Monsters and Critics – Apr 12th, 2007:

Radio personality Don Imus has called out for justice in the Duke Lacrosse scandal, wondering where Rev. Al Sharpton’s apology is for that false accusation.

Imus, while no longer part of MSNBC, is on the air today, and discussed the controversial case made against the white Duke Lacrosse players. “When will Al Sharpton be apologizing to them?” said Imus.

  1. Totally RICH!!! HEY, LOOK OVER HERE…

    New Jersey Governor Is Injured in Car Crash

    CAMDEN, N.J., April 12 — Gov. Jon S. Corzine was undergoing surgery Thursday night after a car accident in which he broke his leg, sternum, collarbone, six ribs on each side and a lower vertebra, state police and other government officials said.

    Mr. Corzine, who was in the front passenger seat when his state police vehicle swerved to avoid an apparently out-of-control driver on the Garden State Parkway and hit a guardrail. (ED: no seat belt?) …

    After delivering a speech to the New Jersey Conference of Mayors at the Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City, Mr. Corzine was his way to Drumthwacket, the governor’s mansion in Princeton, for a meeting between the Rutgers women’s basketball team and Don Imus, the talk-show host who was fired on Thursday for making a racist and sexist remark about the players.

    Umm, does Trump, or any other millionaires/people-of-power want this all to go away? More at MY NAME…

  2. Mike says:

    Now CNN is calling nappy “the other N-word”

    Now I’m just waiting for the next brouhaha over somebody using the term “tar baby.”

  3. iveseenthebrightgetduller says:

    i wonder what al jolson would think of all of this? hmm…

  4. Actually, in Minneapolis, H. Stern (not the nappy-headed Anna Nicole ho) tried to push our local morning talk show off the air, and failed with flying (failing, crash and burn, whoa did that suck) colors. Imus didn’t even bother to try, because Minneapolis folks are far too intelligent and educated. Titty and pussy humor is fun, but you can’t really talk about it at the water cooler here.

    By the way, I didn’t like Howie’s show, either — but titties and fur bunnies are phun. Click my NAME for more.

  5. Greg Allen says:

    Changing subject counter-attack — a proven technique of scoundrels.

    “Oh yeah? When will Ted Kennedy apologize for Chappaquiddick?!?!” is another tried-and-true one.

  6. Petrov says:

    #32 Now CNN is calling nappy “the other N-word”

    Great! And here I thought I had the latest edition of Newspeak. Now I have to buy it again?

    The execs at CBS are dopes. Maybe IMUS will start a podcast now…

  7. venom monger says:

    Don Imus deserved to be fired. It was a hateful and racist statement and I’m glad he is being held accountable for it.

    So who else shouldn’t we be able to hear? I’m so glad that we have people like you to stand between us and bad taste. Who are we to decide for ourselves what we want to listen to?

  8. MikeN says:

    If Imus feels that way, why did he go on Al Sharpton’s show to apologize?
    It’s too late to go after him now.

  9. gquaglia says:

    It won’t take long before newspapers will be blank pieces of paper and every TV channel will be broadcasting a test pattern 24/7.

    Nonsense, we will still have rap music, the Al Sharpton show and the Black Comedian Channel.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    Yes, Sharpton should apologize for the Duke Lacrosse accusation. But then all those who claimed that O.J. Simpson is guilty should also apologize. Or is there still a double standard for that one.

    Imus was fired because the sponsors pulled out. If CBS or MSNBC can’t make any money because there are no sponsors then of course they will fire the guy. That isn’t censorship, it’s business.

    If Sharpton’s broadcasters can’t get sponsors for Sharpton’s show, he will be gone. I don’t care for either Sharpton or Imus. If the sponsors want to notice that then great. If they don’t, then so be it.

  11. JackSplat says:

    IMUS got canned due to LOW RATINGS

    …this stupid incident was just an excuse to dump him and to make the networks appear to be…ummm…sensitive.

  12. HMeyers says:

    It is good Imus was fired.

  13. BubbaRay says:

    40, Mr. Fusion, “If Sharpton’s broadcasters can’t get sponsors for Sharpton’s show, he will be gone.”

    If only that could happen just now. You bet it’s business. Maybe the next time Sharpton says “Honky”, “Whitey” or “Cracker.” As if….

    30, Joe NeighborGuy, thanks for the link.

  14. Podesta says:

    All the more reasoning for the clueless buffoon being removed from our airwaves. If Imus were remotely sincere in his claim to regret his remarks, he would not be trying to compare the two, vastly different situations. There is absolutely no rational reason for his remarks about those lovely young women other than racism and misogyny. Sharpton’s assertion that the Duke lacrosse players should not be immune to prosecution is a rational position held by most people when there is probable cause a crime has been committed.

    Imus’ ratings overall were quite high. He could boost sales of a product, service or book just by mentioning it. He did have low ratings in some markets, such as Portland and Seattle, but that is not the reason he was fired. I’ll wager that his age was part of the equation. Much of his outlook is likely dated. Consider that Imus was well into adulthood when the civil rights acts of the ’60s passed. He was even an adult when lynching African-American was not uncommon. Obviously, his views about black people are rooted in the past.

  15. Fred Freedom says:

    I think Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are two of the biggest racist in this country. White people (yea thats right we are a color two) evidently cant say whats on their mind cause AS and JJ are listening which is the biggest pile of BS I have ever heard. I mean the NAACP is the most racist organization ever created cause it says National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and yet White People can not call a black person COLORED i think that if you open a box of crayons you will the color white, black, and every other color in the world.

    On the NAACP website it says that racism is illegal in this millennium well if that is true then AS and JJ should have been in prison a long time ago with a guy named Bubba. I even says that racism is socially taboo and if this is true then AS and JJ went out of style a long time ago when a man said i have a Dream

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #46, Fred,

    One of the most incomprehensible posts I’ve read. Your blathering sounds like you have been fishing.

    There are quite a few racist white organizations out there. How about the New American Nazi Party, KKK, or Aryan Nation to just name three. Small yes, but their hate is big.

    The NAACP is not a racist organization. It promotes Civil Rights. Big difference to those not a member of the white race groups.

  17. Major Jizz says:

    Mr. Fusion, nigga please… The NAACP is a scummy organization that uses the arms of the government to spread their bullcrap. The kind of people that join that organization are just as bad as that scumbag David Duke.

  18. First off I am no fan of imus however.
    This is total B@llshit.
    What happened to dead air dave and the dump button?
    What happened to freedom of speach….
    The reason imus was singled out was because he is a innocent lamb.
    Sharpton is the the third biggest racist on the planet.
    Sharptons lynching of imus is way out of line
    The punishment should fit the crime.
    Sharton should have his air time plug removed.

  19. It is my assertion that the mainstream media and political pundits—right and left— have painted rap and hip-hop with a very broad brush.

  20. dmd says:

    If imus was a black man he would not have lost his job.
    I love the iman and wish him luck.


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