Northwest Airlines canceled a flight with 180 passengers aboard after the pilot began cursing at passengers while the plane was being prepared for takeoff in Las Vegas on Friday, airline officials and witnesses said.

“He was having a fit, swearing up a storm,” a passenger on the flight said. “He was saying ‘F this’ and ‘F that.'” – to someone on his cellphone.

When confronted about it by passengers, the pilot became “obscene” and began cursing at the customers, she said. “He made a big disturbance.”

The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police and the local FAA flight standards office were notified, Gregor said. Police arrived on the scene, pulled the pilot aside and interviewed him. The FAA officials called Northwest Airlines headquarters.

The airline decided to remove the pilot from the aircraft and fly him to Detroit for further questioning. Northwest Airlines then canceled the flight, apologized for the delay and offered hotel accommodations and penalty-free re-booking on the next available flight out of Las Vegas, a spokesman for the airline said.

It’s easy to make a small fortune in aviation. Start with a large fortune.

  1. Read says:

    Probably a good thing. A British Airways senior captain was in a rage over something and the plane crashed shortly after takeoff due to pilot error. I wouldn’t want to be in a plane with an angry pilot, regardless of what caused it.

    Better to be on the ground wishing you were in the air, than in the air wishing you were on the ground.

  2. moe29 says:

    Some jobs just don’t allow you to carry your bad day over into the office. A Captain is responsible for a lot of people’s lives when he goes to work. His boss would probably fire him if he asked for a personal day at the last minute…

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    Raging drunk?

  4. TheCurmudgeon says:

    Are there any studies out there to show a pilot swearing up a storm is more prone to crash a plane.

    What, you say there isn’t.

    How could that. Given that at any moment the pilot could be “happy” or swearing, this needs to be studied.

    We need a Attitude Nazi in every cockpit. How about a “Happy Button” that comes on every 30 seconds, press if your happy.

    How many time have people asked how you are and turn away, when you tell of something less then pleasant. Why do people ask questions they don’t want answers too. People are idiots as this Attitude Nazi who “confronted” this pilot was. Got to poke the angry tiger in his eye huh.

    Smile pilot or the customers will have your job.

    Only wish every one applied the same stupid standards to themselves. Then no more car, plane or train accidents. People are stupid, no wonder people are swearing.

  5. busdriver says:

    I am a commercial pilot and have received phone calls during boarding frequently. I am almost more comfortable in my airplane than car. Has anyone ever gotten in a throw down on a cell while driving- on the highway, in a neighborhood etc. Real safe.

    I am always amazed by people when they demonstrate the ‘a little bit of knowledge is dangerous’ principal. IE after announcing a repair is being made to the plane, I am asked ‘Is this plane safe to fly?’ I answer “I wouldn’t be on it if it wasn’t”

    Another time, I heard a funny bachelor party story from a friend, I laughed, and someone asked me if I was drunk in the cockpit. I delayed the flight while I was breathalyzed for the 0.0. The flight was delayed for an hour for that funny mans remark. If I had run over a taxi light, I would have been accused of being drunk,I am sure of that.

    As for NWA pilots, take a look at was has happened to them and there profession lately- 40% pay cut, loss of pension and poor work rules. And thats just a snapshot of what is going on at NWA. Any of you dealing with that?

    Everyone in America EXPECTS to pay $100 for a 2000 mile ride from NYC to SFO, but expects the airlines to run perfectly, not to mention safely, and with the best pilot around.

    You get what you pay for.

  6. BubbaRay says:

    You get what you pay for.
    Comment by busdriver — 4/8/2007 @ 7:10 pm

    I’ll bet I don’t have as many hours as you, but I sure can sympathize with the many predicaments you encounter. Watch out for that 1000 fpm updraft and downdraft at the outer marker. Passengers tend to get a little jumpy.

    From ‘Sam from Sales’ on WBAP a few years back: “Show me an airline that runs on time, and I’ll show you a bus company.”

    Hours and hours of boredom interspersed with moments of terror, but a great experience.

    Clear skies to you.

  7. Lynnsey says:

    Big Surprise!! A Northwest pilot in a temper tantrum-40% paycuts, extended work hours, and probably on the phone with pilot scheduling!! It is NO secret that pilots race to the bar after flying, and that the majority of them drink too much alcohol (anyone ever been on a Tokyo layover??) Pilots have a general history of drinking too much, cheating on their spouses, and voting Republican when they “work” for a living and belong to a union. It is clearly documented that Northwest has a very specific problem with their pilots– Fargo incident, Guam incident, and again if you could see a lot of these guys on a layover, you probably would never fly again. However, on the other hand, Northwest management covers up everything!!!! Not to mention that the mechanics are now “technicians”, and are really not qualified as the mechanics!! Apparently the dude with the stars and stripes just lost it, and you can be sure he will be taking a psych evaluation, and then will be back in the flight deck!! (or they will put him in managment) But with all the de-humanizing that Northwest has put it’s employees through, I am surprised that the entire operation has not folded. NWA appears to be nothing more than a parasite disguised as a “management”, and the management of Northwest is beyond crude. And any problem with the pilots?? Oh well, don’t we all know that they are the fair-haired children that are cherished, and everyone else is dog chow. As for the “customers”, well folks as ugly as it really is, airlines are PUBLIC transportation, and you better suck it up—you cannot walk , drive, or even hitchhike to SanDiego or Mexico for a $200 ticket so GET OVER IT!!! And when you get a 6oz soda for a 3 hour tour of the sky, don’t bitch– just get a brain cell, a calculator and do the math. All employees, including airline employees have a right to work in a decent environment, receive a fair paycheck, and have an employer treat you fairly and not as a slave for the managements greedy and ridiculous cash cow ka-chings!! The Ken Lay’s of the airline empire are here to stay, and the erosion of the industry is 99% complete!! So get used to treated less than human, getting less than reasonable service, and receiving less for your money because the parasites at the top are sucking out every single penny whether it is from the customers, or the employees!! Ask yourself this–How would I behave if my employer came to me and said “Your pay is cut 40%, you can work 50%more- and work a 22 hour day, you can see your family and friends 5 days a month, and I will only allow you to sleep maybe 6 hours a night??? glamourous!!

  8. Courtney says:

    All I have to say is if cursing while on the phone in the flightdeck is disruptive to passengers I AM QUITE SHOCKED!! I have loads of dirst on all types of pax, including the ones that fly once every 5 years and think they are intitled to “first class” service and the business men that like to reach out “grab” you. I am so over the “poor passenger”; what do you expect when you pay $150 for a RT ticket from NYC to LAX?


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