Schoolchildren to be fingerprinted in Big Brother-style shake-up – Soon they will be implanting RFID chips…

Up to 5.9million children face having their fingerprints taken by schools in another move towards a ‘Big Brother’ society.
Pupils will have to hand over their biometric details simply to borrow library books or gain access to school dinners.

Critics say it is part of a ‘softening-up’ exercise to condition children to accept a creeping surveillance society. They also point to the danger of identity theft, if hackers manage to access school databases.

We have also reported a similar story happening in the U.S. here.

  1. cool tidbits says:

    Just say no. Hell no. No authority has any right to biometric data if you are not a criminal. The UK has become insane with surveillance. If issuing a photo ID is not good enough I would take any kids I had out of school.

  2. nonStatist says:

    Damn right

  3. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    You guys are nuts. 🙂 Read the previous blog link, there’s little that can be added.

  4. vishwanath says:


    we want to do the business in india your school software and bio metric system so please send the details


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