Police bust tomato grow operation | KOMO-TV – Seattle, Washington | News — I recall that when I was a kid we were told how terrible it was in places like Cuba and other totalitarian areas where people would be encouraged to turn in thier neighbors for crimes they didn’t commit and the police would oblige in harassing them or arresting them. What a terrible place Cuba must be. Of course this stemmed from a nosey landlord who apparent rummaged through the apartments. The landlord should have been identified in this story but that would actually take some reporting now wouldn’t it? I’d also like to know the name of the judge who signed off on this bonehead warrant.

A Pullman landlord notified police about a grow lamp in a closet, and police got a search warrant for a drug raid.

Eight officers with guns drawn surprised three roommates in the apartment last weekend and discovered they were growing tomatoes.

Commander Chris Tennant says its the departments duty to investigate all credible complaints regarding marijuana growing operations in Pullman.

  1. Mike says:

    Is owning a lamp enough to establish probable cause these days? I have a hot plate, maybe the cops should stop by just to check if I’m running a meth lab or not.

  2. Kent Goldings says:

    I used to grow tomatoes on the back deck of my apartment. By mid-July, it looked just like huge dope farm. Fortunately, by the time the police become interested, the plants sprout huge reg fruits. Imagine that, dope plants with huge red fruits. That’s gonna make one hell of a pizza.

  3. Peter Rodwell says:

    Maybe the cops had been watching my favorite movie, “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes,” and decided not to take any chances.

  4. Angel H. Wong says:


    You can do that if you replace the basil with baby pot leaves.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    The legacy of Rudy Giuliany lives on…

  6. natefrog says:

    Methinks it’s time to sue and force to cops/prosecutors/courts to explain why they think just one innocent grow lamp reason for probable cause.

  7. tallwookie says:

    This is non-news

  8. Gig says:

    There is only one person to blame here. That is the judge that issued the warrent. Unless the police or prosecutors lied on the affidavit to get the warrant then they have committed a crime (perjury) and should be punished.

  9. venom monger says:

    The local power companies will turn you in for having a higher power bill than your neighbors. They’re assuming that you’re using grow lamps too.

  10. Improbus says:

    If someone will genetically modify tomatoes to produce THC I will grow some. That would be the best fruit ever. Imagine a V8 made of those tomatoes. Mmmm Mmmm Good!

  11. Wanker says:

    #9 Depends where you live. Where I live as long as you pay the bill, they don’t care, they’re not a police organization. Start messing with the meter and they’ll turn you in real fast.

  12. Peter Tosh says:

    “Legalize It”

  13. hhopper says:

    I always hang fake tomatoes from my pot plants.

  14. William Walstrom says:

    So what possible legitimate reason could the landlord claim for looking in the tenants’ closet?

  15. Barovelli says:

    If they are just now watching AOTKT, they have a lot of catch-up to do.

    Seriously, this is insane. Crap, I have a little digital scale in one room for eBay selling. In another room are ziplock bags from Costco so there are 100s of them. In another room is a shotgun.

    Am I fitting a profile of a criminal?

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    A better story may be found here.
    Barry had been growing the tomatoes since the beginning of the semester and they had joked that someday something like this would happen.

  17. Hugh Bastard says:

    Good to see the taxpayer is getting thier moneys worth with the War of Drugs. Still, gotta have a War on Something eh…

  18. noname says:

    This is just a cover story for an undercover Monsanto GM crop police screw up.

    As you know, the United States Government, Monsanto, Syngenta, DuPont, Dow, Bayer and a few others act together, as a single group to decimate world cultivation of naturally grown tomato. They raided the apartment because the Landlord (a undercover Monsanto operative, whose cover now blown) thought the three PhD roommates had discovered a long sought for fungus free tomato hybrid. Unfortunately (fortunately for three PhD roommates) the mistake was realized when during the raid a fungus was spotted growing on a tomato.

    Geesh, John you need to do more investigative leg work before reporting. If I can do it, you can do it better.

  19. TJGeezer says:

    14 – Where does one go to buy fake tomatoes?

    Seriously – why in the hell is it still illegal for adults to grow marijuana, so long as they don’t go out driving while intoxicated? It makes NO sense, except as an example of the police state in practice. Pass the chips, man.

  20. tallwookie says:

    #21 – You know, I was thinking that myself, as 4/20 is coming up next week. It doesnt make a whole lot of sense (ok, yeah I know, this is america – but it makes even less sense than normal).

    They (they being the bastards that create & enforce bullshit laws like this one) say weed is a gateway drug. I was thinking about that – Alchohol is much more of a gateway drug in quite a few different ways. Drinking beer ususally leads to driking hard/refined alchy – drinking a lot generally leads to drinking & driving, which generally leads to death. Generally its not just the person doing the drinking that dies.

    I cant think of any person ever who has died while smokin the ganj. I got close once, but thats cuz the shit was laced w/ pcp.

    This is what we get for allowing a govt like this to continue, i suppose.


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