New Touch Sensitivity Techniques Can Make Virtual Reality More Real – Touch-sensitive force feedback systems can serve in applications such as long-distance robotic surgery, where the transmitted sensation of moving a scalpel through tissue could literally mean the difference between life and death. In fact, the limitations of these systems have been a stumbling block to more widespread usage of real-time collaborative applications, from telemedicine to remote repairs of satellites, undersea rigs or other sensitive equipment.

A joint research team from the Britain and the United States have devised a novel way to enhance touch-based interaction across the void, employing a technique called “rollback,” which uses software algorithms to predict and cancel out the effects of latency. In this way, touch-based devices can respond more normally by making subtle alterations in the virtual world while waiting for more accurate real-time data to arrive.
The researchers also reduced latency by using a peer-to-peer communications structure.

  1. Jeremy the Hedgehog says:

    Yah, yah, we know this is really for the virtual sex thing. Wouldn’t it be fun to send somebody a pop-up IM spam, and then be able to virtually grope them? 🙂

    Not to mention IM’ing with your girlfriend, and being able to actually “feel her buttons”…

  2. #1

    I can’t wait for the Virtual sexual harrasment lawsuits 😉

  3. Steve S says:

    I can’t wait for the WiFi enabled virtual surgery peripheral. Buy one at Comp USA, strap it to your abdomen, lay down and wait for the surgeon to link-up and start cutting! Of course logically, this will lead to the virtual medical malpractice lawyer.

  4. Jeremy the groping hedgehog says:

    You know what would be cool?

    If I could see a virtual image of myself in 3D goggles…

    While wearing 3D VR tactile gloves…

    Scratch my 3D avatar nuts, in the tradition of, “Watson, come here, I want you…”

    … and actually have somebody cum running in from the other room…

    She had better look like Shannon Elizabeth. Topless.


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