San Jose Mercury News – Blood and a whole lot more on the bayou — What makes this part of our special End Times edition of Dvorak Uncensored? A two-time academy award winning actress getting involved in this cheesy crap, that’s what. That said, this is an excellent movie review.

A river of blood is but the first of what many in the town seem to fear will be a full blown set of 10 biblical plagues, matching those inflicted upon Egypt in the Book of Exodus.

And they aren’t wrong, although there’s a lot about this supernatural horror picture that is. Personally, I lost track of the plagues at eight, which is either fire raining from the sky or English actor David Morrissey’s unfortunate affectation of a Southern accent. “The Reaping” may deliver on its full quota of plagues, but I’m not sure the people who made it can be trusted to count all the way to 10.

  1. evden eve nakliyat

  2. Noname says:

    John, you know when you get your 2nd academy award, you will have just as many opportunities to get involved with cheesy crap projects.

    Until then keep on keeping on with your high class non cheesy crap projects.

    Thanks for the excellent film review. I wasn’t thinking about seeing “The Reaping” but given you saw it and your reaction, it must be worth the admission cost.

  3. Gary Marks says:

    Some of the scariest horror movies can be based on acts of God from the “good book.” The river of blood is as chilling an idea today as when it was first dreamed up thousands of years ago.

    What a coincidence that God was as obsessed with blood as the people who invented him were. He really felt special as a god when the people who worshipped him offered up a blood sacrifice to show their devotion.

    It’s a good thing PETA didn’t exist in those days. I’m pretty sure they would have been struck by lightning 😉

  4. EasterBunny says:

    #3, where was PETA when “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” I mean really whuz up with I35, the ‘cursed’ highway that runs north from Mexico.

    Atrocities including the Oklahoma bombing, the University of Texas tower shootings, the Waco incident involving the Branch Davidian cult and the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

    And isn’t the 20th century the bloodiest century in human history to date, yet it wasn’t worshippers offering God blood sacrifices. Instead it was rational people no different then Gary Marks, people like Mao Tse-Tung, Pol Pot, Stalin, and Lenin who have that “honor.” The common variable was the carrying out of the base underpinnings of their common ideology.

  5. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    As I’m notorious for being a sucker for authentic, bright, unconventionally beautiful wimminz, I excuse her this… Anyway, I’m fo’ sho’ not the only guy out there for whom HS’s presence is sufficient to lure me to a film that I otherwise wouldn’t go near with a dungfork. (Although the PC cliché-fest that was her last one, I’ll have to be hogtied to watch.)

    Anyway, it’s her agent’s/publicist’s doing – the recent spread in Vanity Fair and this month’s Esquire cover story are not coïncidences. So time will tell if this strategy of keeping her face in front of the public, even in vehicles like this, is better for her career then holding out for more prestigious / ambitious projects at the expense of losing visibility before the fickle public. My bet: if her next outing gets panned, before the end of the year, she’ll have new representation…

  6. Gary Marks says:

    #4 EasterBunny, you’ve got quite list of atrocities and offenders there. I’m not quite sure what your point is, unless it’s simply to say that the modern day brings malevolence that is at least equal to, and possibly even worse, than the evil wrought and inspired by the Biblical God.

    I would guess that the 20th century was the bloodiest simply because populations were higher and the more advanced technology of warfare afforded greater efficiency in accomplishing its purpose. Don’t fault the ancient tribes and civilizations for not being up to today’s high standards. When slaughter was their goal, they did the very best they could.

    Oh, and thanks for the candy this morning 😉

  7. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #6 – Yep. EasterBunny, listen to the man.

    Give those people way back when some modern ordinance and they’d make modern-day Bagdad look like the Summer of Love.

    Shame PETA wasn’t around back then; if they had, they wouldn’t be here now. 🙂

    #1 –

    “evden eve nakliyat”

    klaatu barada nikto

  8. Fred Flint says:

    #7 Lauren the Ghoti,

    RE: #1

    Do you really think a phrase used to stop Gort the Robot, “faultless policeman of the universe”, is going to work on a spammer for a Turkish moving company, based in Istanbul?

    This isn’t the first time they’ve penetrated our defenses. Nothing can stop the Turkish spammers! Nothing!

  9. Gary Marks says:

    Correct me if I’m wrong, Fred, but this forum hasn’t been victimized by Turkish spammers a single time since Lauren invoked the power of that great historic incantation. Those results alone speak for themselves 😉

  10. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Exactly, Gary – it’s efficacy is beyond dispute.

    I also toss peach pits out my car window to fend off tigers, and have seen similar results; not one tiger has been sighted in Houston since the commencement of my prophylactic measures…

  11. Fred Flint says:

    9 Gary and 10 Lauren the Ghoti,

    You’re both absolutely correct. I haven’t seen any Turkish spammers around here all day. In fact, I haven’t seen any faultless policemen of the universe – or tigers either!

    Many thanks!

  12. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Say, anyone see a tall, I mean really tall, metallic-looking chap come through here recently?

  13. Gary Marks says:

    Lauren, I saw a guy who looked like he might be partly metallic, but you know me — I hate to judge 😉


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