I do all the normal stuff, blog, email, read the news sites etc..
I priced my dream Compaq and it came to 2700.00….then my dream Dell was 2300.00 and my dream Mac was 2900.00…..I noticed that 2000 Gigs was recommended for Vista….and when you went to 4000 it really jacked up the price.
I got this little piece in a mail from a friend online when I mentioned Vista……the Mac people will love it……..
>>>>>>>Microsoft vs. GM
At a computer expo, Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry
with the auto industry and stated, “If GM had kept up with technology
like the computer industry has, we would all be driving twenty-five
dollar cars that got 1000 mi/gal.”
General Motors addressed this comment by releasing the statement, “Yes,
but would you want your car to crash twice a day?”
1. Every time they repainted the lines on the road you would have to buy
a new car.
2. Occasionally your car would die on the freeway for no reason, and you
would just accept this, restart and drive on.
3. Occasionally, executing a maneuver would cause your car to stop and
fail and you would have to re-install the engine. For some strange
reason, you would accept this too.
4. You could only have one person in the car at a time, unless you
bought “Car95” or “CarNT”. But, then you would have to buy more seats.
5. Macintosh would make a car that was powered by the sun, was reliable,
five times as fast, twice as easy to drive, but would only run on five
percent of the roads.
6. The Macintosh car owners would get expensive Microsoft upgrades to
their cars, which would make their cars run much slower.
7. The oil, gas and alternator warning lights would be replaced by a
single “general car default” warning light.
8. New seats would force everyone to have the same size butt.
9. The airbag system would say, “Are you sure?” before going off.
Guess who was going to make the PowerPC processors for the mac clones? MOTOROLA.
And when Apple stopped the Mac clones, the relationship between Apple and Motorola went sour.
“You’re insane. The reason for switching to Intel was because of the rapidly growing laptop market.”
Blahblahblahblah, Apple also said that the PowerPC was also reaching its limit; but then again, why are the Wii, the Xbox360 and the PS3 running PowerPC based CPUs?
Yer just bitter because if it weren’t for M$ office Apple would have gone belly up in the 90s 🙂
#53 – Angel
“Blahblahblahblah, Apple also said that the PowerPC was also reaching its limit; ”
And they were right, and no one at Moto, IBM, Freescale, or anywhere else will deny it – it reached it’s limits as the CPU for a general purpose computer. It’s still a more powerful processor than anything Intel makes, always has been. It’s the #1 CPU for embedded applications for good reason.
“…but then again, why are the Wii, the Xbox360 and the PS3 running PowerPC based CPUs?”
I already told you.
(1) It tops out at ~3GHz
(2) It runs very hot indeed; the last, fastest G5 Macs had to be liquid-cooled. Nogo for a laptop. Wii, XBox & PS3 aren’t laptop devices, now are they??
Bitter? It is to laugh; I live a serene life of enlightened materialism, guided by my own private brand of Taoist-humanist-hedonist-pacifist philosophy – which has no room for regressive negativities such as bitterness or pointless hate; to all appearances, you simply project your own negative vibe onto other people’s words, which distorts your perception of their intent and meaning and diverts you from the true path.
If not for Apple, MS, at anything remotely like it’s present size, wouldn’t even exist. And there’s the prime reason behind your obsessive resentment of Apple…
Maybe you and pedro could get together and try to work out where your shared irrational Apple-hate comes from… 🙂