I’ve said much of this myself, but it is chilling to see a serious British government report hinting of an oppressive dystopia fueled by ubiquitous surveillance and ongoing war on a variety of enemies against the state both inside and out. The current trend of us being driven by fear into allowing the most atrocious violations of our civil liberties will also certainly continue. Britain is farther along the path than we are, but if we do not watch out we could easily bypass them in “security” government.
Information chips implanted in the brain. Electromagnetic pulse weapons. The middle classes becoming revolutionary, taking on the role of Marx’s proletariat. The population of countries in the Middle East increasing by 132%, while Europe’s drops as fertility falls. “Flashmobs” – groups rapidly mobilised by criminal gangs or terrorists groups.
This is the world in 30 years’ time envisaged by a Ministry of Defence team responsible for painting a picture of the “future strategic context” likely to face Britain’s armed forces. It includes an “analysis of the key risks and shocks”. Rear Admiral Chris Parry, head of the MoD’s Development, Concepts & Doctrine Centre which drew up the report, describes the assessments as “probability-based, rather than predictive”.
Concern over how the government controls us goes beyond party lines as those in power will abuse it regardless of stripe.
Anyone been able to locate a copy of the report itself? I hate these “journalists” who cite reports but give nary a clue as to how to get the original material.
Maybe this one?
This isn’t journalism, it’s a blog. We provide interesting topics of dicussion. Sometimes we provide investigative links. In this case I felt that the readership understood (as it has been debated in various flavors) the core issues. The report is just a catalyst.
The important thing is what you and others here feel about the situation. Do you have an opinion, or are you just playing at editor?
#3 Alix, I think he meant the Guardian not you. FWIW. *shrug*
Freedom is scary; might as well have the government take it away just as long as they make me feel safe and give me free healthcare.
#5 – I hope the world does indeed “end”, so that I can enjoy my freedom/subsistance-level-existence out in the woods killing and butchering animals with my bare hands whilst you enjoy your fancy city-state technology and free healthcare.
#6, lol, calm down, it’s only the internet…
6. I think number 5 was being facetious, if not, then yes, he is a dumbass.
Orwell was right. Burgess was right. They both just had it happening a little too early.
Gilliam was right welcome to Brazil.
And we all have to thank George W. Bush and the dumbasses who voted for him just because Bush Jr. is a Republican and so are them.
Flashmobs? The media and other distractions will ensure that everyone stays seated on their as*es….like I am right now!
Thanks number 2.
Number 4 is just a Brit, longing for the warm embrace of his nanny state security cam.
Thanks number 4. I’m sure none of us would mistake Smartalix for a journalist. A for my opinion I actually like it to be informed, rather than going off half cocked.
I almost forgot, do we have to wear those “Vendetta” masks and capes?
Why don’t they play real football instead of soccer?
You worry for no reason about putting forth a lame opinion, as the ones you have already spouted here certainly are. Maybe if you actually said something about the issue you’d be closer to saying something intelligent.
#8 – dunno – didnt sound facetious to me…
#7 – if it was though, my appologies
Soccer IS THE REAL Football.
Besides, I prefer Rugby over american Football because it’s the same level of violence but without the kevlar armor.