The writer of one of Germany’s best known fictional characters, an imp called Pumuckl, is heading to court to battle his illustrator over whether the red-headed mischief maker can marry or should stay chaste.
Writer Ellis Kaut is unhappy that illustrator Barbara von Johnson has given her support to a local TV show’s contest to design a girlfriend for Pumuckl.
Von Johnson says Pumuckl deserves a girlfriend after more than 40 years of fooling around in books and on the radio and television. However, Kaut says the cheeky imp must stay true to his spirit nature.
One of the most amazing battles over content protection I’ve ever heard of. Who should win?
Pumuckl hasn’t got laid in 40 years? Well, that beats my record by a few years.
40 yo virgin????
Earth shattering. Ed how about posting something interesting. Cripes.
You can see their point. The downfall of many TV sitcoms has been when the lead characters finally gets together, thereby ending the sexual tension.
Big deal, Elmo is 40 years old..
..And so is R. Kelly
If they’re gonna get the little fella laid they should use some creativity; like make him gay, and the first time out he gets AIDs, then the medication turns him straight, and he makes it with a little, uh, whatever, gets a real exotic STD, and the medication for that rots his little whicky off, and then he goes back to what he was before, but with not so happy memories of his flesh against flesh adventures. Everybody is happy, except maybe poor little Pumucki, who was more or less content with an occasional spot of right handed love before being injected with sexual appetites not of his choosing. And now, without his little whicky, he is denied even that simple pleasure.