Male firefighter in wig and bikini charged in drunken romp | KOMO-TV – Seattle, Washington | National & World News — Geez. Ohio.

A man wearing a woman’s wig and a string bikini was charged with taking a drunken afternoon romp through a park, officials said.

Steven S. Cole, a 46-year-old volunteer firefighter, told an officer he was on his way to a Dayton bar to perform as a woman in a contest offering a $10,000 prize, the arrest report said.

He pleaded not guilty Thursday to charges of drunken driving, public indecency and disorderly conduct.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    There is something seriously wrong about a police department that would take multiple pictures of an accused then post those pictures for all the world to see. How would anyone in their right mind believe this man could possibly get a fair trial now. The police officer should should be charged with obstruction of justice.

  2. Dallas says:

    Support our Firefighters !

  3. Bryan Price says:

    I’m from Ohio.

    I’m not surprised.

  4. Noname says:

    John, is that you, you little cutie?

  5. meetsy says:

    Britney really HAS let herself go…

  6. bob says:

    this is sad.The only reason the cops took so many shots of this guy and then released them is to get their kicks. Cops are bullies with guns. This guy was not harming anyone. He’s a firefighter who risks his lives to save others. Anyone care? No. All we do is make fun of someone else’s misfortune.


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