Rare Protests at Brigham Young Over a Planned Cheney Appearance

The invitation extended to Vice President Dick Cheney to be the commencement speaker at Brigham Young University has set off a rare, continuing protest at the Mormon university, one of the nation’s most conservative.

Some of the faculty and the 28,000 undergraduate and graduate students, who are overwhelmingly Republican, have expressed concern about the Bush administration’s support for the war in Iraq and other policies, but most of the current protest has focused on Mr. Cheney’s integrity, character and behavior. Several students said, for example, that they were appalled at Mr. Cheney’s use of an expletive on the Senate floor in a June 2004 exchange with Senator Patrick J. Leahy, Democrat of Vermont.

“The problem is this is a morally dubious man,” said Andrew Christensen, a 22-year-old Republican from Salt Lake City. “It’s challenging the morality and integrity of this institution.”

  1. Mike says:

    They think saying a curse word on the Senate floor was bad? I guess they’ve never read about the fist fights and canings that have occurred there in the past. Charles Sumner and Preston Brooks come to mind.

  2. Improbus says:

    They are just now figuring out Cheney is not a nice man? Dee Dee Dee.

  3. mxpwr03 says:

    I’m sure this is breaking the Vice President’s heart.

    “We espouse honesty, chastity, integrity, ethics, virtue and morality, and he does not epitomize those values.” Said a Professor.

    Yea, well good luck finding a politician who fits that profile.

  4. Natas says:

    Yeah, Cheney’s daughter is gay, too!!!! That, plus the fact that he’s the ultra-evil man running the puppet government, certainly wouldn’t make him a choice at any conservative xtian institution.

    He’s welcome to come down here to Hell, though…

  5. James Hill says:

    And you guys thought Utah was dull…

  6. #4

    And she and her partner are not the hot blond lesbians str8t men dream about but instead they’re these angry, overachieving, bossy, bitter bitches 🙂

  7. tallwookie says:

    #5 – Utah IS dull (also: boring, tedious, and lame would have been acceptable).

    Back in highschool I took a religious studies class from BYU (so I could know what NOT to do when I made a deal with the devil), and I agree w/ the conservatives on this one – for once.

  8. Mike says:

    #6, I’ve always enjoyed the irony of women who aren’t attracted to men, but are attracted to women who dress, look and act like men. And then there is the whole issue of strap-ons…

  9. BubbaRay says:

    Maybe the school could vote one:

    Hunting with Dick Cheney or driving with Ted Kennedy.

    Winner speaks.

  10. Angel H. Wong says:


    Women with strap-ons…

    Are you German?

  11. Joe Neighborguy says:

    Hey, I wear a strap-on, but let’s just say genetics and diet haven’t been fair to my honker. Of course, I’m talking about my goose.

  12. OK…cripes. Stop it!!

  13. Mr. Fusion says:


    Yea, well good luck finding a politician who fits that profile.

    How about Hillary?

  14. eggfou says:

    This story is a little misleading. I live in Provo, just about a mile from BYU. My brother, who lives here with me, went to participate in the protest. Most of the protesters are mainly ant-war, and that is the main reason they are calling him morally dubious. What is more interesting is the way the protest was handled. The protesters had to sit, yes sit, within a designated area and were not allowed to talk to passers by. Meanwhile, the Cheney supporters were walking all around chanting and yelling. It was a pretty bizarre scene.


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