Imus Fights for Job in Wake of Insults — This protest is being fueled by YouTube which everyone now has to consider when doing risky material. If this guy gets fired, then it’s officially the YouTube Age.

After a career of cranky insults, radio star Don Imus was fighting for his job Monday following one joke that by his own admission went “way too far.”

Two of the nation’s biggest media companies — CBS Corp. and NBC Universal — will ultimately decide the fate of Imus’ daily program after he referred last week to members of the Rutgers women’s basketball team as “nappy-headed hos.”

  1. billy says:

    On 28) Item 5) , I forgot to mention at Dvorak is not that stupid. Cranky maybe, but not stupid 🙂

  2. Greg Allen says:

    I think he should get a bonus two week suspension for insulting his audience when he claimed his was only a “comedy show.”

    “I was only joking!” is a defense that assumes you’re an idiot. Anyone who has listened to Imus knows it’s a very political show.

    Jerks like Imus and Limbaugh want to be taken seriously until they screw up… then they claim to be only comedians.

  3. Greg Allen says:

    #23 who gives a rat’s ass if it is a racial slur? Humans can be tall or short, fat or skinny, bald or not, different levels of intelligence, and oh my word – have different pigments to their skin too. And guess what, EVERYBODY has prejudices for and against all of these traits and more,

    We white guys get endless breaks because we’re white and guys. It’s been that way for generations.

    THAT’S why good Americans should give a rat’s ass about racism. Hold some Americans down and it holds down all of America.

  4. gquaglia says:

    Howard Stern will go down as one of the most successful radio performers of all times. For everyone who hates him there are 2 who love him, me included. He make more money in a month then anyone on this board will make in their entire lifetime. Imus is not and has never been funny, entertaining nor relevant.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:


    Is it because you are a minority racist, you feel you may paint anyone else of being a racist and expect it to stick. Just because you hate homosexuals, liberals, and Canadians and love god and your buddies behind does not make myself or anyone else racist.

    I gave the reference for all to go a check out your blatantly hateful statements.

    No you didn’t. You quoted something out of context and you didn’t link the quote so anyone could verify the statement for them self.

    I am not sure what make you think
    “#32, Well, you could start a Black Chapter of the KKK.”
    is not hateful and racist

    No, it is a comment upon your previous comments and attitude towards homosexuals. Although it wasn’t intended to at the time, it can also demonstrate my attitude towards your belief that only military people should have the opportunity to decide who Americans have defending this country. The hatred and bigotry you display is often exemplified by comparison to the KKK.

    I am just having my fun pointing out your hateful type. I look forward to many more exchanges.

    I don’t. People like you make me nauseous.

    Since you can’t find anything to point out my racism, I’ll award the Bluster Award. This dishonorable award is only presented to those who pretend they are in the right because they can invent more bullcrap then expected. Other notable recipients include Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Bill O’Reilly, and Sean Hannity.

  6. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    There should be required elementary school classes where each student is required to hurl a personal, hurtful insult at every other student in the class. By the end of the year, the kids who will grow up to be useful will have actually grown a skin.

    Truly secure people don’t give a flying crap what anyone else says about them.

  7. Jim says:

    Didnt really sound racist to me, just sounded like an old white guy trying to be “hip”. Which is probably worse in its own ways.
    Old white guys trying to be hip are whats responsible for 80% of the horrid commercials, everything being EXTREME, and eye-gouging scenes like Leo dancing to hip-hop on The Screen Savers and rapping.
    Frankly, they need to be stopped.

  8. Evorgleb says:

    Wow, the Imus thing is just crazy. I personally think people are making too big of a deal out of it. If any of you care to read it, one of our writers over at Highbrid Nation worked with Imus over at WFAN for several years and recently chimed in on the whole situation. He also reveals some details that the media is failing to report on in regards to the suspension

  9. mark says:

    37. “Old white guys trying to be hip are whats responsible for 80% of the horrid commercials, everything being EXTREME, and eye-gouging scenes like Leo dancing to hip-hop on The Screen Savers and rapping.
    Frankly, they need to be stopped. ”

    Or maybe Karl Rove doing the most embarrasing white boy dance in history. I’d put up a link to it, but frankly, NOBODY should have to see that again.

  10. James Hill says:

    Since when to people watch Imus?

  11. tallwookie says:


    Cant be any worse than the numbskull that we have now…

  12. BgScryAnml says:

    There are a host of opportunist, Sharpton, Jackson,, that will use yet again, another “incident” in an attempt to control speech i.e. thought. To those who wish to rewrite the first amendment, go to hell. Protest by lowering the ratings of his show but don’t censor the man.

    Read, “The problem with banning words” at

  13. noname says:

    If what you said was true

    “I don’t. People like you make me nauseous.” You wouldn’t respond.

    But you repeatedly do. I’ve hit on an some exposed nerve of obvious truth, you are indeed are major racist. Your repeated retorts to the KKK, makes me think you where or are still a Skin Head. You have too much repeated interest in things KKK.

    Because I’ve encountered your sick kind my whole life, I’ve learned to make a sport of exposing your self righteous racist elitism. It’s amusing for me that my views which are my own learned ways, and not part of a imagined black community consciences you feel I should belong too, that really irritates you. I really really enjoy that.

    I really do enjoy making self righteous racist bigots like you mad. I hope I can do this some more.

    Your false and incongruous statements “you hate homosexuals, ….love god and your buddies behind” really show me the hateful deviant you are. So much so, do Skin Heads like you really make it pass the 6th grade.

    Knock Knock, can Mr self conFusion come out to play?? Please, Please. Bring it on!

  14. MikeN says:

    Imus should be like the rest of the media and give fawning interviews to rappers who use much worse language.

  15. JimR says:

    noname, you are looking like a complete fool. To keep calling someone a racist when they are obviously not, makes you worse… a racial shit disturber.

  16. Podesta says:

    I think we should all consider what Mike said because I think it goes to the core of the issue:

    “And contrary to people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, there is no evidence at all of “racism” in his little quip… i.e. the belief that one race is innately superior to another.”

    That is exactly wrong. The racism in Imus’ remark is that it defines the women as something derogatory they aren’t (whores), and attempts to dehumanize them to dismiss their achievements. In other words, Imus is saying that their achievements should be mocked because he believes them to be members of an inferior group that deserves such mockery.

    The people who are supporting Imus are doing so because they like to see African-Americans ‘put their place.’ And, unquestionably, they believe that place to be an inferior one.

    I also think Greg Allen said something worth all of our attention because it is exacly right. When racists succeed in preventing people from achieving or in denigrating those achievements we all lose because the gifts of people being excluded are lost to society as a whole.

    Last, but not least, we will see more of this kind of behavior with Barack Obama running for the presidency. To Imus and his fellow racists, that is an African-American getting ‘out of his place’ to the point of massive heart attacks. Be prepared for a hale storm of racist remarks.

  17. Podesta says:

    I think we should all consider what Mike said because I think it goes to the core of the issue:

    “And contrary to people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, there is no evidence at all of “racism” in his little quip… i.e. the belief that one race is innately superior to another.”

    That is exactly wrong. The racism in Imus’ remark is that it defines the women as something derogatory they aren’t (whores), and attempts to dehumanize them to dismiss their achievements. In other words, Imus is saying that their achievements should be mocked because he believes them to be members of an inferior group that deserves such mockery.

    The people who are supporting Imus are doing so because they like to see African-Americans ‘put their place.’ And, unquestionably, they believe that place to be an inferior one.

    I also think Greg Allen said something worth all of our attention because it is exactly right. When racists succeed in preventing people from achieving or in denigrating those achievements we all lose because the gifts of people being excluded are lost to society as a whole.

    Last, but not least, we will see more of this kind of behavior with Barack Obama running for the presidency. To Imus and his fellow racists, that is an African-American getting ‘out of his place’ to the point of massive heart attacks. Be prepared for a hale storm of racist remarks.

  18. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    It’s “hailstorm” not “hale storm”, idiot.

    “In other words, Imus is saying that their achievements should be mocked because he believes them to be members of an inferior group that deserves such mockery.”

    Wow. That’s quite a feat of mind-reading there. You managed to get all that detail from a three-word phrase.

    You’re so full of shit. You make up this straw-man bullshit and stick it in someone else’s mouth. PCers are great at fabricating elaborate lines of bullshit that no one said and passing it off as if they’re privy to that person’s thought processes.

    Zeig heil, arrogant PC scum. You would’ve fit right in the Hitler Youth.

    – – – – – – – –

    In the ‘for what it’s worth’ department, it would appear that the fascists masquerading as “tolerant” “liberals” won this round.

    Instead of ignoring those who say things you disagree with, Political Correctness dictates that you be unilaterally judgmental and silence that person. Don’t let anyone speak who doesn’t share your attitudes and beliefs. It’s OK to silence people who say things you don’t agree with, since they’re obviously – as proven by the fact that they disagree with you – wrong. Freedom of speech is only extended to those we approve of. Everyone else shut up or suffer the consequences.

    Those of us who, however, still believe in genuine liberalism and the American ideal of freedom will appreciate this piece on HuffPo. Here’s someone who actually understands the true meaning of tolerance, as opposed to the militantly self-righteous Thought Police who’ll decide for you what you should and shouldn’t be allowed to hear…

  19. JimR says:

    “Wow. That’s quite a feat of mind-reading there. You managed to get all that detail from a three-word phrase…etc.”

    Right on Lauren! Exactly what I was thinking.

  20. Podesta says:

    Well, I am sure that Lauren and JimR, will support me saying that their mothers, daughters, wives are fiances are stringy-haired hos with lice.

  21. Podesta says:

    Correction: . . . wives and fiances are stringy-haired hos with lice.


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