Monsters and Critics – Apr 12th, 2007:

Radio personality Don Imus has called out for justice in the Duke Lacrosse scandal, wondering where Rev. Al Sharpton’s apology is for that false accusation.

Imus, while no longer part of MSNBC, is on the air today, and discussed the controversial case made against the white Duke Lacrosse players. “When will Al Sharpton be apologizing to them?” said Imus.

  1. Don Marsh says:

    I have never been a fan of Don Imus. Not against him either. There are just so many hours in the day. However, I will be happy to download his podcast and give him a hearing when that happens.

  2. moss says:

    He’s off CBS, now, too. Don’t know anyone who will miss him.

  3. dwright says:

    All your rich and powerful friends can’t or won’t help you.
    Maybe satellite radio is his next move.

    Enough has been said about Sharpton and his ilk. It’s all about their empowerment, Jesse led the way teaching that.

  4. ChrisMac says:

    Seems to me Imus is a victim of a slow news week..
    The spin is this topic is completely out of hand..

  5. Tom says:

    He DOES have a point…


  6. mark says:

    3. Throw some dirt on him. He looks dead anyway.

  7. iveseenthebrightgetduller says:

    if any good came out of this it’s that folks now realize a double standard exists.

    watch how black media (music, comedy, movies, etc.) is going to change its tune after this.

  8. BillM says:

    Why should al and Jessie apologize? Everyone knows only white guys can be racist.

  9. Dustin says:

    Mistake number 1: Thinking your liberal friends would come to the rescue when they have proven themselves spineless over and over again.

    Mistake number 2: Going on Al Sharptons show thinking you would get a fair shake, all Sharpton wants is to be on TV, facts, truth forgivness, rationality, none of these things matter to that shill.

    Mistake number 3: Not fighting back while you had the chance, you had several days of radio and tv time and waited until the day you were off TV and what became your last day of radio to fight back when that should have been the initial reaction.

    Mistake number 4: Not realizing that as the story mounted the libs realized that you could be sacrificed to get the bigger fish (Limbaugh, Beck, Boortz, O’rielly and Hannity) Hey can’t get the communist fairness doctrine passed? Just bring back McCarthy witchhunts.


    Al Sharpton should begin praying to whatever crooked corrupt god he worships that the so called “right wing media” doesn’t exist, because if it does I hope he slips up and they decend on him with a passion usually reserved for Anna Nichole Smiths baby.

  10. TJGeezer says:

    Weird story. Does Imus think a network can put Sharpton on suspension for two weeks?

    Seems to me that expecting common decency from Imus OR Sharpton would be an exercise in futility.

  11. TJGeezer says:

    Hmmm – just saw that the prosecutor, Durham County District Attorney Michael Nifong, did apologize to the Duke guys.

  12. Steve S says:

    “Imus fires back: Asks when will Al Sharpton apologize to the Duke Lacrosse players!”

    He will not apologize to the Duke Lacrosse players any more than he apologized to Assistant DA Steven Pagones for falsely accusing him of raping Tawana Brawley. See:

    It is in Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson’s best interest to keep racism alive and well. They are irrelevant without it.

  13. Enough with the racial card crap says:

    Imus, I can’t stand your radio show because you’re an arrogant, bigotted SOB, but you know what…you’ve got a fine point here. You’re a shock-jock and people should expect this of you. At least you’re not a glory hound like most of the rest of the media. You speak your mind, however twisted that may be. With that said though, I think you got a raw deal out of this. It was wrong of you to refer to the Rutgers team the way you did, but your apology should have been sufficient. For anyone to go this far over your comment just exacerbates the whole thing. I mean, hell, who takes you seriously anyway, right?

    Anyway, I believe that if you’re going to be burned at the stake for this, then by all means, Al Sharpton should be joining you for trying to get people to stand up for that girl just because she’s black, let’s forget the fact that she’s a proven liar. Do you think he would have taken an interest in the case if she’d been white? Please! He was grandstanding on the racial card then just as those who want to burn you at the stake and slap a swastika on your forehead are now.

    Well Imus, I’ve just got one last thing to say and Forrest Gump said it best, “stupid is as stupid does.”

  14. Pekuliar says:

    The irony of this mess is Imus was trying to act like a “rapper” for laughs. He should be fired for being so stupid. Only black rappers are authorized to pour out the abuse and insults to women while letting the record industry make millions from it. The irony of that is those same record executives are shouting the loudest about the tremendous damage Imus’s “two words” did to young black women world wide. The hypocrites surfacing in this news event could hold hands and circle the earth several times. Beyond the absurdity, I find all this very scary. Can’t wait to see the next person caught by the fast growing ranks of the thought police, hopefully it will be one of these sign carriers.

  15. NappyHeadedHo says:

    When will Al Sharpton apologize to the human race?

  16. GRCAC says:

    While what Imus did was wrong, he makes an excellent point on Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson et al.

    While they express indignation over Imus stupid comments, they NEVER apoligize for their errors. If it’s not failing to apoligize for screaming racism at the top of their lungs at the Duke players, it’s not apoligizing for having sexual affairs outside of marraige and holding themselves out as ministers.

    Rampant HYPOCRISY.

    By the way, where is the indignation over the Hip Hop songs by black “artists” which is 100 times worse than Imus stupid comments. THEY ARE THE ONES WHO POPULARIZED THE TERMS IMUS USED. Never a word of criticism about these guys.

    JJ and AS are the ones who are MOST DISGUSTING.

    They make a living by being racist. Cosby was right to call these Jerks out. Too bad they weren’t listening. Institutional racism.

  17. RottenRalph says:

    Don Imus deserved to be fired. What Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson say or do is irrelevant to the Imus situation. Imus should be judged on what he said. It was a hateful and racist statement and I’m glad he is being held accountable for it.

  18. GRCAC says:

    Nifong is trying to avoid being disbared and a civil lawsuit. This guy was using the lawsuit to try and get reelected.

    I personally hope he ends in Jail.

    With some of the defendents he prosecuted. In the next cell.

    That would be Justice.

  19. Angel H. Wong says:

    “Imus fires back: Asks when will Al Sharpton apologize to the Duke Lacrosse players!”

    That will happen the day white folk starts sueing black standup comedians for all the racist white jokes they say.

  20. BertDawg says:

    #6 – It is in Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson’s best interest to keep racism alive and well. They are irrelevant without it.

    You hit the nail right on the head, and hammered it home with one blow.

    To be sure – Imus is not the sharpest tool in the shed, but this is yet another case of “it’s okay for us to say that, but it’s offensive when YOU say it.”

    If imitation truly IS the sincerest form of flattery, etc..

  21. Slappy says:

    #6 Al and Jesse are irrelevant now.

  22. doug says:

    Sharpton will likely apologize at the same event where Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Feith, Powell, and Rice apologize about the WMD and AQ-Saddam lies.

  23. malren says:

    Way to work that BDS in, doug. That must have taken some doing!

  24. doug says:

    #9. Sticks and stones, malren. And Charlie Krauthammer needs a good reality-mugging.

  25. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Steve S –

    Damn right. Jesse and his “Hymietown” remark, Al and his reference to “diamond merchants” come to mind as mere samples of the shit these two have spewed for years, with no reprisals. And unlike Imus’ dimwitted offhand wisecrack, their words were spoken in earnest.

    I don’t like Imus, and I don’t like what he said – but if what he said actually merits what’s been done to him, then proportional justice would dictate that JJ and AS be forever banned from ever speaking in public again, just for starters.

    If we’re going to be consistent and not hypocritical, we must now continue as we have started, and proceed to silence everyone who says anything that offends someone else. I expect to see Ann Coulter’s and Rush Limbaugh’s sponsors withdraw, as well as those of O’Reilly. But the list will grow to include just about everyone in media, with the exception of Larry King and Mr. Rogers.

    It won’t take long before newspapers will be blank pieces of paper and every TV channel will be broadcasting a test pattern 24/7.

    But it’s a smell price to pay, considering that no one will be permanently traumatized and have their entire life ruined by hearing someone say something offensive…

  26. Oil Of Dog says:

    Snoop recently commented on the Don Imus situation:

    “It’s a completely different scenario. (Rappers) are not talking about no collegiate basketball girls who have made it to the next level in education and sports. We’re talking about hos that’s in the ‘hood that ain’t doing sh*t, that’s trying to get a nigg* for his money. These are two separate things. First of all, we ain’t no old-ass white men that sit up on MSNBC going hard on black girls. We are rappers that have these songs coming from our minds and our souls that are relevant to what we feel. I will not let them muthaf*ckas say we in the same league as him. Kick him off the air forever.”

    – Snoop issued the statement through MTV.

    Classy explanation from a classy spokesman. Satisfies me!!

  27. Natas says:

    I heard the same, and remember Snoop’s debut album lyrics: “Bitches ain’t shit but hos and tricks” — not clarifying where the hos and bitches are from, just generalizing, they’re all bitches and hos and tricks. Like, for instance, your mom, your sister, or your wife.

    …”We’re talking about hos that’s in the ‘hood that ain’t doing sh*t, that’s trying to get a nigg* for his money.”

    Umm, a “nigg*” in the ‘hood ain’t got no money, hunny. When they get enough money to leave the ‘hood, they usually do (based on my own personal experience and observation)…

    Where does Snoop live?

  28. Not Your Monkey says:

    Imus is off the air…for now.

    Kicking him off the air is not an action of healing, it is an action of racist hate on the part of Sharpton and Jackson. These jerks are still fighting slavery of the past while promoting slavery of the present.

    Wonder why CBS didn’t fire Dan Rather on the spot after his abuse of power. CBS is a joke.

    In six months Imus will be back with a new mission.

  29. doug says:

    so you are saying that we should set our standards of behavior by the moral compass provided by the music industry?

    I mean, here I was thinking that it would be totally tasteless to, say, make a joke about snorting my dead father’s ashes, but evidently I was wrong …

    In other words, just because some morons talk and act like that doesn’t mean that everyone else gets a pass.





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